Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1529: I rely on

Jinling College Hostel 412.

The second child sat in front of the computer, and someone sent him a link. He snorted and opened it, and then he entered the live room.

After a while, the second child’s body was shocked and shocked!

"Where is the trough, what is the third child? Crazy!" He exclaimed, and immediately attracted the boss of the bedroom and the fourth.

The two also looked at the computer screen and looked awkward.

"The second child, isn't this your live room, how can the third child go to the outdoor?" The boss wondered.

"Oh, the third child, this little white face, is quite on the mirror!" The old four tweeted.

The second child suddenly turned his eyes: "Please, can you focus on the normal point, what do you guys do?"

When the two listened, it was time to look back at the live room, and then... dumbfounded!

The sorrowful roommates in their eyes were missing. At this moment, they hanged in the elevator shaft, cut off the elevator rope, and slammed the entire elevator with one hand, and were about to squat inside.

This... Is this Nima dreaming or making a movie?

"Insane, isn't this guy going to open the room with the costume girl?"

"Rely, something happened, Charlotte is also a beast!"

"What is this? This is..."

"Don't worry about it, quickly scan the code to open a few bicycles to support, and then reimbursed with Xu!"

"Roll the scorpion, where is the ride, you have to take a taxi, remember to call a luxury car!"


At the same time, the hotel is on the top floor.

At the moment, a dead silence.

Whether it is a few martial arts masters, or the group of Xiajia suit men, this time there is a little circle!

Is there such a magical thing in this world?

One hand holding a fully loaded elevator?

This special single-year-old Kirin arm is also very difficult to do!

"Hey, people are coming together, who is bringing cigarettes? Come to one!" At this time, Xu Wei also turned his head to the crowd, and asked with a smile, and he also handed the knife to the crowd.

The people present, including the water friends in the live room, were shocked.

Nima, you are a little bit, this time you still reach for smoke!

"Oh, don't use it first, I remember I seem to have a belt!"

Suddenly, Xu lacked his hand and went back and began to explore his trouser pocket.

One-handed groping is no problem, smokers groped their trouser pockets and sometimes used their hands to find them.

Xu lacks the natural touch of his hands to the trouser pocket and jacket pocket.


When the right hand releases the elevator rope, the entire elevator suddenly slams down.

However, Xu lacked the speed of the lightning, the knees of the legs supporting the wall, and the top one clip, actually caught the elevator rope directly!


The elevator suddenly stopped falling.

The whole process is flowing, so fast!

Some people in the whole place, including the audience in the live room, once again stupid!

A few martial arts masters are also open-mouthed and full of horror!

This... What is this martial arts?

In the trough, the old man has been practicing martial arts for so many years, and he has never seen such a slut!


At this time, a face of a lack of Xu, has already found a cigarette in his mouth, press the lighter, ignited the smoke!

His chest was slightly ups and downs, taking a deep breath and slowly spit out.

A smog suddenly flowed slowly, and it was particularly conspicuous in the dim elevator shaft. Slowly, as the air flowed into the aisle, it formed a "handsome" word in the air!

In an instant, the audience reacted in the live room, brushed up the "666"!

"This...this young man, you...what is the teacher?" At this time, an old man asked.

I don't know if I was old or because I was too shocked, my voice was so fierce!

"Frying the sky!"

Xu lacked a faint response and took another cigarette.

This time, the smoke floated out, and it became a small line of words "clothing is handsome"!

However, no one cares about his smog at the moment, Xu is smoking on the side of the side, squatting and gently twisting up!

In the eyes of everyone shocked, the elevator rope was slowly picked up by his arm!

"I rely on!" Charlotte was stunned and shouted on the spot.

"Nima!" Several old people have an envious resentful glory in their eyes. Young is so good!

"Hey~" Lin boss's legs are tight, and some blush!

In the live broadcast room, it was a mess!

"Fake, absolutely fake!"

"Is this a special chicken?"

"Not very good, the female friend in the live room, don't be fooled, the one he installed is fake!"

"Axi, my girlfriend is jealous of me!"

"Rely, this guy is awesome, more than three minutes are fake!"

In a luxury car, the three people in the 412 bedroom, still staring at the live room, but already full of dignity!

"Boss, what do you think?" The second child and the fourth child looked at the boss.

The boss indulged for a moment, Shen Sheng said: "If you did not guess wrong, it should not be original!"

"Imported?" asked the old man.

"Hey, can you change this stuff?" The boss rushed away!

It’s too irritating, what a show is not good, you have to show this kind of thing!

But the question is, what happened to the third child?

It feels like I changed my personality, but the anger seems to be very familiar!

Three people are very tacit understanding ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no mention of the strangeness of Xu deficiency, but my heart is still convinced that this Xu deficiency should still be true!

At this time, the lack of Xu in the elevator shaft, the face has already been happy!

The system interface in front of him, the value of the device is constantly rising, this wave has been gambling.

From the beginning to the present, the installed value has accumulated more than one thousand two!

From the original target of three thousand points, the value is only one thousand!

"It seems that you can start playing something real!" Xu missed the darkness.

However, several suit men in the elevator had already shivered, their legs were soft, and they sat inside.

They didn't even think of it, just sitting in an elevator, they would have encountered such a thing that they couldn't even think about.

What's special, someone actually held the elevator!

At this time, what can be done with a gun, killing each other, and several people will die!

"Big brother, have something to say, take us up!" A man in a suit was bitter and said to Xu.

The stupid people can also see that they are encountering an abnormal person. Even if they look young, they can’t be a big brother!

"It’s not impossible to pull you up, but your guns... Oh, yes, and some of your guns are all contraband. Come and throw them into the elevator!"

Xu lacks a smile and threatens to threaten all the Xia family and throw the gun away!

After all, this thing is always very dangerous. If you are ready to be addicted, you will lose money when you shoot it!

And then there is a wave of fast harvesting flow. After loading this last force, the value of 3,000 points should be safe.

Immediately... you can leave!

Immediately... you can go back to Tianzhou!



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