Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1479: What is this operation?


As the system prompts abruptly sounds.

In the sound of a broken air, Xu lacks the feeling that the body is pushed by a force. The whole person suddenly plunges forward, and the footsteps in the air take a mysterious step, just like walking in the virtual space, the figure is extremely ghostly, erratic. It was the automatic display of the new fairy that the system just merged!

"I rely on, is this directly managed by the system to automatically fight?" Xu lacks.

"Hey, pretend to be a ghost!" Li Xuanqi squinted a little, snorted, and once again sacrificed the white sword, facing the face.


Jian Mang instantly tore the air, running through the void, a lifetime of two, two generations of three, evolved a dense swordsman, formed a sword array, directly locked Xu Xu.

"Not good, get back!"

Xu was shortly surprised and wanted to avoid this sword array.

But the next moment, he is not right now, he can not control the strength of this metal armor, the body is still sprinting forward.

"I rely on, the system, your eyes are lacking, this can't be beaten!"

Xu lacked the horse and shouted at the system.

This sword has been singularly swayed by the sword. He has already seen it. If he is being shackled, he will not be seriously injured. What's more, the swordsmanship that is facing so far is not hard. !

"Hey, the retaliation mechanism has taken all the combat results into account, and this battle can be broken without retreating!"

In the mind, the system responded with a sound.

Can this burst?

Xu lacked a glimpse, but before he could react, the purple gold in his hand forced the king's stick to suddenly shake!

"Dangdang! Dangdang! Dangdang!"

After several thick metal assembly sounds, Zijin forced the metal wrapped around the king's stick to produce a piece of metal with different shapes. Like the building blocks, they were dispersed and combined again. All of them flocked to the other end of the purple gold stick. Deformation, turned into a giant metal umbrella, dragged the body of Xu, and quickly rushed to the sword array!


The two dogs and Duan Jiude’s two faces were almost stuck together, and they exclaimed on the spot: “It’s good!”

Everyone in the room also had a big stunned look, and it was unbelievable.

"This is a good product, can it be deformed?"

"How can it be changed from a stick to an umbrella? How did he do it?"

"My God, this is too strange!"

"But by relying on a top-quality fairy, can you really break the fairy king of the fairy king?"

"The nonsense, certainly can't break, the fairy of Li Xuanqi's ancestors is also the top grade!"

Many disciples of the Tiangong Academy are talking about it.

Xu was also full of mistakes and circles, and did not expect that the system was so powerful this time.

Not to mention the effect of the effects of these metals, just relying on this hand purple gold to force the king stick, assembly into a purple gold forced king umbrella, it is particularly cool, the thief has a row!

"Ha ha ha, Li Xuanqi, you weak chicken, district sword array, dare to block me?"

Xu lacked a loud laugh, since the system said that he could break this sword array, he simply went out, and he was obsessed with life and death.


Xu lacks the system to control his body, the metal umbrella in his hand is facing the sword array, the umbrella surface is half open, and it is conical. The metal on the umbrella surface shines in the sun!


In a loud bang, the metal umbrella slammed into the sword on the front!

All the swordsmen formed by the swordsmanship, instantly collapsed, scattered into pieces of crystal fragments, dissipated in the air!

The white sword on the top of the stalker was also eclipsed and fell from the air.


Suddenly, Xu lacked the metal umbrella at the tip of the umbrella, and pulled out a metal rope. The rope head also carried a metal hook, and suddenly hit the white sword, and directly took it back.

"Hey, recycle a top-grade sword of the top grade, congratulations to the host to get the 'one million point refining essence'!"

Almost at the same time, the system prompts to sound!

The entire operation of the flow of water, without any mud and water, from the system to grab the white sword, to directly recycle into the essence of the refiner, in one go.

In an instant...

Li Xuanqi is dumbfounded!

The two sages of the Holy Family are stunned!

Some people were shocked all over the place!

This stick becomes an umbrella, so you can still hook it?

And this hook, directly to the fairy king of the fairy king of the hook?

"How can this be?"

"There is a mark of the gods of Li Xuanqi's ancestors on the fairy, how could it be so easily taken away?"

Many people shouted in horror.

However, the lack of Xu at the moment is also a circle!

That is a genuinely good product, is it directly recycled by the system?

One million points of refining essence?

I am giving you two million points. Can you return me to the fairy?

"Rely, system, you are a profiteer, lose your home, spit out the top product!" Xu immediately yelled at the system, he only had one piece of the best, and now he has a new one, but he has not had time. If you look at it a little more, it will be recycled directly, and your heart will be bloody!

Blood loss!

"Hey, the retaliation mechanism is mainly based on ‘retaliation’, please don’t care about these small profits!” The system responded indifferently.

Xu lacked an instant and collapsed.

no surprise! The ancients are not deceiving me!

This system is now the more upgraded chicken thief, the former is mostly profiteers, now not only profiteers, but also so stinking!

I don’t know who I’m learning, and I’m mad at it!

"Family, you, this animal, I will return the fairy of this seat!" At this time, Li Xuanqi was full of anger and anger.

He did not expect that his fairy would not go back, and the fingerprint of God could not be fully sensed, just like the fairy disappeared completely!


Li Xuan chess swung a big palm, the virtual space condensed a giant palm out of thin air, suddenly rushed to Xu Xu!

"Yeah? Oh, you still have a chicken, how many pieces of topware you have on your body, and quickly take it out!" Xu lacks sneer, the purple gold in his hand pushes the umbrella to take the initiative, the umbrella surface is all open, and the rotation is fast. It’s up!


Another loud noise, the giant palm of Li Xuanqi, was instantly crushed by a high-rotating metal umbrella!


Followed by, Zijin forced the metal block on the king's umbrella to change again, like a building block, and the rapid combination of one piece and one piece was transformed into a square ball, and the tip of the beak was black. The entanglement is actually the suffocating suffocation contained in the purple king!


Xu’s body shape never stopped. The metal armor on his body manipulated his body all the time, and he walked with a strange empty cloth under his feet. He jumped forward and left a shadow in the original place!

At the moment when Zijin forced the king to turn into a purple gold to force Wang Hao, Xu Xiaozhen also appeared in front of Li Xuanqi. The corner of his mouth was slightly stunned, and his hand was directly stabbed toward Li Xuanqi’s chest.

"Hey, look for death!" Li Xuanqi snorted, and the cloud was light and light, and then retired, and underestimated Xu’s lack of this!

However, Xu’s face showed a slap in the face.

Although the metal armor of the system manipulated him, all the immortals that were displayed were the new immortals that he had optimized before!

At the moment when Li Xuanqi retreats, two rice-sized light spots have already waited for a long time behind Li Xuanqi!

When Li Xuanqi retreated to the rear, the two light particles suddenly bloomed, and instantly changed into two flame unicorns, black and white, one yin and one yang, strolling in the void, and instantly rushed to the back of Li Xuanqi!


Li Xuan has a sense of heart, his face changed, his position changed with horror, trying to escape the two unicorn flames behind him!

His heart was extremely shocking, and the two flames actually made him have a strong uneasiness, even scalp!

Therefore, intuition tells him that you must not be infected with the two flames!

"No, it's still a little slower!" Xu missed Li Xuanqi almost quickly got rid of the sprint range of the flame unicorn, could not help but frown, and the dark road sighed.


But at this moment, the square in his hand was once again shocked, and a heavy metal assembly sound!

The metal block was re-evolved into a molten metal, just like a river, disappearing into the void, but instantly smashed behind Li Xuanqi, quickly condensed into a sturdy tip, and ... still with a bend!


In just one moment, the whole **** was run through behind Li Xuanqi, rushing out from the chest, bringing out a large piece of blood, and swiftly returned to the top of the purple gold smashed king stick in the hands of Xu, and Fang Yi became one!

The audience was in a dead silence!

Li Xuanqi was pale and stared at the blood hole that was pierced through his chest!

The two kings of the sacred sage are also exposed to the sorrowful color ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ unbelievable!

Many disciples of the Tiangong Academy, together with Jiang Hongyan and Zixia Fairy, were also surprised!

There is only one thought left in everyone's mind: What is this operation?



[Sorry, I wrote half of the feeling last night, and then I have to go to the Mid-Autumn Festival with my parents at noon today, so go to bed early! Then here, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 】

:. :...

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