Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1519: Current situation


A dull wind whistling, the golden dragon shining in golden light, claws and claws, swept away toward the front.

More than a dozen members of the Taekwondo community did not have the time to react, even if it was a reaction, they could not dodge at all, and watched Jinlong face the flight.


In the next moment, more than a dozen people were instantly rolled up in the air, and after the golden dragon passed through, they quickly dissipated.

But the dozens of people fell in the high meters of several meters, no one dared to harden, and the slamming voice fell on the ground.

Time, mourning into pieces.

Even if they practiced Taekwondo in practice, they also practiced anti-strike ability. However, this time they lost weight and fell from a few meters of high school. Without a head landing, they were also broken by a hand and broke on the spot.

But it is really that they are lucky, no one is on the ground, or else the brain concussion, but the brain is dead.

At the moment, the audience has already died.

Everyone is stunned and squatting.

This golden dragon, this method, how familiar is it?

Is this special about making TV shows?

Dragon 18 palms? Does Xiaolong have regrets?

Special effects DuangDuangDuang?

How can this be?

Ji Shengnan is also looking at the lack of face with amazement, his eyes are extremely complicated, and his words are stopped.

Xuanyuan Rong also felt wrong, although this method, whether it is means or power, is not as good as the most common practice period monk in Xiu Xianjie, but now she has been reduced to a mortal, how is this guy still? means?

The formation of the temperament, the internal and external release, to a certain extent, can be regarded as a little touch to the meaning of the method of cultivation.

"Is it difficult for this guy to come into contact with the real power, to enter the sacred world?" Xuan Rongrong was shocked, and immediately shook his head and vetoed this speculation.


Xu deficiency is impossible to enter the road!

According to the current bone age of this guy, and the power of this method, even if the talent is superior, even if it is exposed to a more intense aura, there is no precipitation for decades, and it is impossible to enter the road.

You know, when he first saw this guy in the funeral fairy valley, his bones were only twenty years old, and he couldn't be a few years away from today.

So in just a few short years, what happened to this guy, why can I step into the sky?

Xuan Rongrong associates with this, and the heart can't help but be filled with infinite curiosity.

In the past, she didn't understand Xu's past, and she didn't plan to understand it. Now she is forced to know, but she finds that Xu's past is so amazing and mysterious.

"Oh, unfortunately, the internal strength is not deep enough, otherwise it will definitely die!" At this time, Xu deficiency has already come to the members of the dozens of Taekwondo clubs, watching them whispering on the ground, but regretting Shake his head and snorted.

When everyone was on the scene, they took a breath of cold.

Nima, actually still want to die?

Xu is missing this goods is crazy?

Today, I have so many people in this way, I am afraid that I have to wait in the prison. If I really kill people, it is estimated that I will never return!

However, for Xu Xiao, this is really not a big deal.

After all... this world is fake!

Although everyone seems to be real, in the final analysis, everything comes from his memory world. As long as he completes the love affair with Xuan Rongrong, he will leave, and he is afraid of not killing. Human?

Xuan Rongrong also has a light face, she also knows that this is the memory world, even if it is not a memory world, killing a few mortal mortals, what is it? In the cruel place of the celestial world, this kind of thing is really worth mentioning.

"Okay, let's get, let's open the house!" At this time, Xu took a clap and turned to Xuan Rongrong. His face was full of smiles, with a hint of coziness and arrogance, which could fall on other students. In the eyes, this is a devil!

Put people in this way, and have the mood to open the house?

Many people have always been immersed in the horror of the set of 18 dragons, but this time they are suddenly missing, making eyelids jump.

"Good!" Xuan Rongrong nodded faintly, actually agreed.

She really doesn't know what it means to open a house, but she just said that Xu said that opening a house can promote each other's feelings and become a couple, which is what she wants.

If you can become a lover of mutual affection, and have a love affair, then there is still hope of living.

Everyone in the scene witnessed this scene, almost a spurt of old blood.

What a good lady! More temperament! Why do you just like to send a hug, do you want to take the initiative to enter the tiger's mouth?

However, even if more boys feel jealous and pity, they dare not come forward to say that Xu is not swearing, and even dare not come out to grab Miss Sister.

Xu lacked the trick of the dragon, and the golden dragon was shaking the heart of everyone.

In this ordinary world, who can think of it, one day, I will see the martial arts in the TV series, and it is so powerful that it has caused a major impact on the scientific concept.

In the end, in the horror of the gaze and silence of countless people, Xu Wei and Xuan Yurong shoulder to shoulder, step away.

The two went all the way to the back door of the campus, and Xuan Rongrong was silent all the way.

Xu is missing to say something, I want to ask Xuan Rongrong, how can this be a success, but just opened the mouth, but saw the back door of the school, a luxury sports car blocked there.

This sports car did not block the school gate, but blocked two girls, one of them, Xu is still very familiar.

"Lin Yuxi?"

He frowned slightly, but he did not expect it so fast, he saw the first love school flower girlfriend of that year!

"She is the one you like?" At this time, Xuan Rongrong, who had few words, suddenly asked.

She already knows that Xu’s first heartfelt heartfelt heart, named Lin Yuxi, also knows that this is the time to make Xu’s heart change.

But this is the first time she has seen Lin Yuxi's real person. The appearance is really outstanding. Although she is not as good as her, she still has some pressure.

After all, the words "Western Shisuke in the eyes of lovers" are not groundless!

"It used to be!" Xu lacked a faint response.

"..." Xuanyuan Rong suddenly speechless, and some disdain swept Xu lacked a look.

So soon it became what was it?

What was your excitement and excitement before? What kind of joy is the beginning of the sin? How are you gone?

So easily attracted by this seat, oh, stinky man.

Wait, no...

Suddenly, Xuan Rongrong seems to realize what it is. If Xu’s lack of change to Lin Yuxi, then he should have succeeded. How is it that the robbery is not over yet?

Do you still need to be tempted by yourself? Have you met the two feelings and you can get through?

In an instant, Xuanyuan Rong was in a dilemma, looking at the air in the air, feeling that God is playing with himself, giving himself such a problem!

Like a scum man, this is really hard!

"Xia, I really have an appointment with my roommate to have a meal, and I will have another chance next time!" At the same time, Lin Yuxi took the hand of the roommate and said to the man in the sports car with a smile.

There is no doubt that the people in the sports car are the Xia Jia Da Shao, who was already retaliated by Xu.

This scene, Xu is the first time I saw it.

In his memory, there was no such scene, but Taiyi Tianshi, even reduced what he did not know, let him bump into this scene.

"That said... On the day when Lin Yuxi expressed his confession, Charlotte was also going to ask her to eat in advance!" Xu missed his chin and smiled.

At that time, he was able to confess with Lin Yuxi, Lin Yuxi was staying in the dormitory, so it was inferred that Xialuoqing’s blocking Lin Linxi’s time was definitely a failure.

"Yu Xi, you don't have to be so prepared for me, but I ask you to give me a chance, just eat a meal, let you know about me, nothing more!" Charlotte is sitting in the car, full of sincerity.

There have been many students around, and they are watching this scene.

Lin Yuxi is a little embarrassed. She is not disgusted with Charlotte. She just can't produce love. If she is only an ordinary friend, she can accept it, but Charlotte's pursuit has become so obvious~www.wuxiaspot.com~She really can't agree, even if it is This is just a meal, and I am afraid that after I agree, it will make Charlotte illusion.

What's more, she already has a person's position in her heart. Although the guy's family is ordinary, he can take care of himself. He has a soul that he has a happy life!

and so……

"Sorry, Xia, I really..." Lin Yuxi shook his head, still refused.

But before the words have been finished, her eyes just happened to be on the Xushou who just left the school gate, and also saw Xuan Rongrong around Xu, and suddenly glimpsed.



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