Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1509: Reunion

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"Taiyi Tianshi, stolen?"

"This is not a thief. It is clearly clear that it is robbed!"

"How do you choose a new candidate?"

All of a sudden, everyone on the dojo was in vain.

Xu lacked this wave of operations, and the flow of water, just a moment, when the crowd reacted, the goods had disappeared with the stone.

Yao Chi’s young girl’s disciples are also stunned. Bai Cai’s face is also full of mistakes and bitter smiles. Why didn’t he think that Xu’s absence would come out like this? Now it’s really offending the Tiangong’s court. After that, Tianzhou has his own body. Land?

Many powerful people in the Tiangongyuan have already looked gloomy and angry at this moment!

"Damn, he was ran away!" A fairy king was murderous, filled the whole body, and the ground beneath his feet was silent and filled with cracks.

"The means of this kid is endless, and there are ways to change the looks and atmosphere. I can't even detect it." Someone frowned and looked dignified.

"If you can't get back to Taiyi Tianshi, the consequences are unimaginable!"

"You must find out, even if you dig three feet, you must not let go!" Xuanyuan red face chilly, Shen Sheng said.


At the same time, Ziwei Xianyu, Tiangong Academy is thousands of miles away.

There was a hustle and bustle in the air. As the glory of the glory was raging, a figure plucked from it and a huge stone was still smashed.

"Xu deficiency, you are this..." Zixia Fairy has already waited here, the two have calculated the retreat, and agreed to meet here.

But this time I saw Xu deficiency, the whole piece of Taiyi Tianshi was pulled out, and suddenly it was dumbfounded.

"Hey, don't take this broken stone, how to prevent them from continuing to search for the people of the day, not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of it!" Xu smiled and fell to the ground.

"砰", the ground suddenly sinks.

"Would you like to go back with it like this?" Zixia Fairy slightly frowned, Xu lacked such a large boulder, even if it changed the appearance of the atmosphere, it is easy to attract attention, and will definitely reveal the whereabouts.

"I also want to put it away, but there is no way!" Xu lacked a smile.

The weight of this Taiyi Tianshi is beyond imagination. With his small sacred body and the system's retaliation mechanism, it is even more difficult to move this huge stone.

Xu Wei also tried to store Taiyi Tianshi into the system storage space. As a result, the system refused. This kind of **** stone containing a lot of divine power, the current level of the system can not be accommodated.

However, in addition to the system storage space, Xu lacks the Qinglian world of Dantian, but it is also a place to store.

But even the system does not dare to accept things, Xu deficiency does not intend to rush to try, the small world derived from the chaotic Qinglian, he himself has no way to control, how dare to throw such a stone into it.

Therefore, in desperation, he had to take advantage of this Taiyi Tianshi.

Fortunately, Xu lacks another miracle, the shell of the gods, which can be isolated from the world, invisible, walking between heaven and earth, and Taiyi Tianshi will naturally not be perceived.

Only in this way, the two are also inconvenient to take the transmission array, only one way to fly, crossing the Ziwei Xian domain, rushed to Tianxiang Xianyu.

The whole integer is ten days, Xu deficiency and Zixia are now rushing to the forest outside the Tianxiang city.

Separately, Jiang Hongyan and Liu Jingning stayed here to wait, and created a cave house.

When Xu and the two returned, Jiang Hongyan and Liu Jingning were still there, and the mountains were as quiet as ever, and there were few people.

Obviously they have not been disturbed for these few days and have been immersed in the state of cultivation.

For Xu Xiaoyue to move such a huge stone, Jiang Hongyan and Liu Jingning are also very surprised, and it is even more shocking to know that this Taiyi Tianshi is the boulder that assigned Taiyi Tianshu.

Such a precious stone, this guy actually grabbed it directly?

Those immortals and fairy gods in the Tiangongyuan are not going to be mad?

Even if he is not at the scene, Jiang Hongyan and Liu Jingning can imagine the appearance of those who are desperately ruined. After all, Xu is not the first time to do this kind of ruin.

"Right, you must not use God's knowledge to communicate with Taiyi Tianshi, or else you will become a person of heavenly choice, and the trouble will be big!" Xu lacked a special reminder.

The person chosen by the day is simply a pit. If he can, he does not want to be the one who breaks the sky.

"Now I only hope that the two dogs can really find Xuan Rongrong. Let her see if there is any way to take back the Taiyi Tianshu. Even if I can’t get it back, I can only control this Taiyi Tianshi. We will not let the new people of the election appear, but we are still safe for the time being!" Xu lacked his head and sighed. Since he was a man of this day, there was a lot of trouble. The key is that he has not got a little benefit.

"In this case, it is better for us to stay here during this time. You just have to look at Fifi's cultivation problems. Other things, wait for the two dogs to come back, and make another plan!" Jiang Hongyan smiled slightly and proposed .

Xu Xiao also knows that this time can no longer run around. The group of people in Tiangongyuan is estimated to have gone crazy to search for their traces. If they go out to meet a strong man of Xianzun, there is no life worry. But it is also inevitable that you have to eat a bit of pain, why bother.

Therefore, Xu Wei also simply opened the cave to a spacious, dug out two holes in the north and south, built a temporary cave house, and also installed a variety of furniture.

Finally, the entire Dongfu was put on a high-level ban, and the shell of the gods was shrouded in the outermost layer, completely hiding the Dongfu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so two measures, two measures to protect, even if there is a fairy king Passing by the door, there is no clue.

Solving the problem of seclusion, Jiang Hongyan has already sat on the ground, offering a jade dish and exploring the soul.

Xu lacks to stand by and waits. Since the last part of the funeral valley, Xu Feifei has not been seen for more than ten years. But this time is like running water, and hastily passed away, but it does not feel long.

"It is reported that your hometown is not cultivated, but there are countless fun things, and you can do it without flying power. Is there such a place in this world?" Zixia Fairy asked Xu Xu.

Duan Jiude heard a lot of things about the earth from the two dogs, and more or less told Zixia Fairy.

She is very puzzled. Xu lacks such a strange genius. It will come from a place where no monk exists. The most important thing is that she heard that there are many strange things in the place, and she is really curious.

"Haha, of course it is true. After all, it is the crystallization of the wisdom of countless generations of people, but in the face of the absolute power of the immortal, everything is nothing." Xu lacked a smile, then shook his head again.

He has been to the earth, deeply understands that technology is strong, and can not stop the horrible power of the immortal.

However, there are still many strange things on the earth, and it can be confirmed that before the Henggu, there were indeed cultivators, but Xu was only a refining period, and could not be explored in depth.

If there is a chance in the future, he would like to go back and have a look.

"That..." At this time, Zixia Fairy opened his mouth again and wanted to say something.

Jiang Hongyan's piece of jade plate, but suddenly shocked, released the luxuriant glory, radiant.

Followed by, the two figures stepped out of it, Jiang Hongyan took Xu Feifei, came out!



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