Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1502: Tianzhou Big Ship

Xu lacks surprise and is very curious!

From the first time he heard that Tianzhou is about to change, and then when Xuan Rongrong mentioned it, the speculation time is within a hundred years!

Gradually, this time seems to be shrinking shorter and shorter, as if there is an invisible big hand, pushing behind it, speeding up all this happening.

"Isn't it just me?" Xu's forehead could not help but sweat.

After all, the shackles of Tianzhou will only be disintegrated after a hundred years, when the ancestors of the great powers will wake up.

But it seems that it was because of him that the kings were awakened in advance, and all of this suddenly accelerated.

Especially after the people in the Tiangongyuan woke up, the catastrophe of Tianzhou was suddenly close.

"The order is passed down, and all the disciples above Heavenly Wonderland and Heavenly Wonderland will quickly gather in the Chamber of Deputies." At this time, Bai Caizhen was already full of dignity and issued a command.

She turned to look at Xu’s group and hesitated: “Xu Daoyou, can this day’s grand ceremony go?”

"Hey, the day of the election ceremony, we will not join in the fun, Bai girl, since you still have to be busy, we should also leave!" Xu deficiency directly refused Bai Cai's request, ready to leave.

Heavenly election ceremony? Candidates for the day?

Oh, this is the son of the day of the election, and also participated in the heavenly election of the fart!

What's more, this is the grand ceremony of the old guys in the Tiangongyuan. If you go, don't you vote for yourself?

"What, you are not going to participate in the election ceremony?" Bai Caizhen suddenly burst into shock and said: "Xu Daoyou, this is a major event about the safety of Tianzhou, we can't ignore it!"

"White girl, I did not say that I ignored it! But we fried the sky to help us to get used to loner, we are a lone wolf action organization, not suitable for playing a group battle!" Xu Xiaoxiao shouted.

Bai Caizhen: "This..."

"White girl, you have to figure out, it is not only to participate in the grand election ceremony, you can save Tianzhou, the people of the election, in fact, nothing is great." Xu lacks a smile, turned and left directly.

A few of the two dogs and Duan Jiude, followed by a word, did not follow, and took the Chamber.

Bai Cai looked at the figure of a few people who had left, opened his mouth, and stopped talking. In the end, he still did not retain Xu.

She knew that even if she spoke, she could not keep it.

After all, she also knows that the Tiandian Grand Ceremony is the choice of the people of the election. It does not mean that this will allow Tianzhou to safely pass the catastrophe!

What's more, she still doesn't know what the catastrophe that Tianzhou is about to face. It is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

Everything is unclear, and how can there be reasons to force them to follow their own to attend the election ceremony?

"The saint, Xu is missing them, are they sure not to keep them?" asked a female disciple.

"Retain them? With our strength, do you think it is possible to stay?" Bai Caiyan shook his head and smiled.

"But the secret said, if you see Xu lack..."

"I know, but this should not be what we do. The order is passed down. All the disciples can't mention the news that Xu lacked them to appear in Yaochi!" Bai Cai said faintly, and at the same time, he waved his hand and destroyed the secret order.

She looked at the exit of the Yaochi Holy Land, and she felt helpless in her heart. She also reminded Xu that she could not offend the Tiangongyuan. Whoever thought that this secret order was followed by the information of the Tiangongyuan wanted, this guy is really... trouble!


At the same time, outside the heavens.

Xu deficiency and his party have appeared in the suburbs and stayed in a mountain forest.

"Tianzhou robbed, oh, such a broken place, even the Emperor did not, is it necessary to let the outside people stare at it?" Xu lacked his head and smiled.

I really don't understand that a place that has been isolated for so many years, there will be so many people waiting for it to unlock the shackles and carry out aggression.

"This may be related to a rumor of Tianzhou!" Zixia Fairy said abruptly.

Everyone suddenly looked at her and looked at her.

Zixia Fairy continued: "I have said before that Tianzhou is next to Xianyunzhou, but when I was in Xianyunzhou, I heard about some things. Tianzhou is a boat to the gods, in the future. In a period, it will fly to the gods on its own. Once the monks can enter the gods, they will have the opportunity to glimpse the Shinto, rank in the fairy class, compete for the gods, and become the gods!"

"What, this does not mean that the rumors are true, Tianzhou is really just a boat!" Mo Junchen suddenly exclaimed.

The rumor that Tianzhou is a big ship, he knew it when he was in Dizhou, but no one knows the origin of this rumor, which was passed down from generation to generation.

But now I heard Zixia Fairy say so, Mo Junchen is scared, Tianzhou is not only a big ship, but also a big ship leading to the gods!

"Oh, this is really possible!"

Duan Jiude frowned. "You think about it. No matter whether it is Xianyunzhou or any continent, there seems to be no existence of gods. In this place of Tianzhou, many years ago, there were gods, and there was a war of gods. Maybe it’s really a big ship that can travel to and around the gods!"

"Rely, this is the reason why the group of people outside the domain want to compete for Tianzhou!" Xu lacked the blink of an eye. It is no wonder that the fairy tales from the fairy tales and the celestial goddess ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou is worried, want to protect the fairy king of Tianzhou, and dare to love is also in Tianzhou!

"Where is the trough, isn't the gods worthy of being trapped in troubled times?" The two dogs panicked: "No, we have to go to Xianyunzhou and avoid this battle! Otherwise, it must be blood flowing into the river." So many fairy kings, even the emperor will be involved, this **** can not want to stay as cannon fodder!"

"When the cannon fodder is not!" Xu smiled and smiled: "But... we really don't need to smash this drowning water. When we take Tianzhou, we will run back and take the sailboat no later!"

"No, we can't avoid it!" Mo Junchen said suddenly, his face paled and looked at Xu: "Xu Bangzhu, I suddenly remembered another rumor, related to you!"

"Hey rumors?" Xu lacked a glimpse, and other people also looked at Mo Junchen.

Mo Junchen smiled bitterly: "It is said that the two chosen people who have passed through the love affair are the keys to the door of the gods. Only they can let the big ship of Tianzhou start, so..."

"What the hell? So I am one of the keys?" Xu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Can't say this, the accurate statement is that the person who chooses the day after the love affair is the key!" Mo Junchen corrected.

"That's okay, I haven't experienced the affair with Xuan Rongrong, but I don't panic!" Xu lacked a sigh of relief. He really didn't want to come to this drowning. It didn't help, and it was easy to become a target.

"No, Xu help the Lord, you should be panic!"

Mo Junchen anxiously said: "Now the people in the Tiangongyuan hold a grand ceremony, clearly knowing that they want to pick a new person who chooses the day. If the new people of the day choose to go through the robbery, the rest of the people will die. !"



[first more]

(End of this chapter)

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