Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1467: Employment marriage

Ziwei Xianyu, Tiangong Academy.

At the second floor, a large number of small peaks are suspended in midair, like a piece of meteorite, surrounded by the entire Tiangong Academy.

Each mountain is the Dongfu of the elite disciples of the Tiangong Academy.

Jiang Hongyan’s Dongfu is in the most awe-inspiring area, and is qualified for her best in this area.

At the moment, outside her Dongfu, she is already crowded with people.

Standing in the forefront is a handsome man in white, dressed in white, the son of Ming Qianchuan, and the body of the birthplace known to countless people in Tianzhou - Ming Yixuan.

His hands were carried behind his back, and his teeth were bright and there was a high arrogance in the eyebrows. It was like the innate arrogance of the heavens, and the superior temperament of Tiancheng was extraordinary.

On the side of Ming Yixuan, there are more than a dozen Taiyi Wonderland strongmen from the Holy Family, all of whom are his beggars. These people are standing next to him, making people feel that even the green leaves can’t be called, as if Only for him, Zhan showed the extraordinary temperament of the birthplace. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

At the same time, the deputy dean of Tiangong Academy and others also stood side by side with Ming Yixuan.

Later, it was a group of disciples of the Tiangong Academy. They came from the various family powers of Tianzhou. All of them gathered here today to witness a world marriage.

The birthplace **** body personally brought a precious dowry and alerted the entire Tiangong Academy. Everyone heard it.

After all, from a few years ago, the combination of the fetal body and the heavenly body has always been a major concern for countless people in Tianzhou.

Once the marriage is successful, their sons will be the most powerful physique in the history of Tianzhou.

This is likely to bring a new breakthrough to Tianzhou, change the rules of Heaven, and help Tianzhou enter a higher era.

"Looking at the aura fluctuation outside the cave, it is obvious that the heavenly body is about to go out!" A disciple observed the aura over Dongfu and said. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"So moving, it is really a good thing, this time she will go out, the realm will at least be a fairyland?" Some people were amazed.

"Tian Xianjing? What kind of jokes, she retired for several years, comparable to me for more than a thousand years of retreat, I guess, she is at least Taiyi!"

"Taiyixian? Isn't that higher than the realm of the birthplace?"

"This is normal. In addition to practicing its own realm, the body of the birthplace also repairs the flesh. It is said that his physical state has reached Xiaocheng, which is called Tianzhou first!"

"Oh, to put it this way, even if the Tianyun body enters the Taiyi Wonderland after the customs clearance, it is not necessarily the opponent of the birthplace **** body?"

"It can be said that although the birthplace **** body has just stepped into the Golden Wonderland, there is that kind of flesh that is enough for a battle!"

The opinions of the people were mixed and the strengths of the two were compared. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

But no matter how to talk about it, in their view, two extraordinary physique people, even if they are in a state of mutual disparity, are fully qualified to come together.

After all, looking at the whole Tianzhou, I am afraid I can't find someone who is better than both of them!

In the eyes of many monks in Tianzhou, Ming Yixuan, the **** of the road, and the body of Jiang Hongyan, can be called the unique golden boy of Tianzhou.

So many people are also happy to see this scene, hoping to witness the birth of a new physique!

"Ming Xiaoyou, after the next appointment, what can I think about the layout of the wedding ceremony?" The president of the Tiangong Academy looked to Ming Yixuan, and asked with a smile.

Since the birth of the ancestors of the major forces, the nature of the ancestral tomb of the Tiangong Academy has also come out. The situation between the major forces of Tianzhou has also become tense, so the one personally nodded and approved the marriage. These, as descendants of their children, naturally obey the instructions. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"I have discussed this matter with my father. Both I and Hongyan are students of the Tiangong Academy. At that time, they will be in the name of the Holy Family and the Tiangong Academy..." When it comes to this, Ming Yixuan has a slight meal and is full of enthusiasm: " Feast for the Fourteenth Fair!"


As soon as this statement came out, the audience was stunned.

Feast the fourteen centuries?

This hand is too big, right?

You must know that there are more than fourteen forces in the Fourteenth Xianyu. If you are banqueting with those small and medium-sized forces, the number may be over 100!

Moreover, who in the 14th Sinian domain will not give the Tiangong Academy and the face of the saints, when the fourteen large figures of the four centuries are attending the banquet, this will certainly become a major event in Tianzhou, and may even spread the history of the Qing Dynasty!

After all, from ancient times to the present, Tianzhou 14th Xianyu seems to have not seen such a grand feast. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Haha, it seems that the thoughts of the Emperor and the Tiangong Academy coincide with each other!" The dean of the Tiangong Academy was not surprised. He smiled and nodded.

This arrangement seems to have been fixed in advance by several ancestors on both sides. These younger generations are obedient!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

At this time, Yunkong uploaded several short-sounding airflow sounds.

The majestic aura that surrounds the Dongfu is like a whirlpool, which gradually shrinks. A glimpse of the fairy aura shows a colorful glow, condensing a frost and covering the outside of Dongfu.

The sky above the sky, the cold wind whistling, falling snow.


Suddenly, with a muffled sound, Jiang Hongyan’s Dongfu violently shook a bit, just like a person’s palm shot, from top to bottom, cracking open a crack, and then the whole cave began to crack. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The colorful fairy spirits that cover the outside of Dongfu have also begun to blaze.

The snow flakes falling in the air became colorful and colorful, and an ethereal and graceful figure slowly stepped out of the cave house.

Her face is exquisite and delicate, her sputum is new, her nose is greasy, she is fat, and she has an elegant temperament and grace.

She has a gaze, but there is an innate power, such as the imposing manner of the world, the loss of God, and then self-defeating!

Everyone was staring at the woman who entered the world, and she was amazed.

A good luck body, Jiang Hongyan!

There is such a perfect woman in the world, it is really a miracle!

Although Ming Yixuan also entered the Tiangong Academy after Jiang Hongyan, she had several faces with her, but now Jiang Hongyan, who is now closed, is more and more extraordinary.

Even the old deputy director and other seniors of the Palace College had already approached the realm of no desire and no desire. At this moment, Jiang Hongyan was shocked as a god, and he could not see God.

"Ha ha ha!" Soon, Li, the dean of the Tiangong Academy, slowed down and gave a hearty laugh. He looked at Jiang Hongyan: "My Tiangong Academy can have such a student, and the Dean is very proud!"

"The dean praised!" Jiang Hongyan smiled and responded softly.

It can be said that she still feels inaccessible, even if it is a smile, it feels like a rejection of thousands of miles!

"Haha, don't say this, you just had to retreat, you should let yourself rest for a few days, but today is your big day, and it is a big day for our school and Shengzong to marry." Laughing, there is no intention to ask Jiang Hongyan's willingness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ming Yixuan is also moving forward step by step, "handsong, "I am rushing, but I have some rush, but my heart, the world can be From now on, you and I will become a Taoist, and live with you!"

When the voice fell, he waved his hand and countless storage rings, plucked from the sleeves and connected in the air to form a square.

After the void was distorted, the square presented a space of ten cubic meters, which was filled with countless heavenly treasures.



(End of this chapter)...

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