Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1460: Blast this day

"Sure enough, the ancient five elements of chaos, control all five elements!"

The two dogs looked condensed, and then they sneered a little sneer: "Oh, but it doesn't matter. After all, this physique has not fully grown up, and the power to control is limited!"

"Limited fart, the flame of the kid is taken away and extinguished. If it is limited, can't stop such consumption?" Duan Jiude turned his eyes.

"You know a basket!" The two dogs immediately glanced and sullenly said: "This is just a flame, what is taken away, she can take away one, can take away ten, the **** does not believe She can take a hundred!"

"Hey?" Duan Jiude heard a glimpse of what he seemed to think of, and his eyes were shining: "Ha ha ha, I understand the old man, you are talking about the previously arranged ones..."

"Yes, it was originally intended to solve the ten queens, and they came out to fool this group of fools, highlighting the domineering of our bombing gangs, but now it seems that it should come in handy, that kid will definitely use it! "The two dogs said with a smile."

"Oh, interesting!" Duan Jiude also laughed.

At the same time, within the banned area, Xu lacked his hand again.


Three different flames of different colors, instantly tumbling out, suspended in front of Xu.

At the moment when the three flames appeared, the void was instantly distorted, and the strong high temperature, coupled with the unusually violent energy shock in the flame, made it difficult to maintain the stability of the void.

A powerful flame!

Everyone in the audience was horrified, and such a powerful flame would be no problem. This guy made three kinds at a time!


However, the soft human figure lightning once again waved!

The three flames were instantly taken away, and they flew to her in front of them, and they quickly dissipated into the air and turned into three white smoke.

"What does he want?" The woman in black suddenly frowned.

This kid knows that the flame will be extinguished, how can it continue to come out?

"No matter what he wants to do, it is useless. With the physical fitness of my sister, any five elements in front of her will be controlled by her, let alone this flame?" The fairy is very light.

However, the lack of Xu in the restricted area is also very calm.

With a smile, he looked at the soft human lightning.

"Xiaorou, do you like these flames?"

"These flames are dangerous, but since you like it, give it to you!"

"I said, you like it, I will give it to you!"

He said with a smile, the tone is very stable, with a kind of concern, very sincere.

Then, in the eyes of countless people in the audience, he suddenly raised his hands.


The ground was instantly broken by a huge force, and three flames of different colors suddenly rose from the ground and turned into three huge flame waterfalls.

"Is this enough?"

He whispered, not a kind of irony, but from the heart, to do all the different fires, to give a soft human shape lightning.

"If it's not enough, I have more!" He said again, and at the same time, he sighed: "Where is the bombing?"

boom! boom! boom!

The ground in all directions, suddenly bursting, a series of loud noises, sand and gravel splashes.

A black figure was taken from it.

In an instant, this area of ​​the ban is full of people.

Every figure is wearing a black robe with a red mask and three gold letters on the chest - fried days!


Dozens of figures are waving at the same time, and the three flaming fires are rushing out from under each person's feet and turning into three pillars of fire!

The void in the entire forbidden area was twisted into a piece on the spot and shrouded in high temperatures.


Everyone in the audience took a breath of cold air and was dumbfounded.

Fried days help?

Mom sells the batch, dare to have so many people who have to help the sky, hiding in the ground?

And everyone has these three flames?

The nephew fairy and the woman in black are also dull and squatting.

This scene is what they never thought of!

Under Xu’s lack of orders, he called so many people who had to help him.

"These flames are for you."

Xu lacks to say that, a large part of the figure is portable with a large piece of fire pillar, and the small soft-shaped human-shaped lightning gathers away.

Every figure does not have the slightest murderousness, it is extremely calm, silent, just like going forward to die.

However, the soft and soft humanoid lightning finally revealed defects.

Although she can control the five elements, so many different fires have completely exceeded the range of capabilities that her current realm can control.

She quickly controlled the power and wiped out many different fires, but other fires were sent to her, and those who were extinguished by the fires condensed new fires.


Everyone in the room was watching, and they couldn’t figure out what Xu was doing.

Send a flame?

What is the point of sending a flame to a humanoid lightning?

"Hey, this is the special feature of our fried gang, send warm!" Two dogs looked smirked.

"I am moved!" Duan Jiude was moved.

At the same time, Xu Xiao also looked at Xiaorou's humanoid lightning, whispered: "It seems too much, it doesn't matter, the rest, just I can use it!"

When the voice fell, he waved his hand and the rest of the avatars gathered around him.

Their movements were consistent with Xu's lack, standing in the same place, heading up and staring at the Scorpio, a majestic murderousness that permeated them.


Between the lack of heart and the heart, the ten fingers suddenly plucked out a glimpse of the glory, slamming the three huge pillars of fire in front of them and forcing them to squeeze together.

The rest of the figure, also followed his movements, squeezing three huge fire pillars.

"This... what do you want to do?" Everyone was surprised.

"The properties of these three flames are incompatible at all. He wants to condense the flames together?"

"Is this crazy?"

"What is the difference between playing with fire and suicide?"

Many people are exclaiming.

"It turned out to be this trick!" Zixia Fairy smiled slightly, remembering that Xu was missing this goods in the secret of Nanzhou, using this trick, ruined her half-medicine garden.

Outside the banned area, the black woman and the neon fairy are also full of surprises.

"He wants to condense these flames and deal with human lightning?"

"I don't feel like it. With his strength, if you want to shoot, it is enough to destroy human lightning. Why bother to make such a battle?" The woman in black shook her head.

"What does he want to do?" Neon Fairy asked.


Just then, a dull bang was heard in the forbidden area.

In the face of Xu deficiency and dozens of avatars, they all condensed a huge three-color fire lotus.

The whole fire lotus is almost comparable to the half-person, the color is fascinating, floating in front of them, slowly turning.

"Frying the heavens to listen to orders!"

At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xu suddenly suddenly screamed and shouted, one finger to the sky, roaring: "Take this piece of the day, give me a blow!"


The deafening buzz, echoing in the air, earth-shattering!

Dozens of figure, raise your hand at the same time, face the sky, palm forward!


The void immediately sag and fell into a large piece, and a loud noise sounded.

Countless giant three-color fire lotus, this moment suddenly plucked, with violent energy, running through the void, rushing to the clouds!



[The second is sent, everyone good night! 】

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