Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1531: Bragging?


In an instant, the audience was silent!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also suddenly stagnation, so there were several seconds, and no barrage drifted!

Everyone is listening!

The most famous Xia’s company in Beijing is about to go bankrupt?

How is this possible? Xia’s enterprises have stood up for many years and have long been known throughout the country. They have even developed overseas markets. A while ago, a few waves of good information broke out, sensationalized the stock market, and led to a rise in stock value. How could it be bankrupt? ?

As for the officials of their Xiajia family, most people are not clear, but some people in the circle know that the reason why Xiajia can so go to the sky, relying on the father of Xiajia, how is it possible? Does the child say that the horse is falling?

Moreover, even if these things happen, even if Charlotte is unable to stop the loss, how do you know that he will collapse and choose to jump off the building instead of other means of death?

This is a special prophecy, it is too deliberate!

"Oh, Xu is missing, you can kill me, I don't doubt! But you said that Xia's downfall is going bankrupt. This is an impossible joke. You don't know anything about the power of my summer family!" Charlotte was sneer.

At this moment, he does not care about Xu's lack of live broadcast. It is so bright and honest that it is not because of arrogance or arrogance, purely because of the confidence and confidence.

Even if he said these rumors on such an open occasion today, there is no need to worry about any consequences!

He firmly believes that with the strength of his Xia family, it is impossible to say that it will fall, and it is even more impossible to control this little paradox!

"Yes, but my prophecy is also very accurate. You can wait and see, it will take effect within half an hour!" Xu Xiaoxiao said, while the finger pressed against the screen of the mobile phone, a simple operation , made a countdown.

Soon, the barrage in the live room was noisy.

"The anchor, you got it wrong!"

"Half hour, 30 minutes, not 10 minutes!"

"The anchor math is taught by a physical education teacher!"

"Fart, don't worry about anything to the physical education teacher? Half an hour and 30 minutes, that is a common sense!"


Many people set up a ten-minute countdown because of Xu’s lack of time.

Xu lacked a face and faintly said: "You misunderstood, I just said that the general situation will take effect within half an hour, but this time the situation is not normal, ten minutes should be enough!"

ten minutes?

The martial arts masters who were present, together with the suits of the summer family and the Charlottes, were obviously stunned, and then the expression was strange!

Ten minutes, Xia’s bankruptcy fell down?

How can this be?

Even if it is a means of going through the sky, it will be extremely difficult to do it in ten days, let alone just ten minutes!

"Oh, it’s a joke!" Charlotte sneered, shaking his head again and again, thinking that Xu was insulting himself!

The boss Lin next to it has slowly returned to calmness, indifferent: "Xia Gongzi, the rooftop has been prepared for you, you can go to the elevator at any time!"

"???" Charlotte engine suddenly had a stiff expression, and looked at Lin Boss wrongly.

Prepare the roof for me?

Neuropathy, crazy?

How can your boss Lin believe that this is missing?

Besides, even if the summer home is really cool, the young master's ability to withstand is not so bad, as for the mental breakdown?

The ancients said that the ants are good and stealing, I am absolutely impossible to jump off the building!

The scene suddenly returned to silence, but the atmosphere became more and more wrong.

Xu lacked the strategizing, confident and full of appearance, so that the Xia family and others are not calm, and even Charlotte is beginning to have doubts.

No way?

Not at all?

How can my summer family finish in ten minutes?

It’s hard to be this guy, will you really predict the evil tricks of surgery?


At the moment, the building is downstairs, and it is already full of people. Most of them are people who have been notified of safe evacuation because of elevator failure. There is also a small part because they watched Xu’s live broadcast and came to understand the situation!

It also included three college roommates who were short of Xu.

They drove all the way to the destination but were told not to enter the building.

This place was surrounded by the police and pulled up the cordon.

An elevator failure, as for such a big move?

"Hey, look at it, isn't that the beauty of the costumes before the school?" The old four thieves looked at the eye and even saw Lin Yuxi and Xuan Rongrong in the building.

"I rely on, how are they together!" The second child immediately exclaimed and saw two people.

"Now let's leave them alone. The third child just got a prophecy in the live broadcast, afraid that it is going to be ugly!" The boss shook his head and looked worried.

Today, this is so big, and the summer family will definitely find a lack of accounts, and the consequences are unimaginable.

"I blame me, I shouldn't lend the live room to this product. Now he is crazy, he wants to be crazy!" The second child blamed himself.

"Fart, now that these hairs are used, hurry to find a way!" said the boss.

"Looking for a way? Do we want to blow up the Xia's business?" said the fourth, still full of serious expressions.

The boss and the second child directly ignored the goods.

At the same time, Lin Yuxi and Xuan Rongrong have been separated from the police and security guards into the corner of the hotel lobby, staying with others.

However, the two of them have been keeping a close eye on the mobile phone screen. Lin Yuxi was informed by the news of the roommate that he had opened the live broadcast and had trouble with Charlotte.

Originally, she thought that it was just a fight between boys. Whoever thought about seeing this goods picked up an elevator and used his own power to deter so many men with guns.

What's even more frightening is that this guy actually came up with a prophecy to make the Xia family bankrupt.

This... it’s too much fun!

"Because I am ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or ... her?" Lin Yuxi whispered in his heart, his eyes could not help but look at Xuan Rongrong, guessing why Xu lacked doing so.

But she already has the answer in her heart, absolutely because Xuan Rongrong, after all, this woman, really perfect, regardless of looks or temperament, she Lin Yuxi is considered a school flower, but also knows it!


Time, bit by bit!

three minutes!

five minutes!

Nine minutes have passed...

On the top floor of the building, everyone was watching the time, and the heart began to get nervous.

Now that I have reached the last minute, the so-called prophecy of Xu is in effect, and there are only a few tens of seconds left.

What will happen in the end?

Is this serious, or is this guy bragging about it?

Even though Charlotte's self-awareness of Xu's prophecy could not have happened, I couldn't help but start nervous.



The second hand on the watch is still walking clockwise.

In the various mental emotions of the crowd, Xu Xiaoyi’s ten minutes have already arrived!

Everyone raised their heads in unison and looked at Xu.

Xu lacked the countdown in the live broadcast of the mobile phone, and it just ended. The corner of his mouth rose slightly and raised his right hand!


He made a snap and smiled and said: "You, the next moment is to witness the miracle!"


Almost at the same time, Charlotte's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Followed by the two men in the suit of Xiajia, the small leader among the group, the phone suddenly shocked.

The three people were shocked and immediately took out the mobile phone. When it appeared that the electric display, the face suddenly changed, a cool, along the bottom of their feet, straight to the sky!



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