Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1524: You are also called

The middle-aged man shuddered!

How is this possible?

Even if his master, nearly a hundred years old, his body is still very tough, just because he stepped into the realm of the great masters, he can put himself out.

The problem is that this air is released outside, and it is also invisible, such as the same gust, breaking through the opponent in the air!

However, Xu lacked a straight dragon, a golden dragon, although only the arms are large, but in the eyes of the martial arts, this is simply an absurd thing!

Too scary!

Charlotte was also sitting in the chair. He was sitting very straight and confident, but at the moment he was half soft and soft in the chair.

Before he thought that it was Wang Li who gave him a pit, and found a few rivers and lakes liar, and he was not able to do it.

I can see this guy playing a small golden dragon. In front of myself, after the middle-aged men were smashed, Charlotte was able to react. It’s not that these middle-aged men are too weak, but Xu’s lack of goods. What a special thing is a master!

"How? The audience friends, the authentic dragon 18 palms, no added, no special effects, 100% pure internal force to play the dragon, like the old iron, remember to double-click 666, point wave attention not to get lost!"

At this time, in the quiet private room, there was a lack of voice.

The goods are greeting at the phone lens on the table, with a big smile.

Charlotte and the middle-aged man on the ground blinked in an instant!

What the hell?

Is this guy live?

Grass, is he crazy?

He dared to broadcast this kind of thing, and he was not afraid of too much influence. Was he pulled to harmony or anatomical analysis?

"Hey, I feel that I am a false live friend. Welcome to come over and watch it. My address is hanging out. I want to come and single-handedly. I am wide-minded!"

At this time, Xu lacked the barrage in the live broadcast room, and smiled and responded.

This kind of thing is broadcast live, the first reaction of the audience is definitely a fake, it is a special effect, but there are also many people who feel that the anchor is intent, actually use the special effects to engage in live broadcast, at least in other live broadcast rooms, you can't see such a batch of cattle. Special effects.

Of course, more people are still spraying the owner of this live room.

Originally, this live broadcast room was used by Xu’s roommates. On weekdays, there was nothing to broadcast LOL, and he said something. Finally, he accumulates a large number of fans. He is still a little on the fighting dog live platform. Famous anchor.

Now the live broadcast room was borrowed by Xu. The original viewer who wanted to see LOL looked at the outdoors, and it was still a stranger who was performing a dragon, and he still expressed dissatisfaction.

However, if Xu Xuan said it, it still caused a lot of people's curiosity. Some people actually lived nearby. This time, they are already coming over and want to expose the special effects of Xu.

However, Xu lacked more time to spend time in the live broadcast room. His eyes were already swept to the middle-aged man. He smiled and said: "How? Now I still refuse to accept it? If you don't accept it, hurry up and call someone!"

After that, he looked at Charlotte and said: "And you, you are not satisfied? Do you want to call someone again?"

"You..." Charlotte was in a hurry.

Now he admits that Xu is very evil, but he will not really look too much at Xu.

The internal air is released, and the dragon is 18 palms. What about it?

Are you more powerful than tech? Can you still hold the bullets?

You know, some special bodyguards of Xiajia are equipped with guns!

"Okay, very good, as you wish, I am calling people now!" Charlotte sneered, and his heart was murderous.

This time, he wants to really use the power of Xiajia!

As a young master of the Xia family, he is not a straw bag. He can't personally end with Xu Xu, but he also knows that Xu's lack of this heresy is not in line with the socialist core values.

Offending such a person, if he is stronger later, it is always a hidden danger, and it must be dealt with as soon as possible. Even if it is not handled, it must be grasped and studied, so as not to fall into the hands of others!

Plus Xu is still so arrogant now, and before he has not really made things big, he will solve it, and that is the right choice.

Otherwise, more people will stare at him and want to get him again. It is really difficult.

Moreover, with the power of Xiajia, it is still very easy to let a small student disappear, at least for now, this is the case!

Therefore, this small cost thing, Charlotte Sports does not mind doing it once!


In an instant, he took out his mobile phone, but he still hid under the table and quietly sent a message.

At the same time, the middle-aged man struggled to get up from the ground, touched the phone, shrank in the corner, and dialed a phone call.



At this time, the door of the private room was tapped a few times.

Followed by a young woman in a suit came in.

She took sunglasses, the Chinese face, but a golden curly hair, it looks a little fashionable, but also perfectly covers her true age.

It looks like a girl in her early twenties, but this suit and her temperament and gas field make people feel that she is at least thirty or forty years old.

"Xia Shaoye, you know where I am. Are you sure you want to make trouble here?" When the woman entered the door, she looked at Charlotte.

For those who lay on the ground, she didn't take a look at it. It seems that she already knew all this. After all, there are surveillance videos in these private rooms.

"Lin boss, you misunderstood, it is not me who started to beat people!" Charlotte, who saw this sunglasses woman, seemed to give face, smiled bitterly.

Originally, he just wanted to borrow a place to solve the lack of Xu, and then give the owner of the restaurant a gift of something, look at the face of Xia Jia, the boss will certainly not pursue, and even will wipe out this The impact of the incident ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But now not only did not solve the lack of Xu, but there is a big trend, and he just called the Xia family, this Lin boss came out, I am afraid there is no The solution is solved here!

"Young people, you are fighting here, violating the rules of our restaurant. What do you think about this?" At this time, the sunglasses woman looked at Xu, and said faintly, the eyes under the sunglasses seemed to be full of curiosity. .

However, when this came out, Charlotte’s face changed slightly and he was a little surprised.

When was this woman talking so well?

Although this game is set by him in Charlotte, everyone in the circle knows that no matter who is right or wrong, if you dare to fight in this place, or do other things, you will definitely be thrown out by this woman.

At the beginning, there was a director of a famous enterprise group, and fifty old men were considered to be celebrities. They were drunk in the restaurant and opened a male waiter.

As a result, it was thrown into the elevator by the boss of the forest, and no face was given!

There is also a group vice president, who was inexplicably beaten in the restaurant, and had not had time to fight back. Both people were thrown out.

But now, Xu Xiao not only participated in the hands-on, but also beat a few people, this woman actually did not throw him out, but asked him how to deal with?

Is it time for this woman to listen to others?


Charlotte's heart is messy, but how much is still somewhat clear why.

This woman must have seen the whole process from the monitoring. It must be interested in the golden dragon that Xu lacked, otherwise it would not be possible to give face.

"How to deal with it?"

At this time, Xu lacked eyebrows to pick one, and the eyes directly confronted the sunglasses woman, sneer: "You don't BB, you are also a person!"



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