Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1472: I don’t believe it.

Within three strokes, killing Vice President Li?

Xu lacks a word and immediately makes one of the places in the place.

A big Luo Sanxian, even if it is invincible in the same level, encounter the same opponents in the realm, at least have to fight hundreds of rounds to kill the opponent.

What's more, Vice President Li is now the existence of the realm of Da Luozhen, Xu lacks a big Luo Sanxian, the realm is lower than the vice president Li, a small level, actually dare to threaten to kill him within three strokes!

This is simply to be sensational and arrogant!

Someone almost laughed and shook his head.


At the same time, Vice-President Li has already grasped the jade ruler, and made a rune in the sky, turning into an array, with a strong murderous temper, and rushed straight to Xu.

Xu lacks a still face, slowly and slowly finds a fake smoke to his mouth, smiles and swears: "The first move, smoke!"


He hit a ring, and Xian Yuanli instantly turned into a small flame tossing out and lit the cigarette.


Everyone in the audience is a glimpse.

This is the first move?

"Second trick, smoking!" Xu lacks a deep smoke, and his eyes are slightly blurred and enjoyable. His mouth is light and his mouth is slowly vomiting.


The audience was once again dumbfounded.

This is the second trick?

"Miscellaneous things, die!"

At this time, Vice President Li had already killed him in front of him, full of anger and fierceness. Under the wave of jade ruler, the array of plaques hanging on the top of his head instantly evolved into a dense sword, such as Showers and meteors, all of them are missing.

"The third move..."

Almost at the same time, Xu’s eyelids suddenly lifted, staring at the deputy dean Li, who was in front of him, and a cold smile on his lips.


The next moment, his body swayed instantly, blurred from the original place, and actually rushed to the dense swordsman.

boom! boom! boom!

After dozens of sharp swordsmanships, they fell on the vague figure of Xu, but they burst into the stars in the air.

The speed of Xu deficiency has not only weakened, but after a rush to the middle, suddenly flashed, and suddenly appeared on the side of Vice President Li.

"Not good!" Vice-President Li immediately changed his face, and his back suddenly burst into a chill, and his heart was piercing.

"The third move, you are dead!"

Xu lacked the smiling face with full suffocation, almost less than ten centimeters from Vice President Li.

He raised his arm and the whole palm was blooming with gold mans.

Vice President Li did not have any reaction, and Xu was short of a hand knife and knocked on the back neck.

"Click! Click on the karst..."

In an instant, Vice President Li was so rigid in the same place that a dense and crisp bone shattered and suddenly rang from his body.

The bones of Vice President Li actually started from the neck and were constantly broken.


There was a terrified and painful expression on his face. It was incredible to shout, but because of the pain caused by the flesh, it turned into a scream of heartbreaking.

Only he knew that the bones that had broken in his body were all deeply immersed in his meridians and Dantian House, cutting off his vitality and abolishing his cultivation!


At the same time, Dean Li couldn’t sit still, and rushed forward to protect Li’s dean.

However, Xu lacked the meaning of continuing to shoot. His hands were already behind him, standing in the same place, smiling at the two deputy directors.


Suddenly, Vice President Li’s mouth spurted a large mouthful of blood, and the pupils gradually enlarged, and slowly lost their luster. The whole person’s vitality was also scattered.

"砰", the deputy dean Li fell heavily on the ground and died.

Until death, his face still maintained the look of panic and pain, and even some confusion, could not figure out why he was so weak, lost to a big Luo Xianxian.

It is a pity that he died too fast. As a result, nothing was clarified. Only a scream was left, and he was told to others that even the soul could not survive.


The audience also fell into a dead silence, the birds were silent, and the needles were audible.

All the students of the Tiangong Academy are just like a chicken, just like losing their soul.

Dean Li was also a big sister, and looked at Li’s deputy on the ground in horror.

The birthplace **** Ming Ming Xuan, also kneeling in the same place, his face is full of shock.

Even Jiang Hongyan, also slightly wrong, surprised to see Xu lack.

Everyone did not expect that Xu’s lack would be so strong.

This is not a three-shot killing of Vice President Li, it is a trick.

The point is that he has not displayed any special laws. Even the fairy has never been used. He only relies on a hand knife to condense the power of terror, destroying and ruining, and instantly killing Vice President Li.

So clean and sizzling, it’s scalp!

"The lack of brother, 666!"

"Two dog teachers, you calm down, fried days to help the basic operation, do not call 666!"

At this time, the two dogs and Duan Jiude laughed loudly, screaming and screaming.

They watched the movie all the way, and there was no intention to help them. Instead, the pile of gifts that had been taken out to Ming Yixuan was close.

The people in the room finally slowed down, and the color of fear on their faces did not weaken.

Everyone’s eyes were on Zhang Zhangshui, and they looked at Xu’s lack of heart and shock.

Is it... Is everything that Zhang Zhangshui said is true?

The strength of this guy has already gone to the point where it is unimaginable.

Even Xian Wang can kill, even the day robbery can shout, even Xian Zun is scared away.

Then, he can kill the deputy dean Li, it seems normal and reasonable!

But all this looks, why is it still so unreal?

A Luo Luoxian, who is less than two hundred years old, is a very unreal existence in itself, and it is still powerful to this unimaginable level~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is how people can accept it!

"Xu deficiency, you are so courageous, I dare to kill the vice president of the Tiangong Academy!" At this time, Dean Li’s screams and rang.

His face was full of anger, his expression looked awkward, and he stared at Xu’s lack, just like Xu’s lack of life.

"Oh, what? You want to practice with me? Come on, I will let you have one hand, or the old rules, you can't kill you within three strokes, I won't surname Xu!" Xu lacks the sleeves, 贱Hey laughed.

Dean Li did not shoot, and the chilling mangk flashed, cold channel: "Xu deficiency, the Dean acknowledged that your strength is beyond my expectation, but..."

Speaking of this, Dean Li suddenly took out a thumb-sized jade bamboo from his arms and sneered: "But the dean is not convinced, you can really have a battle with the ancestors of the king!"


When the voice fell, the jade bamboo in the hand of Dean Li suddenly leaped up and blasted in the air. The scattered awnings were all a green rune, forming a circle in the air.

"Transfer array?" Two dogs immediately surprised.

"Mom, the big thing is not good, this old Yin wants to send those fairy kings over!" Duan Jiude also yelled.



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