Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1511: Crossing


A dull bang, Xu Xiao opened the Dongfu ban, and opened the shell of the gods, and a breeze suddenly boasted.

"Hey!" The screams of the two dogs screamed and flew.

"Rely, the gods have shouted ten kings and covered the tigers. You only opened the entrance. You still have to put our Xuanyuan on the eyes. It is just that!" The two dogs yelled as they ran.

Not far away, I saw Duan Jiude also shocked the tiger body, and screamed: "Xu deficiency, you kid is too ignorant of the sky, Xuanyuan Shangxian is here, can you wait for the first ride here?"

"Cough, help the Lord, pay attention next time!" Mo Junchen also coughed and added a sentence.

When Xu lacked his eyebrows, he almost picked up a king stick and swept them out.

Too shameless, it’s daring!

In the face of this sacred, this is the **** of Xuan Rongrong?

The two dogs and Duan Jiude will forget this. Mo Junchen, you are an honest man, what kind of fun?

"The day of the election was destroyed by you?"

At this time, a cold and familiar voice came.

Xu lacked to look up, Xuanyuan Rong slowly came, looked cold, with apathy in the daytime, seems to still hate Xu Xiao and her previous contradiction.

Xu deficiency is not a good-tempered person. When I look at Xuan Rongrong, I don’t want to hit a place. I sneer: "I don't want to destroy, can you still rely on you? Counting me, I have saved you." The second time, you are really in the middle of it!"

"Do you want to try?" Xuan Rongrong instantly released the pressure of the majestic, and flocked to Xu.


Suddenly a burst of air, an equally powerful pressure swept out and directly slammed Xuan Rongrong's pressure back.

Followed by, Zixia Fairy walked out of Dongfu, watching the Xuanyuan Rong coldly.

Xuanyuan Rong did not get angry. After sweeping Zixia Fairy, he immediately received the hand and did not plan to care.

However, no one in the room thought she was afraid. After all, with her strength, it was enough to crush the Zixia Fairy. But this move is somewhat incomprehensible.

Why do you face other people, Xuan Rongrong can be atmospheric and peaceful, and even take the initiative to give in, but when faced with the lack of Xu, always aggressive.

"Rely, is it too wrong to be handsome?" Xu lacks to realize this differential treatment and screams.

"The lack of brother, pay attention to your words, in front of the Xuanyuan on the immortal, do not let go!" Two dogs with a dog face, Shen Sheng reminded that the full wall grass.

Xu deficiency has been too lazy to pay attention to the two dogs, and it is time to clean up the two goods, but there is still something to do.

He looked up at Xuanyuan Rong and said faintly: "Since it is here, then come over and see something, you must know!"

"What?" Xuanyuan Rong Emei Road.

On this road, she has heard a few rumors. Xu lacked the heavenly election ceremony. For example, all the forces in the continent are wanted to pass him. Whether it is voluntary or forced by the situation, there is no one force who dares to speak for Xu.

The people in the Tiangongyuan also distorted all kinds of remarks. The people who made the elections were the saviors who saved the dangers of the Tianzhou. However, Xu lacked and fried the heavens to help them, and destroyed the heavenly election ceremony.

For example, today's countless people who don't know the truth have already ignored Xu as an enemy, and Xu Xiaoyi disappeared for dozens of days. There is no movement, which means that Fengtian has not made any rebuttal to these remarks, resulting in Rumors are believed by more and more people.

However, Xuanyuan Rong knows the truth. It is clear that the Tiangong Academy is eager to find out the true purpose of the new-day-selected person. Xu’s lack of this name is very embarrassing, but it is also known that she knows that after the destruction of the natural selection ceremony, she will come to see it. The reason for the lack of Xu.

Otherwise, if I know that the election ceremony was destroyed, she would also go directly to the people in the Tiangongyuan to liquidate it. It is impossible to come to see the missing side.

"You see it yourself." Xu was short of impatience and greeted Zixia Fairy, and turned directly back to Dongfu.

He really can't have a good impression on Xuan Rongrong, not only because of some misunderstandings, but an inexplicable rejection.

This is like you hate a person. It is annoying at first sight. There are not many reasons, no matter what the other side's actions, it will make you repel and resent!

"I rely, too much, I don't think so!" the two dogs immediately shouted.

"Yes, it's too much!" Duan Jiude seconded.

"Excessive!" Mo Junchen nodded.

"Yes, it’s too... Hey, you wait for me, why have you forgotten me?" The little Teddy, who was made up of the Eight-headed Snake, screamed and found that everyone had already walked to Dongfu. It wants to cry.

At the same time, the first step into the Dongfu Xu deficiency, has already walked to the huge Taiyi Tianshi, when everyone entered the Dongfu, they immediately re-closed the Dongfu to prevent the people of the Tiangongyuan from pursuing the breath.

But before he could come to talk, Zhang Xuanrong, who had just walked into the entrance of the Dongfu, changed his face.

"Have you stolen Taiyi Tianshi?" she exclaimed, and her mood fluctuated tremendously.

"Crap, or they will choose a new one..." Xu said with a cold cry, but when he said that he was half, he suddenly heard a muffled sound of "Boom", and the Taiyi Tianshi, next to him, shook The two flaming Jinmang completely imprisoned him and Xuan Rongrong.

"I rely on, what is the situation?" Xu was shocked.

His own fairy yuan was completely imprisoned, and the body could not move at all. He could only let the golden mang, and set him up from the original place.

The people in Dongfu were also shocked. The Zixia fairy was even more responsive, and they played a few celestial scorpions, but they passed directly through Jinmang, and there was no way to interrupt them.

"You made a stupid thing, a big stupid thing!" Xuanyuan Rong glared at Xu deficiency and shouted.

She couldn't help but the golden mans, and the body was already smashed into the air, dragging it to Taiyi Tianshi.

"What the **** is going on?" Xu asked in a hurry.

Xuanyuan Rong was full of anger, and wanted to bite Xu's lack of bite and bite his teeth: "Two pairs of selected people, once they appear in front of Taiyi Tianshi, will be regarded as active and ruthless!"

"What, I am going to rob you with you? By, why don't you say it early!" Xu was dumbfounded when he was finished, and his heart was half cold.

Do you have a love affair with Xuanyuan Rong? Don't make trouble, what is the difference between this and death?

"If you tell me directly, you stole the Taiyi Tianshi, and you are not..." Xuanyuan Rong said with anger.

However, if the words are not finished, Xu’s lack of the whole person has been smashed by Jin Mang and broke into the Taiyi Tianshi, disappearing without a shadow.

Xuanyuan Rong also flashed helplessness and unwillingness, and there was a bitter bitterness, followed by Jin Mang, and did not enter Taiyi Tianshi, completely disappeared.

Dongfuli suddenly fell silent.

Everyone was stunned, and no one expected that this would happen.

Zixia fairy looks at Jiang Hongyan, Jiang Hongyan is frowning, and there is nothing to be done.

Liu Jingning also slightly opened his lips, unbelievable.

The two dogs and Duan Jiude and others also smashed and looked at each other: "This..."

This special thing is too painful, and thousands of miles to find Xuan Rongrong, but made a big mistake!


At this time, the morning is sunny.

"Oh..." On the road, the harsh car horn sounded.

Xuanyuan Rong stood in the middle of the road, facing a car slamming her horn, full of horror and confusion~www.wuxiaspot.com~This... Where is this? She whispered, unbelievable, and her eyebrows were close.

"Sister, are you filming or neuropathy? What is going on in the road during the day? Go away quickly! The old lady is going to be late for work, don't think it looks great when it is beautiful!" At this time, Xuan Rongrong The car window shook, and a middle-aged woman shouted at her face with anger.

Xuan Rongrong frowned again and was thinking about what to ask, but the tail of the eye suddenly found a familiar figure walking through the front.

"Xu is missing?" She was suddenly shocked, and her mind was moving. She wanted to rush forward to catch up, but found that her body was not repaired.

"Well, the most difficult love!"

Xuanyuan Rong suddenly sank, but he couldn't take care of the other. He quickly turned around and chased the familiar figure toward the past.

Although the young man's dress is just as strange as other people, and a short hair, can look at the ambiguity between the eyebrows and the eyebrows.

"What is the origin of this little bitch, what is such a weird place? It is reasonable to say that the first love is nothing but the world of memories when the first time you move the truth. At this moment, I appear in him. Recalling the world, he should have been closed to memory by Taiyi Tianshi. Only I can remember him, and let him transfer his true feelings to me before he can untie his memory and get through this love robbery. Why does Taiyi Tianshi seal my repairs?"

Xuan Rongrong pursued while chasing, while whispering to himself: "Unless it is because there is no monk in this place. But in the case of love, once it dies, it is a real death, so this place without a monk is even more dangerous. This love robbery... fierce and less!"




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