Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1521: Have a conspiracy

"All in all?"

Hearing Xu’s lack of words, Charlotte’s almost a fist rushed to Xu’s face.

Damn, you can count a small person and a young woman to grab a woman. Now this young master will let you take a step and let Lin Yuxi give it to you. You still dare not know how to be good.


Is this the person who is your identity qualified to say this?

"Yes, all must!" Xu lacked a smile on his mouth, and nodded awkwardly. At the same time, he reached for Xuan Rongrong's scented shoulder, and it was frivolous to be more frivolous.

Xuanyuan Rong’s instinctive exquisite eyebrows, the gods rushed out to push the Xu deficiency, but then a glimpse

Oh, forgot, this seat is not repaired here!


After Xuan Rongrong indulged in a little, he did not move, let Xu lack a shoulder.

After all, this is a love affair. After all, this is not a real world. Take a shoulder and take it!

Lin Yuxi next to it is a glimpse of it, it is somewhat unexpected.

After all, the lack of impressions, although the skin is a little bit on weekdays, but it is not so frivolous.

More importantly, the lack of a sense of strangeness in front of him seems to be a bit strange, and the kind of arrogance is too strong. The sharpness seems to be more explicit than before, and he can still feel his madness in the vague!

This mania is not pretentious, but truly lawless, cynical!

"" Charlotte is also stunned at the moment, and his heart is burning.

In his eyes, a woman as perfect as Xuan Rongrong, Xu did not say that it was a touch, even if there was a thought of trying to commit crimes, it was a taint on this perfect woman.

But now, Xu lacks the courage to take Xuan Rongrong's shoulder, and more importantly, Xuan Rongrong actually accepted it!

Oh, this is unreasonable!

"You" Charlotte was immediately squeezing his voice and wanted to open his mouth to warn what Xu was missing.

But without saying anything, the phone in his pocket rang.

Xia Luoqing frowned, took out his mobile phone and looked at Xuan Rongrong. His face once again showed a gentleman-like smile: "This classmate, I am sorry, I took a call and lost it!"

After that, he did not care about Xu and Lin Yuxi, turned and walked a few steps and connected the phone.

The caller ID is Wang Li, and he is also one of the running dogs of Charlotte Rock at school.

However, compared to other running dogs, Wang Li is still a bit of a skill. After many years of learning Taekwondo, he is quite talented. He won a lot of titles in the game at a young age. In the school, he is the president of the Taekwondo Association.

Generally, when you need to do some physical education, Charlotte will let Wang Li take responsibility.

Xu lacks in the school and Zhengda Zheng and Xia Luo Qing fight Lin Yuxi, Xialuo Qing Gu Ji image, the face is not on the face of Xu lack of Yin, but this time Xu lacked because the martial arts club to provoke the Taekwondo community, but let Charlotte show the opportunity.

Therefore, the Taekwondo community has always been looking for Xu's troubles. In addition to the face problems, more is actually the inspiration of Charlotte.

At this moment, Charlotte is very dissatisfied with Xu Xiao, so when he saw Wang Li’s call, he chose to answer. He wanted to take this opportunity to bring Wang Li to come over. In front of Xuan Rongrong and Lin Yuxi, let Wang Li and others teach Xu is missing.

Then he and Xia Daxiao went out again, let Wang Li and others look at him and put a lack of horses. As a result, his image and prestige of Charlotte, as well as his appearance, was revealed.

"Hey! Xia Shao!" When the phone was connected, the voice of Wang Li was heard, and there was a trembling and pain.

"Xu was in the back door of the school, and immediately brought people to come and do him!" Charlotte, he did not care what happened to Wang Li, directly and concisely, and told him to do things.

"What, he is at the back door? Xia Shao, you rush to run, don't mess with the guy, the guy is poisonous." The phone screamed Wang Li.

Charlotte's engine couldn't help but sigh: "Xu is poisonous? What does this mean?"

Followed by, Charlotte's heart can not help but tremble, is this kid provoked poison outside, want to spread to himself?

"Ah? No, he is not poisonous!" Wang Li also realized that Charlotte was misunderstood and explained it quickly.

"Syphilis?" Charlotte squinted.

"Xia Shao, I mean this kid is very evil. Just a dozen of us have blocked him. As a result, this kid doesn't know where to learn the dragon 18 palms. Mom is exactly the same as on TV. Just rushed out, and the bombing and banging took us all down. Now we are still waiting for the ambulance." Wang Li was crying on the phone.

Charlotte is in a hurry.

Dragon 18 palms?

A dragon?


Damn, what the hell?

Is your Wang Li a fool of this young master?

"Wang Li, are you **** packing up?" Charlotte was sullen and whispered.

If he was not afraid of being ruined by Xuanyuan Rong, he would have picked up the phone and asked someone to educate Wang Li.

Wang Li at the other end of the phone was also shocked and quickly explained: "Xia Shao, I am telling you all. I don't believe you go back to school. Many people have seen it, but you can rest assured that I have already played. The phone called people, the people who used to know the game, the friends on the road, know some masters, the real masters of martial arts, and the martial arts clubs are not the same as the flowers and fists, as long as you nod, absolutely please move them!"

"Well?" Xia Luoqing listened, and then raised his brow, his face condensed.

With his understanding of Wang Li, Wang Li did not have the dog to say such things to lie to him, and he was at the back door of the school. It was true that he was admitted to the school and knew it.

That’s it.

Charlotte's gaze couldn't help but sweep away the lack of Xu, and the heart was shocked. Could it be that this guy really learned what secret martial arts? No wonder today is so arrogant!

In the status of Charlotte, the things and people involved are far more than ordinary people, so they are well-informed.

He clearly knows that there are indeed some martial arts masters in reality, but those people are rare, not accessible to the average person.

Wang Li actually has this kind of connection. Now, when I call this phone, I clearly want to borrow the name of his summer family and ask those people to help.

That head, don't you?

The answer is yes!

The best way to beat your opponent is to let him swell to the end, and then hit him in the most proud and best-skilled field.

You Xu learned a little bit of fur, bullying a few people in school, dare to swear in front of this young master?

Oh, you know nothing about the power of this young master!

"Yes, but don't be at school, I will take them to a place now, send the address to you later, you let the masters come over, as long as they are willing to help, abolish Xu deficiency, I can guarantee the name of Xiajia In the future, they will be the masters of the family, and they will return them." Charlotte said coldly.

This is his first time, using his identity as a summer family, and asking people to deal with Xu deficiency.

Originally this was the first time, two years later, he found someone to fake the derailment map of Xu deficiency, sent it to Lin Yuxi, and arranged another person to lead a car accident and remove Xu.

But now, Xu Xiao changed the original track in the dream world and introduced it all ahead of time.

The real reason, how much is related to Xuan Rongrong, after all, she is too charming, and Xu Xuan is likely to inherit the martial arts ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let Charlotte engine have to be tempted, Squatting.

Soon, Charlotte crashed the phone and returned to Xu’s lack of people.

"Xu, you should go out for lunch at this time. I just invited Lin to join us. If you want to have a few of them, I know a famous restaurant. The dishes are very special. I am doing east. Please, once, how?"

He is still a gentleman-like smile, polite and gentle, but there is a bit of chill in the momentum.

Lin Yuxi may not feel it, but for Xu Xiao and Xuan Rongrong who have been in the cultivation of the fairyland for many years, they immediately feel an ominous danger.

There is a conspiracy!

Xu Xiao and Xuan Rongrong looked at each other with a subconscious attitude, and they naturally turned their eyes away.

This short eye contact is a heart-to-heart meeting.

However, Xuan Rongrong’s choice is obviously different from that of Xu.

Her eyes are to warn Xu that there is no answer, there is a conspiracy.

However, Xu’s lack of care does not care. Instead, he is very happy and beautiful. “Well, where to eat?”

Ah, there is a big wave of forced values, to be delivered to the door!

Can you safely survive this scam, just see when you put the value of the equipment together!

Thinking of this, Xu couldn't help but feel a little excited.

I am back, the first is sent! There is a chapter later!

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