Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1492: Ability?

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"I rely on, kid, you must be evil!" Duan Jiude looked at Xu lack of eyes.

"In the middle of a fart evil, this **** respects the head as a guarantee, he is definitely in the illusion!" The two dogs vowed, very sure.

They only met the illusion when they were two, but Xu was nothing, and now it’s the turn of Xu’s illusion, but it’s not surprising!

The problem is that Xu lacks a state of defense mechanism and can immunize illusions for a while!

So at this moment, he is quite sure that the immunization time is not over yet, and he is absolutely impossible to be in the illusion. If he is systematic, he can still believe unconditionally!

So... what is this special situation?

Xu wrinkled his brow and called out the system directly. He thought: "System, check what this black cloth is!"

"Oh, after testing, the item is a shroud, which absorbs the last sigh of the predecessors of the Xianzun strong, and derives a sense of spirituality!" The system immediately responded.

"Derived from spiritual knowledge, isn't that a clever thing? Why is it that I alone heard her talking?" Xu was short of wonder.

"Oh, because the shroud is not enough, it can't bear the spiritual growth and become a spirit, but in various circumstances, the spiritual knowledge in the shroud has changed and become a kind of spiritual existence, but Far less powerful, even closer to the ghosts described by mortals, only a small number of people can perceive her voice!" The system came directly to a detailed explanation.

Xu lacked a slight sigh: "So, is it that I belong to a small number of people? Is it because of the purity of the heart and the handsome appearance?"

"Hey, the intelligence is higher than the average person, you can perceive this kind of sound!" The system is faint.

"Hello hahaha!"

Xu lacked a moment and laughed.

Is intelligence higher than ordinary people?

Haha, that would make sense. With the IQ of the two dogs and Duan Jiude, I can't hear the sound of this black cloth. It is really normal!

"Kid, how come you suddenly laughed?" The two dogs were stunned by the lack of laughter.

"Well, this illusion is a bit powerful!" Duan Jiude looked dull.

"No, no, this is not an illusion, but a test of IQ. Only people with superior intelligence can hear the sound of this black cloth!" Xu Xiaoxiao looked at the two dogs and Duan Jiude, and his mouth swelled. A touch of teasing.

The two dogs immediately sneered out, looking at Duan Jiude with disdain, full of disdain.

Duan Jiude immediately smashed, and Xu looked at him like this, he could understand.

What can two dogs do?

"Rely, two dogs, what are you wearing, can you hear the sound of black cloth?" Duan Jiude immediately broke.

"Fart, how do you know that this **** has not heard? This **** is just not wanting to say it!" Two dogs looked proud.

"I rub, you point to Bilian..."

"I have done it, don't make trouble, first solve this black cloth, then go in and do the right thing!" Xu looked at the two goods and had to make trouble, and quickly interrupted the words of Duan Jiude.

At the same time, he also took out a fireworks at the same time, his eyes locked the black cloth, and smiled lightly: "Give you a time to let go, and let go, or a fire will burn you!"

"No, you deceitful people, I will never let you hurt my master!" the female voice in the black cloth shouted.

Xu lacked eyebrows and shook his head and smiled: "Don't pretend, you have a heart-wrenching sorrow. When I was yin, I didn't see you so simple! You can grow to this point by relying on a broken shroud. Still dare to say that the spirit of these two people is not absorbed by you?"

"..." The black cloth instantly fell into a quiet state. It seems that it was dismantled by Xu, and some did not know how to continue.

"Hurry up and go, in fact, you kill these people, and I have nothing to do with me. I just wake up the strong inside, and immediately leave, you don't have to stop me here!" Xu Xiaoxiao shouted.

To be honest, he is really lazy to deal with this black cloth, just want to wake up a few Xian Wang in the past, and then get the system reward, immediately slipped.

However, his voice just fell, the black shroud suddenly exudes a murderous, "嗖" and instantly smashed away.

"Hey?" Xu wrinkled his brow, this black cloth is really gone, but the murderous, obviously not right!


Almost at the same time, the two dogs screamed and suddenly flew up from the place.

"Rely, this black cloth is hands-on, Mom, she is sucking the blood of the gods!" The two dogs whispered a hoarse voice.

Xu lacked eyelids to sweep away, the two dogs' necks were completely wrapped in the black shroud, hanging directly in the air!

"It seems that you really want to die!" Xu suddenly turned black and shouted.

"Oh, your strength is not enough in front of this seat. Is it only an illusion for you to use this seat? Since the illusion is useless to you, toasting and not drinking fine wine, then don't blame it." The female voice in the black cloth screamed and was full of sin.

Xu could not help but shrug his shoulders, the spiritual knowledge in this black cloth, the origin is still from the breath of those cents of the strong, and how much still inherits the inner dark side of these fairy respects.

However, Xu lacks a heart to smother and ridicule evil. He is too lazy to take care of this black cloth. But now that this black cloth is going to get them, then there is no way to endure it!

"System, give me the revenge mechanism, and hook this shroud!" Xu missed the heart and called out the system.

The most troublesome thing about this black cloth is that it is a ghost, the speed is too fast, and it is impossible to capture its trace with the soul.

However, under the system's revenge mechanism, those metals have the ability to track. Before that, they can trace the fairy of Li Xuanqi. Now it is easy to hook the shroud. It is naturally easy!

“Hey, because the target level is too low, it is not recommended to take a revenge mechanism. The host can use the forced plunder function. According to the target level, it only costs 100 points to force the value!”

The system prompts to sound.

Xu lacked a glimpse and asked: "When taking the revenge mechanism, how long does it take to process the whole process?"

"Hey, at least 11 seconds!"

"That's it, just force it to plunder!" Xu shook his head and shook his head.

The revenge mechanism has a forced value of 10 points per second. In 11 seconds, it has to consume 110 points to force the value. It is 10 points more than the forced plunder. It cannot be wasted!


Almost at the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xu lacked an invisible force, and swept to the front.

The forced plunder function is a function that the system existed long ago. It is only a function of this function. It can only plunder some low-level things. For example, the holy water of the year is forced to be withdrawn by this function!

I have encountered this black shroud now, although it is a little troublesome, but because its level is too low, it makes this function work.

"Ah! What is this? Stop the hand, this seat does not intervene in this matter, and stop working!" After the power of the system appeared, the black cloth immediately screamed.

Xu lacks his hands around his chest, his face is indifferent, this is not a shot, but also wants me to close my hand? nonexistent!


There was a crisp sound in the air, and the power of the system forcibly pulled the black cloth and instantly tore it.

"Ah..." The female voice in the black cloth screamed harshly.

The next moment, only listening to the "嗖" sound, the whole black cloth was swept away in an instant. Xu lacked a hand and waved, and the black cloth was immediately collected into the system storage space and directly suppressed.

The second dog was finally relieved, fell from the air, and was full of anger: "Hey, let the rag come out, the gods will kill her!"

"Get a fart, if you just have a little, just swing the dog's paw, she has already broken!" Xu lacked the two dogs to cast a contemptuous look.

The physical condition of these two goods is so strong, but they are scared to be able to fight back by a broken shroud. Otherwise, they don’t need to waste their own hundred points to force the value!

“Hey, when there is a sense of knowledge in the shroud, after the system is recycled, the host will acquire an ability and recycle it?”

Suddenly, the system sounds in the lack of mind.

Xu was suddenly missing.




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