Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1441: Debut!

"No, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"When the gods were extinct in our time, how could it be in this era?"

"Yes, there should be no **** in this era, or that it should not appear in Tianzhou!"

"Calm down, maybe we think things are too serious, maybe it's just a special treasure, just to isolate our perception!"

Several fairy kings voiced each other, and their faces were dignified, and they finally loosened their breath.

Xu lacked the shell of the gods, and successively laid out a few magical arrays. In the end, he also evolved a false space, hiding a number of smear-coated blades in the inside, and letting the several kings of the Shennong clan directly hit the head. .

This is all the credit of the shell of the gods, but this kind of thing is completely beyond the imagination of the kings.

Sometimes, the more you know, the more you feel scared!

For the monks with low realms, the power of the shell of the gods may not make them feel taboo.

But for the power of the fairy kingland, you can avoid the perception of them. No one can do it except the gods, even if the emperor has no way.

So they only scared themselves for the first time, thinking that the person behind the bombing gang is a god!

It was only after a few people's analysis that this scary idea was dispelled.

This era, indeed, should not, and there may not be a god!

No reason, but they believe in this!

"Is it... what kind of treasure is there that is comparable to the power of the gods?" Several fairy kings have now removed the blade from their bodies, and their eyes are swept away to the mountain not far away, and there is a glimpse of the brilliance.

This kind of poisoned blade can not play any role even if it can hurt them!

When they reach this realm, even if they are injured, they can recover from recovery in an instant, unless the strength of the impenetrable is crushed, and the last stroke is fatal. Otherwise, the existence of this level of Xianwang can almost be said to be "not dead." Not extinguished!

Now, let their eyes couldn't help but shine. It is that there may be some kind of gods in Xu's body, which can avoid the perception of the powerful king.

This is a supreme treasure for them. If you have this thing, it will be enough to form a deadly crush on the same level!

"Come on, come on, come on!"

"Come and kill us!"

"This **** is already hungry and thirsty!"

At the same time, not far from the peak, Xu deficiency and Duan Jiude and the two dogs, still screaming.

But this time, many of the kings are no longer rushing forward.

With this blade warning, they have taken it seriously. They are not afraid of Xu’s lack of traps and hurting them. They feel that if they try again, they will have no face.

However, it has been three times, and has been deceived twice by illusions. They are not allowed to appear for the third time.

"Come on, this time we are real!"

"The old man swears by the character, absolutely never lie to you!"

"This **** can not play three times with the same trick, you come over, life and death!"

Xu lacked a few people and began to call again.

However, the ten princes were unmoved. They had stood together, fell to the ground, looked at each other, looked around, trying to find out the possibility of some bans in this place, trying to find clues and then breaking them together. It.

No matter how you find it, this is a calm outside.

There is nothing wrong with the addition of the strong suffocating air in the air.

"Wait a minute, no, how are these suffocating forces moving closer to us?"

At this time, the young woman who looked younger, suddenly opened her mouth.

The other nine immortals also noticed that their brows were wrinkled and looked up into the air.

The existence of their level is not so afraid of arrogance, at least this degree of arrogance, they can completely ignore.

But if this suffocating is rich, to a certain extent, even if it is a fairy king, it will have to splash five steps!

"Oh, it seems... they set the ban in the air, and used some way to hide the forbidden runes. Unfortunately, these suffocating flows have sold them!" A fairy king sneered.

"I want to condense these suffocates to kill us? It’s really whimsical!" The old man of the Shennong clan also laughed and sneered.

It's not that they think this method doesn't work. It's just that this method is feasible, but if it is discovered early, this method will be useless.

Although the suffocating gas outside the Scorpio City is large enough, it takes at least a long time to concentrate on brewing in order to reach the level of intensity that can hurt them.

At this time, they have a lot of opportunities to avoid.

That is to say, when they discovered that Xu’s lack of arrogance at this moment, as long as the collective withdrawal of this area, the plan of Xu’s lack was completely shattered, and it was completely useless.

"Well, we don't have to waste time finding out the ban. If they want to suffocate, then we will go back to Tianzhu City to catch the same party of the blasters. They naturally have to return to the net." Shennong The clan's old man made a quick decision and chose the best way.

Since the front can't fight, then play a set of tactics around the back row, directly grab your people, see if you dare to yell outside!

However, the old man of the Shennong clan just took a step, but his face suddenly changed!

"This... what happened?"

He shouted and found that his feet were actually dragged by a transparent and silky thread. This ground, I don’t know when, was completely covered with a silk net!

"Well, this thing contains toxins, can invade our body, numb our body, and obstruct the operation of our sect, I am afraid that the toxins will not be discharged so quickly!" said a fairy king Shen Sheng.

"Oh, the insects are small!" The old man of the Shennong clan suddenly sneered, waving a green wicker and slamming his feet.


A touch of brilliance flashed, a few people instantly restored their freedom, the silk under the feet disappeared, and the toxins in the body were cleaned up.

"I am the old man, you have a good name in the past, saying that the law is not infringing, it is really extraordinary!" A fairy king suddenly laughed.

The old man of the Shennong clan was proud of his face and sneered: "These ignorant juniors have not seen much of it. I really thought that with this little skill, you can get stuck..."


I didn’t finish the words, I saw the old man’s feet suddenly smashing a white shadow.

It was an all-body condensed hoarfrost arm, clenched into a fist, with a very fast speed, the vast force, suddenly slammed into the wicker in the hands of the old man!

"Go away! The old man's fairy, you dare?"

The old man was shocked first, but the reaction was extremely fast, and he screamed, and the wicker in his hand burst into a glory and directly slammed into the fist!


With a muffled sound, the arm was shaken off, but the wicker in the hands of the old man suddenly became faint!

Followed by, only to listen to the "click", a dense crack, suddenly covered with a whole wicker, then shattered, scattered into a group of ashes!


The old man of the Shennong clan, widened his eyes on the spot, unbelievable.

The remaining nine immortals, including everyone in the scene of the Tianzhu City, were shocked and shocked.

This top grade fairyware is actually broken?

Was it smashed by a fist that was drilled from the ground?

"No!" At this time, the old man of the Shennong clan had already reacted, and there was a terrible roar.

This is the treasure of Tianzhou, which was the treasure of Tianzhou. He claimed that the law would not invade, but it could break everything. But now, it was actually smashed by a punch, and it is hard to believe.

"Haha, this is the sacred ice ghost hand of the holy, specializes in breaking all kinds of fairy tools~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You actually sent it to your door, is there a pit in your head?"

Xu’s lack of laughter rang from the ground, and the incomparable sorrow and sarcasm, “Two dogs, Duan Jiude, it’s time to do it!”

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, three loud noises followed, and the ground exploded three thunders.

"Three sounds on the ground, the explosion of the sky to help debut!" Two dogs shouted, drilled out of the ground, holding a long knife coated with venom, smashed to the Chrysanthemum of a fairy king!

That fairy king's face changed, it seems that I did not expect the two dogs to sneak out from the ground, and immediately shot to fight back!

But the old man of the Shennong clan suddenly screamed: "Don't bother, this is an illusion, their breath is running over there!"



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