Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1527: People are here

At this time, under the tall and magnificent buildings.

A car rushed to the door of the hotel. When the door opened, all the men in the suits and suits were cold and cold, as if they were killers without feelings!

Followed by, there are also a few black cars. There are several old people in the car. They are dressed in Zhongshan suits and their hair is pale, but they are not so old and exhausted. On the contrary, they are extraordinarily spirited and walkable. At first glance, the momentum is more stable than the man in front of the suit.

"So many masters?"

Not far away, Xuan Rongrong has changed his clothes, and Lin Yuxi returned to the hotel, just hit this scene, could not help but be wrong.

Although I have tried my best, Xuan Rongrong’s eyesight is still there. I can see at a glance that this group of people is not an ordinary person, but is a practicing family.

At this moment, so many masters appeared, and combined with the previous Charlotte Rock's set-up, Xuan Rongrong suddenly understood that this group of people is all in a hurry!

"What is the master?" Lin Yuxi was on the side, and he heard Xuan Rongrong's snoring. He couldn't help but look at the front.

She didn't see any difference between those people. It was just that there were so many people outside the hotel. The subconscious mind felt that there should be some big people coming.

Those suit men, normal people will feel that they are bodyguards.

And there are always some stars or big people in this hotel, and this happens at the moment, she didn't think too much.

"Nothing, or do we go to other places to go shopping?" Xuanyuan Rong shook his head and asked.

At this time, she is very sensible, even if she goes to find Xu, she will not only be unable to help, but will also cause trouble for him and distract him.

So she invited her to let Lin Yuxi take her to other places and stay away from this place.

"This...will not be very good, Xu lacks to wait for us with Xia, or do I call him to talk to him?" Lin Yuxi was hesitant and felt that he could not be such a pigeon friend.

Xuanyuan Rong indulged a little, his eyes also watched the group of men and several old people walked into the hotel, and suddenly shook his head: "Well, then go up!"

When she finished, she stepped forward.

She still changed her decision and wanted to go and have a look.

After all, there are too many masters here. Xu’s lack of an enemy in school was because the opponents were not strong.

But in this time, the old people are not very simple.

Xuan Yurong feels that Xu is lacking in this time. If this guy is dead, then she will be useless if she walks away. She has to follow the death. It is better to go up and have a look.

Moreover, she also feels that this matter has something to do with her.

If it wasn't for her, the Charlottes did not care for her, and probably wouldn't have a deal to deal with Xu.

Xu is in order to protect her, will fall into this situation, this time if she knows what will happen, but also specifically avoided, it is a bit too much.

So thinking about it, Xuan Rongrong decided to go to the scene to see, although it can not help, but at least can understand.

After all, from the very beginning, when she was brought in by Taiyi Tianshi, she was basically desperate for most of the time. She had no confidence in the incident of escaping with Xu.


At the same time, the restaurant on the roof of the hotel.

Many people have already left the market, and Xu has simply left the private room, sitting directly in the lobby of the restaurant, playing with the mobile phone, sipping with the water friends in the live room, finishing the hairstyle and making himself look More on the mirror.

Charlotte and the middle-aged man were also sitting nearby, and the fire of revenge was burning, and he was a little excited.

Because a mobile phone received a message at the same time a minute ago, the helper has arrived.

Charlotte is still calm, after all, is the kind of thugs sent by the family, the kind of beaters who can do the anecdote.

But the middle-aged man is different. He reported all the circumstances to the Zongmen, and even exaggerated, in order to let his master take the shot.

As a result, this really shocked his master and even brought the old masters of other sects.

Nowadays, this game is really being made bigger. If it is placed in a martial arts novel, this battle is equivalent to the six major schools besieging Guangmingding, or some major martial arts conference.

"This kid can't be arrogant for a long time. My master has several other big masters. If he is even more powerful, he will fall here!" The middle-aged man stared at Xu's back and whispered.

Charlotte's face is indifferent. For the middle-aged man, he doesn't care much, and even has some disdain.

How about Kung Fu, how deep is the internal strength, how can you play the dragon so amazing?

After all, it is not as good as a bullet!

Before Lin Boss was interested in Xu Xiao, he was threatened with a gun.

But that was just a threat. I didn't really want to kill Xu, so I gave Xu a chance to poison and forced her to leave.

But his summer home is not the same. This time, when the person arrives, he will not be short of nonsense, and will shoot directly and kill him. He will not give a chance at all.

"Hey, how do I feel the murder of both of you, suddenly a lot stronger, is it because your people are here?" At this time, Xu suddenly turned his head and smiled at Charlotte and middle-aged men.

The two men suddenly jumped together, my mother, murderous, you also feel it?

"Yes, already in the elevator, as you wish!" Charlotte did not bother to hide, nodded directly.

"With a gun?" Xu asked faintly.

"..." Charlotte rushed to the corner of his mouth, his eyes smashed the phone in his hand, and asked: "Are you on the air?"

"Yeah, nothing, you are not afraid, even if you say it, what are you afraid of?" Xu smiled.

"I'm afraid?" Charlotte sneered, Shen Sheng: "Bring it!"

"Well, if you bring it, then what about you? Are your masters coming?" Xu asked, looking to the middle-aged man.

"Come on, also in the elevator!" The middle-aged man nodded.

"Very good!" Xu suddenly stood up and walked toward the door.

Charlotte and middle-aged men are all a glimpse, can't you wait? Actually, I have to go to the door to meet?

However, Xu lacked out of the restaurant but went directly to a surveillance room in the corner.

At this time, Lin boss sat inside, still paying attention to the movement in the restaurant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ did not expect Xu suddenly suddenly found.


Not waiting for the people inside to respond, Xu lacked the door of the monitoring room and asked: "Tell me, in the elevators of the Xiajia people and those masters!"

"What?" Lin boss stunned, some wrong, this product is asking what the problem is?

"Oh, needless to say, I know!"

Xu lacked the surveillance video, and immediately identified the group of suit men and a few old men.

These people took three elevators separately and there were no outsiders inside.

"Hey, if that's the case, then I can play it!" Xu suddenly blinked and turned and left.

Xialuo Qing and the middle-aged man came over, still did not understand the situation, and saw Xu lack of enthusiasm toward the elevator.

Lin Boss also seems to feel a bit wrong, and he is coming out of the monitoring room.

However, Xu lacked the mobile phone on the ground and still drove the live broadcast, but he went to the elevator and directly opened the elevator door with brute force. The whole person jumped into the elevator shaft with a slight leap.

"Rely, this guy is crazy? Does he want to commit suicide?" Lin Boss was shocked and swearing!

Now that the elevator is going up, the guy jumps in, either to the meat sauce or to the meat sauce by the elevator, dead and dead!

But the next moment, a few people are dumbfounded.

Like the Spider-Man, Xu stretched his legs around the elevator shaft, followed by a big hand, and took out a black machete from the armpit, grabbed the elevator rope, and cut it directly!



[Sorry, I have recently studied at Lu Xun College of Literature in Beijing. I have been a little bit sloppy for a few days, and I am just adjusting my schedule. Today I am almost used to it and continue to update! 】

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