Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1522: Call someone

In fact, it is extremely difficult to break this love.

Xu was also very worried at first, feeling black in front of him. First of all, he was not interested in Xuan Rongrong, and even some rejection. Secondly, Xuan Rongrong was almost like this to him.

Want to let these two people come together, heart and heart, together with love?

Go to hell!

Although Xu is short of sisters, a set of ones, he is confident, if you use snacks, Xuan Rongrong is not difficult!

But the problem is that he can try not to hate Xuan Rongrong as much as possible, and not to use Xuanyuan Rong as an enemy, it is already very good.

I want him to use the snacks to go to Xuanyuan Rong, and finally to Xuan Yurong, two people become a Taoist, and their minds are connected?

Impossible, this does not exist at all, even if it can be used to impress Xuan Rongrong by various means, Xu deficiency can not pass his own customs, he can't like Xuan Rongrong, and he will never be able to spend his love!

This world of love is like, do not like it is not like, very pure, emotional things, can not come!

Therefore, the situation of the two is that they can't live without love.

If you change to a normal situation, Xu may still try it out, bear the burden of humiliation, and take advantage of Xuan Rongrong.

He can own the system!

Even in this dream world, he only has a reissue system. The martial arts cheats can be exchanged in the mall, but other auxiliary functions still have some residuals.

For example, how to solve this scam, the system finally calculated a solution.

The love affair they are facing now, the world of dreams that they enter, all come from the power of Taiyi Tianshi.

From another perspective, it can be understood that they are trapped in a very high-level fantasy array.

Everything in this dream world is completely based on Xu’s memory. It can make these memories come into being. It depends on those divine powers, following all the things in Xu’s memory to deduct and develop, but in the end, everything is It is false.

Therefore, the system can help to crack this "magic array", but it requires a lot of forced value!

Xu was originally intended to make a wave of pre-existing values, and then redeemed the "Demon Devil's Heart Law", and then served the Tianmo Dan in the novice gift package, instantly possessed 50 years of internal power, and practiced the rhythm and the Lingbo microstep When you are studying martial arts, you will be able to stand alone in the world and become the kind of martial arts master that cannot exist in the earth.

By then, he will be able to do whatever he wants, earn enough to force the value, and then let the system break the scam.

But now, he changed his mind.

The system breaks the robbery and requires a total of three thousand points to force the value.

According to his previous plan, it is necessary to first accumulate two thousand points of forced value to redeem the "Demon Devil's Heart Law", and then continue to earn three thousand points of forced value after the world, which is still slow.

And the emergence of Charlotte, let Xu Xiao see a moment in one step, and earn a chance to earn three thousand points in one breath!

Beijing Xiajia Dashou, the identity of this identity, as long as regardless of the consequences to deliberately detonate, detonate everything, I am afraid I will get more than three thousand points to force the value.

Of course, this is also a gamble. If the result fails to earn a value of 3,000 points as expected, then the consequences of his willfulness will lead to the killing of countless forces on the earth, in case of death. Then, it is really dead!

"Call... I haven’t felt this tension for a long time!"

Xu was standing outside a well-decorated hotel. Looking at the building, his hands were slightly clenched, and his palm did not know when he had sweated.

After he agreed to the invitation of Charlotte, he was taken to this hotel by Charlotte, accompanied by Xuan Rongrong and Lin Yuxi.

However, Xuan Rongrong's dress is a bit "fancy". The restaurant in this hotel is Michelin-level and has requirements for the customer's wear. Xuan Rongrong just went to the special elevator that can directly reach the restaurant. The receptionist politely stopped.

Originally in the identity of Charlotte, the restaurant will definitely give face, let Xuan Rongrong go in, but Charlotte seems to be interested in opening Xuan Rongrong, did not say anything.

"Yu Xi, do you want to take Cistanche to the nearby clothing store to buy a few clothes?" Xu lacks does not care about Xuan Rongrong and Lin Yuxi can not be present, he can vaguely guess the meaning of Charlotte, simply let Xuanyuan Rong went to buy some new clothes.

Lin Yuxi has been confused for a while. After all, she has not really had a relationship with Xu at this time. She does not fully understand Xu deficiency. She just thinks that this only male student who has a good impression on her seems to change a lot overnight.

However, Xu lacked a mouth, Lin Yuxi naturally nodded and agreed: "Well, there is a shopping plaza nearby."

Xuanyuan Rong was somewhat hesitant. After seeing Xu’s lack of interest, there was a slight surprise between the eyes. It seems that some guessed something, unbelievable.

"You all think about it?" She asked by Xu's lack of voice, with a voice that only two people could hear.

"Ah? What do you think of?" Xu was still stupid at this time, and some questions were wrong.

Xuanyuan Rong slightly frowned, and finally shook his head: "Nothing, you should be careful!"

She whispered a word and turned and walked away with Lin Yuxi.

Originally, she felt that Xu deficiency seemed to have recovered her memory, but Xu’s lack of this face made her have to veto the guess.

After all, this is the dream world created by Taiyi Tianshi. It is a world shaped by the memory of one of them. The owner of memory is only the one who belongs to that period. There is no reason to think of the memory of the "future". .

Therefore, at this time, Xu lacked the initiative to open her, so that she can only explain this situation for another reason.

She suspected that Xu deficiency should be aware of danger, but possessed martial arts, did not worry about her own safety, and opened her to avoid taking care of her.

After all, now she is really the power of the hands, a mortal!

"Xu, then let's go to order first!"

Lin Yuxi and Xuan Rongrong left, and Charlotte can't wait to speak.

"Okay!" Xu lacked the smile of the moment.

At this moment, he is like a lottery who is going to win the grand prize. The excitement in his heart, excited, can not help but shake his legs and step into the hotel door.

At this time, Xuan Rongrong, who had already walked out of a dozen meters, just turned his head and glanced at it. When he saw the back of Xu’s “shudder”, he couldn’t help himself.

"This guy, afraid to be like this, but also to open up my own alone to go to risk? It is still like a man!" She was shocked in her heart, did she misunderstand the character of this guy?


Soon, Xu Xiao and Xialuoqing took the elevator to the top of the hotel.

This is a restaurant built on the highest floor of the hotel. It is decorated in a semi-open-air style. The top ceiling is covered with tempered glass and can be closed and shaded.

The restaurant is luxuriously decorated, magnificent, and very atmospheric. It can be used for lunch at noon. It’s not rich and expensive, and the identity is very simple. Just a box or a table, maybe it’s a number. Billions of billions of projects, even a toast, have determined the employment or unemployment of countless migrant workers.

To a certain extent, most of the people who eat here are called the big bangs in the city!

The arrival of Charlotte is immediately attracting the attention of many "big guys" in the room. It is not important to talk in the restaurant lobby, or the coffee is not high enough.

But on the many tables in the restaurant lobby ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that many people recognize Charlotte.

"Liu Bobo, Lin Zong, Li Zong..." Charlotte is also very calm, showing maturity and stability that is not consistent with his age, and greetings with many elders.

Subsequently, under the guidance of the waiter, Charlotte and Xu Wei stepped into a large private room.


Just entering the room, the waiter still has time to put the tableware, Xu lacks a **** sitting on the chair, hands clasped around his chest, smiled and looked at Charlotte: "Call, how much is how much, I am a little anxious!"



[Second more sent! 】


. . . m.

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