Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1515: Open a newbie package

"I am also trying to save people!"

Xu Xiao is very embarrassed and helpless, but his face is full of sorrow.

Everyone at the scene saw that the goods were so ethical and almost mad.

It’s just too much!

The key is that this goods EQ seems to be a bit low. In the face of the young lady’s face, I am not afraid of the young lady’s anger.

Miss sister, don’t you face?

"Right!" Suddenly, Xuanyuan Rong suddenly opened his mouth, his voice was very crisp, and he nodded with approval. "If you don't like me, I will die with you. You can understand it!"


Some people in the whole place are dumbfounded, full of horror, unbelievable, followed by an uproar.

"The trough!"

"This... is it true?"

"So beautiful goddess, actually... actually want to post it to Xu?"

"Axi, isn't it so unfair in heaven? What is the advantage of Xu's lack of good looks in addition to being a little good-looking?

"Rely, when it comes to good-looking, I am too much on the cloth, which is no more than Xu Xiaoshuai? This is really unreasonable!"

Many people are astonished, and there is also a beautiful man who is a school-level, and even more frustrated!

However, these can't change anything. Xuan Rongrong only looked at Xu deficiency, and he was very serious. Some people who wanted to try to cross the knife and win the game could not help but hesitate. The success rate was too low.

Only Xu lacked himself, and now he has already opened the flowers.

This wave has gained 30 points of forced value.

He evoked the system interface, although it is a replica version, but the usage has not changed, but the things sold in the mall are obviously different from the real system.

When he first fell to the celestial world, the system added him to Linggen and presented the first chapter of the Taikoo Five Elements.

But this time just to help him wash the ribs, gave a novice gift package, and the basic sale in the mall is all martial arts, there is no law on the cultivation of immortals.

"Is this because the system is the reason for the reissue version, the level is too low, so that there is no cultivation of the immortal method? Or because the world is detected to be too weak... wrong, when the earth was returned to the earth, the earth was protected by the array. And the Kunlun Mountain also has a cultivator, and should not be judged by the system to be too low!" Xu lacks a slight eyebrow, whispering in his heart.

Although the martial arts in the system mall is enough to cope with many people on earth, it is a bit difficult to face even more terrible existence.

For example, atomic bombs, such as some hidden immortals in the world, are not simple martial arts can solve!

"But, after all, it is just a memory world. It is estimated that it will not last long in this place, and probably will not meet those dangers!" Xu Xiao shook his head again, and martial arts martial arts, always stronger than anything.

And Xuan Yurong is so eye-catching, if there is no strength, I am afraid I can't protect her.

"System, open a newbie package and see what good things are there!" Xu missed the heart and talked with the system.

After all, when I was born and cooked again, the novice gift package presented by the system in the past helped him to spend a lot of time easily. Nowadays, this newbie spree has some expectations.

This thing of martial arts is also divided into Wuwu Zhongwu and Gaowu. Low Wu is probably the ordinary boxing effort, Taekwondo or something. The strength and speed of the boxing foot are in place, and the reaction is timely. It is a low-power that ordinary people cannot easily possess. It is.

As for Zhongwu, it is a bit of awesome. What kind of light work is floating on the water, flying on the wall, and the sword is out of the air, all belong to Zhongwu. Probably the martial arts exercises such as the dragon's eighteen palms, the solitary nine swords and so on.

The level of Gaowu is basically enough to compare with the cultivators who have just begun to cultivate. Even the more powerful cultivators can be classified as Gaowu. This is a boundary that is difficult to fully distinguish, but As long as it is the top master of Zhongwu, it can be regarded as the existence of the Gaowu threshold.

Therefore, for this newbie package, Xu is still looking forward to it.

In the event of a high-level martial arts practice, it will be arrogant, and cultivation to the extreme can also be better than cultivation.

"Hey, the novice gift pack is open."

“Congratulations to the host for ten secret gold sore medicines, five strong Jin Gang pills, one grain of magic, two martial arts cheats!”

The system prompt sounds.

Xu’s gaze was immediately swept to the system’s item interface.

[Secret gold sore medicine]: healing the holy medicine, can make the wound quickly recover and heal, and leave no sputum.

[Daijin Jingang Pills]: After taking it, the power can be increased by one hundred times, and the effective time is one hour. After the aging, the person taking the drug will fall into a coma.

[天魔丹]: The ultimate magical medicine to improve internal strength. After taking it, you can have 50 years of internal strength. (Note that the skill obtained by this medicinal medicine can only be used in the "Demon Devil's Heart Law").

"Oh, these medicinal herbs are quite interesting, but how do you feel like a pit in this day? The fifty years of enthusiasm is very powerful, but the problem is that it can only be used for the designated martial arts, which is forcing me to go. Converting martial arts cheats?"

Xu lacked a corner and smiled and didn't care.

The system of profiteers, he had already known, but did not expect this replica version of the same, really can not change the dog to eat!

However, this newbie package is not bad. Just this medicinal medicine is enough for him to do a lot of things, not to mention two martial arts cheats.

Xu’s gaze, also looked at the two cheats.

[Spiritual rhinoceros]: There is no color and phoenix double flying wings, and the heart has a glimpse. Can attack and defend, but also a finger when attacking, is the world's first fingering!

This **** is Lu Xiaofeng's proud martial arts. It originated from the first finger of the Kyushu Wang Shentianjun and the teachings of the old Chu Liuxiang. It is not a murderer, but the martial arts that suppress the enemy. It is a unique and foolproof stunt. In an unfavorable situation, in an unpreventable state, defense can still be carried out.

[Lingbo Weibu]: Originated from the martial arts in the "Dragons and Eight", the singularity of the singularity of the singularity, based on the Yijing eight eight sixty-four hexagrams, the user follows the specific order in the direction of the elephant, from the first One step to the last step is just to walk a big circle.

This step is subtly unusual. The learner can use it to avoid the attacks of many enemies. In addition, every step of Lingbo's microsteps is closely related to internal forces. It is by no means just a walk. If there is no internal power, Lingbo will Micro-step walking will bring up the danger of self-destruction.

"Hey, I have two Cheats secrets at once. So it seems that this system is not too profitable, it is quite generous!" Xu smiled and nodded.

Although he is also looking forward to the emergence of some Gao Wu, but with his understanding of the system, the system can not be so generous, the previous stage can give a little bit of skill to the skill of the work.

But never thought of it, I immediately sent two martial arts cheats of the Zhongwu level, a set of dexterous fingers and Lingbo microsteps, enough to dominate the Quartet.

The only pity is that both types of martial arts need internal force to support the operation.

Internal force...

"It seems that I can only redeem what is the magic of the gods!" Xu lacked some helplessness, and moved into the system mall interface. Under the search guide, he immediately discovered the "Day of the Devil".

The next moment, he almost picked up from the ground.

"I rely on, your sister, a spicy chicken inside the heart, actually need two thousand points to force the value?" Xu lacked on the spot.

Two thousand points of forced value, placed in the cultivation of the fairy world, which can buy a few nine secrets, a few sets of arrays, or even a few different fires?

When did the forced value become so worthless?

"System, you explain to me the explanation, other people are pushing up the price, you are good, directly suppressing the price?" Xu lacks annoyed rush system to ask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ system does not have any reaction, as if It is a product of low intelligence, and there is no wisdom to answer questions other than the host instruction.

"Xu is missing? What are you doing, someone is calling you!"

At this time, Xuan Rongrong's voice came and pulled Xu from the system interface.

"Anecdote?" Xu asked, and his heart was quite uncomfortable. It was purely aimed at the systematic profiteers.

Two thousand points of forced value, when can I redeem the cheats!

"Someone is calling you!" Xuanyuan Rong was indifferent.

"Call me?" Xu lacked a sneak peek, and then listened carefully, turned his head and looked at it. Sure enough, there were several people not far away, shouting at him.



(End of this chapter)

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