Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1545: Brothers

In the mountains, another direction.

Xu lacked the sound of the two dogs in the reverberation, and the corner of his mouth rose proudly.

Puppy, play with me? You are still far away!

"Boy, you are coming out, we are intimate in the past, do you have the heart to see that this **** is being bullied?" The voice of the two dogs echoed again in the mountains.

Xu shook his head and smiled without saying anything. When he heard it, he knew that the two goods wanted to lead himself back, locked his position, pulled himself into the water, and then he took the opportunity to escape.

"Ah, Xu brothers, come out soon!"

"Hey brother, have you forgotten the dog?"

“Remember the days when we fought side by side together?”

The two dogs continued to scream, trying to use the words before the lack of Xu, to change the lack of Xu.

Xu lacked the slightest touch of listening, and even wanted to laugh... Hey, sorry, didn't hold back, laughed out!

However, he did not intend to watch the two dogs being chased by Xuanyuanrong.

Originally, he was prepared to use the fairy goddess to walk with two dogs to run, but in order to prevent the two dogs, Xu still decided to change the way.

So from the beginning, he has already started to prepare for the formation, and has laid out the illusion array in the small half of the forest area. Although this can not completely trap Xuan Rongrong and others, he still brought her and the disciples of the Tiangongyuan. No small trouble.

It is precisely because of this that the two dogs have no time to play with their minds and shout out, otherwise they will have been caught up by Xuan Rongrong and others.

The two dogs also ran and noticed something wrong. Xuan Rongrong and the murders of the disciples of the Tiangongyuan were getting farther and farther, and they even started to feel a little undetectable.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

Either Xuan Rongrong is too powerful, and has been able to hide the murderousness to such a perfect level.

Otherwise, the distance between the two sides has been pulled far enough, and the murderousness will gradually disappear into the induction.

"Hey, magic array?"

The two dogs couldn't help but look around and instantly noticed the fluctuations of the fairy yuan caused by the formation, and also directly recognized that it was a magic array.

"Dog, hurry up!" Almost at the same time, the voice of Xu lacked.

The two dogs suddenly blinked: "Where, you can be a big brother!"

Awkwardly, it rushed in the direction of Xu’s lack.

After a while, the two met again and held the other hand tightly.

"Hege brother!"


Xu Wei and the two dogs are all a kind of thin and thin, like the liver and gallbladder, and shouted: "Good brother!"

"It just really scared the gods, and thought that the Xu brothers were betrayed, so if you said something impulsive, I hope the brothers don't mind!" The two dogs explained shamelessly.

"Stupid, how can I mind it? The situation is too criseous, so I didn't have time to explain the plan to you. Don't mind the dog boy!" Xu smiled.

"It's a good brother of the gods, let's go, let's leave this place first!"

When the two dogs finished, they took the lead and were obviously familiar with this mountain.

But after a few steps, it said: "Right, Xu brothers, let's discuss things!"

"What happened?" Xu asked.

"You used to call me a dog in the past life. I called you a tyrant. In this world, you see that you are so much younger than the gods. Do you want to change this name?"

"How do you want to change it?"

"This God respects this world, although you are thousands of years old, but with our friendship, it is straightforward to call each other, it is good to call each other's names, how?"

"Yes you can!"

"Well, the Xu brothers are refreshing, so that's it. From now on, you call the gods and respect the mighty king, and the gods will call you hegemony!"

"No problem, mighty king!"

"Great, hegemony!"

The two dogs suddenly smiled and opened their hearts, and finally they didn't have to call someone else as a brother!


In a short time, Xu and the two dogs finally stepped out of the forest, and quickly covered up the atmosphere, avoiding being tracked again by Xuan Rongrong and others.

After confirming the safety around, the two dogs immediately pulled out a slap in the arms and placed them on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Xu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Hey, this **** respect has always been a person who has enmity and hatred. Those people in the Tiangongyuan dare to defile the gods and steal the chickens and touch the dogs, so the gods are ready to sneak into their treasures and carry out a resentful revenge!" The two dogs are justifiably strong.

"Oh, I am also going to go to the Tiangongyuan, do you want to cooperate with us?" Xu smiled.

"Cooperate? How to cooperate?" Two dogs came to interest.

"As far as I know, they have launched a new conference today. I have a new order, so I will go to the new conference to attract attention and attract attention. When you enter the treasure house, you can't..."

"Do whatever you want!" The two dogs smirked and took over the four words that Xu had not said.

"Yes, but this treasure house is divided, we are going to follow the old rules, or is it a new rule?" Xu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Old rules?" Two dogs a glimpse.

"It is the rules of the past life, nine minutes, you one, I nine!" Xu lacks the road.

"Grass!" The two dogs jumped up with excitement: "Not too broad, you must have new rules!"

"The two twenty-eight accounts? You two, I am eight?"

"Rely, kid, are you so dark? Fair, how about the five-fifth account?"

"Five-five?" Xu hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Well, after all, it is the first cooperation of the world. www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then five or five points!"

"Good brother!" The two dogs showed a smile again.

Five or five points? I want to be beautiful, when the gods are eager to take off the treasure house and go straight.


Soon, the two separated, and the two dogs smashed the drums and prepared to transfer them to the treasure house of the Tiangongyuan.

Xu lacked himself on the road, and circumvented the other side of the mountain forest. At the same time, he used the camouflage shackles again, turning into the appearance of a beautiful man in white robes, carrying a new order and embarking on the stone steps leading to the gate of the Tiangongyuan.

With the disguise, Xu’s breath and appearance changed completely.

The big Luo Jinxian of the Shoushanmen did not recognize the lack of Xu, but it sensed the new temperament of Xu’s body, and did not relieve the pressure to stop the lack of Xu.

Just waiting for Xu to come to the front of the mountain gate, a burly man came out and blocked his way: "Daoyou stayed, first self-reported!"

Obviously, this burly man is the Da Luo Jinxian who guards the gate.

Xu lacked a smile, a polite and hand-written compilation: "In the next day, help the tyrants!"

“Break the tyrant?” The burly man’s brow wrinkled, and did not think that the name was strange, but felt that the name was not in line with the image of the teenager in front of him.

However, he did not care much. He reached out and waved, and received the new order from Xu’s lack of hand. He also picked up a jade card out of thin air and threw the word “killer” on it and threw it to Xu.

"Go in, go straight and turn right, someone will take you to the show."

"Thank you brother!" Xu missed the jade card and thanked him. He continued: "Yes, my brother, when I went up the mountain, I accidentally saw a unicorn named Weiwu King in the gongs and drums, saying that it was Prepare to sneak into the treasure house of the Temple of Heaven to steal."



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