Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1425: Xueba Xu lack

“啥 Knowledge point?” Two dogs.

Everyone in the room followed the circle and looked at Xu.

"Don't you know that degree can increase the strength? And according to the precise calculation, we can accurately increase the force we need to a value, which can meet the ground breaking or not affect the lake ice! "Xu Xiaoxiao looked at the crowd."

Everyone looked confused and couldn't understand what Xu was saying, but it sounded like it felt very powerful.

"Wait for a moment!"

At this time, Xu lacked a corner of the mouth, and by the way looked at the installed value on the system interface!

It’s still tens of thousands of points, and it’s tens of thousands of points to meet the upgrade conditions!

"In fact, the principle is very simple. Suppose a stone falls from the top of the mountain. The intensity is very light, but as the distance it falls increases, the force generated by the stone will gradually increase, so..." &1t;i>&1t;/ i>


Xu lacked to explain this, suddenly **** smashed, condensed a fairy yuan, pointing to the pen, swaying to the ground.

"According to the conservation of momentum, if you rush down from the height to the fastest, then the moment of contact with the ground will produce the greatest impact!"

"In order to facilitate the calculation, the impulse given to the ground is neglected. The force action time is approximately o.1 seconds. It can also be verified from the calculation. The magnitude of the impulse can be neglected compared to the magnitude of the momentum. Therefore, the formula is ......"

"mv=(m+m)*v1, v1=(m/m+m)*v."

"Contact with the ground, it should be a fist or a foot surface, the friction is very small, so it does not need to be included in the calculation, and the force I received on the ground is set to f1, when I land at the fastest speed, reach the maximum traction, and the resistance Balance, so the traction is constant, and the resistance is offset. Then by the above formula, it can be solved!"&1t;i>&1t;/i>


"When landing, the degree is v2, and by the momentum theorem, you can get (2f2-mg)*t2=mv2."

"Then, the ideal stepping on the ground, in order to reduce the movement, ignore the friction, you can get the formula h = (v2 / 2) * t2."

"Through the above formula, I will be able to fly to the highest altitude I can fly, and the degree of my decline..."


For a moment, Xu missed the calculation process, and quickly wrote a pile of dense formula on the ground.

Everyone in the audience looked at the circle and was stunned.

No one can understand what these formulas are, what impulses are there, and what momentum is conserved. They are all unheard of words.

Only the two dogs were shocked and wide-eyed, and shouted: "This **** knows, this is the knowledge point on the earth, physical mechanics, the lack of brothers to open the road to learning, everyone applaud, do not applaud Not Chinese!"&1t;i>&1t;/i>

When everyone listened, although they still couldn’t understand it, they didn’t realize it. They followed suit and applause.

At the same time, Xu Xiao also suddenly stopped the calculation, took back his fingers, and raised a smile on his mouth: "Calculated, the final result is, at a rate of 1,310.20 kilometers per second. The ground is enough to break through the ground and will not affect the ice of the lake!"


In an instant, everyone in the audience took a breath.

What's happening here?


Can this group of infucible runes be able to deduct a precise number?

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s “Xu deficiency” to open a new posture, knowledge is power, especially rewarding 50,000 points for forced value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’ forcing success, and getting 20,000 points to force the value!” &1t;i>&1t;/i>

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’, and it’s a success, and it’s getting 30,000 points!”


Xu’s lack of eyes was bright and bright, and there was a ecstasy.

This wave does not lose, that is, solves the method of entering the underground, and also gets the forced value of the installation, not only satisfies the system version upgrade, but also a lot of installed value can be squandered.

"System, fast, upgrade now..."

Xu lacked the system interface immediately, and he was ready to let the system enter the upgrade.

However, at this time, I was always silent, and I was obsessed with observing the Zixia Fairy of the Snow Lake. I suddenly said: "You don't have to go down!"

"Hey?" Xu missed a moment.

Everyone in the room also looked at her.

Zixia Fairy stretched her finger to the white flame of the pile of coffin center, watching Xu lack, and said: "I just used the mysterious technique to cross the flame and saw a young woman whose bone age is similar to yours. If she didn't guess wrong, she is accepting the inheritance. If you dig it down, it is equivalent to harming her!"&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"..." All the people heard the words and instantly squatted in place.

This means that Lin girl really found her inheritance and is accepting inheritance?

My God, so to speak, this place is really no danger!

The things that the Xu Bangzhu just calculated are not... useless?

The eyes of all people, subconsciously looking to Xu lack, fell into silence.

"Hey, one operation is as fierce as a tiger. When you look at the record of zero and five, after the judgment, the host’s pretending behavior failed, and the system reclaimed special rewards!"

Almost at the same time, Xu lacked the mind, and also sounded the system's prompt tone, and the forced value was also deducted 50,000 points!


Xu was not happy at the time, almost hammered himself.


But when you think of it, if you hammer yourself, you will not hurt the system, and you will simply do it.

However, let Xu Xiaoqing fortunately, the system recovered only the 50,000 points of the special rewards, as for the forced value of the rewards in front of everyone, but did not recover.

After all, his behavior has indeed caused shock to everyone. Even if it was reversed, the system could not recover the forced value.

At the end of the last few tens of thousands of points, the forced value increased, and the total number of forced values ​​of Xu’s current situation has reached 2.57 million.

The system is upgraded from the 1o.o version to the 11.o version, and the required forced value is 2.56 million points.

So now, once the system is upgraded, then there will be only 10,000 points left with a forced value, which is a poor second!

But it doesn't work without upgrading. Now the version of the system is really far behind. It's hard to help, just let it upgrade, and enter the 11.o version, it will be a qualitative change. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

As for what the system will become, the lack of Xu is not clear, but I am looking forward to it.

"System, start to upgrade the new version, I hope your version of 11.o will not let this sacred disappointment!" In the end, Xu missed his mind and said to the system.

This is the only way to go. If you don't upgrade, Xu Wei will not continue to do whatever he wants.

Even if he knows that he is strong, it is the last word, but if you can open it, you can't do it.

“Hey, the consumption of 2.56 million points is forced, the system has successfully entered the upgrade, and the estimated time is ten days.”

Ten days?

still alright!

After Xu received the system's prompt tone, his face showed a smile.

When I returned to Tianzhou, it was estimated that the system had already completed the upgrade. At that time, I was facing the 11.o version of the system, which really made him look forward to it.

However, the key issue now is still...

Xu’s gaze fell back to the snowy lake in front of him.

He also has the same technique, but no matter how to condense the fairy, he can never see the white fire under the lake, and can't see Lin Yuxi's figure.

"青璇~www.wuxiaspot.com~What do you see as the woman you look like?" Xu asked to ask Zixia Fairy, and wanted to determine if the person who was accepting the inheritance was Lin Yuxi.


Zixia fairy brows slightly, pondered a little, seriously looked up and looked at Xu: "No, I am optimistic!"



[Second more! 】

(End of this chapter)...

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