Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 155: Calm before the outbreak


The majestic fires suddenly emerged from the lack of palms and turned into a cyan fire cloud in the air.

This is the 19th Green Lotus Heart Fire in the Fire List. It exists in the earth's lava. It was born in the depths of the earth. It has been tempered, merged, compressed and carved through the fire of the earth.

Ten years into a spirit, a century of formation, a thousand years into a lotus, is the supreme fire used to refine the medicinal herbs or implements!

Xu lacked control of this fire, his arms flicked, the ground piled up like mountains, and thousands of pounds of fine iron, instantly vacated, surrounded by the majestic Qinglian.


The high temperature of the flame constantly dissolves the fine irons, gradually bakes them into a group of black molten iron, suspends them in the air, burns the impurities inside into ash, turns them into a black gas, and slowly evaporates them.

After a while, Xu lacked five fingers to hold the air, and the fingers flicked against the void.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

A dull sound like a heartbeat came out, and the virtual space touched by the fingers was a small circle.

The black iron in the air is also instantly affected by this invisible force, divided into nine parts, each of which is exactly the same size!

When he was too easy to send, Xu could only forge two Shenwei guns at the same time, but now he is not only cultivated, but also has a natural leap in the spirit of the gods.

Therefore, forging the nine Shenwei guns at the same time, for him, there is almost no pressure, and can be done in one go!

The entire empty room has been covered by high temperatures.

And Xu lacked in the middle, one hand controlled the fire in the air and the molten iron formed by the fine iron, one hand against the void, the five fingers cooperated with the ingenuity, using the real power, hitting nine black irons in the air, and carrying them out Shaped!



At the same time, in the main hall on the first floor of the tower.

After being taken away by a quintile of the previous interracial man, the entire hall became empty and everyone sat on the ground and looked different!

Some people are as old as they are, sitting on the ground, closing their eyes and keeping their eyes, not saying a word.

Someone left and looked forward, holding a fist into the hand, and then loosening it from time to time, rubbing the palm of his hand in the corner of the clothes, it seems that the heart is still a little nervous!

But most people are obviously very uneasy, they can't sit still, they are full of anxiety and sorrow, or they stand up and walk back, or they sit back on the ground and stand up again after a while.

Although the entire hall is quiet, it is also enveloped by this tense and oppressive atmosphere.

"What is the demon king doing? Why should we wait for him for an hour..."

"Yeah, this will be more than half an hour passed, but there is no movement at all!"

"I really can't figure out how, one hour, how can he turn things around..."

"Oh, I don't know if the people who have just left, have already broken through!"

"I am afraid that there are so many evils..."

The crowd began to break the silence, whispered and tried to ease the dull and awkwardness of the heart.

But after a chat, the anxiety in my heart is even stronger.


At this moment, the demon city was dozens of miles away, and suddenly there was a loud noise!

Everyone was shocked and gathered at the door of the main hall. They looked up and looked dumbfounded.

The woods outside the demon city are just like being swept by the flood. Under the impact of a dark beast, a large piece of land collapses!

It is the animal tide, and the team composed of countless monsters is making a strong impact on the demon city.

If these aliens heard that there were tens of thousands of monsters before, the heart was shocked.

But when these tens of thousands of monsters really appeared in their field of vision, they were witnessed by their own eyes, and their hearts immediately collapsed.

Tens of thousands of monsters, that is tens of thousands, it seems to be almost like hundreds of thousands of troops.

The vast momentum, devastating, like a stormy sea, squally, is sweeping.



A loud noise, accompanied by the roar of the monster, murderously separated by dozens of miles, directly overshadowed.

The aliens in the entire hall were pale and white, and some people were scared to sit on the floor and tremble their lips.

This kind of battle is simply horrible!

They can hardly imagine that if they just broke out with them and saw this kind of squad in close quarters, I am afraid I would have been scared and broke through.


Immediately, an alien woman could not withstand this terrible momentum, and the spirit completely collapsed. She turned directly to the hall and fled in the opposite direction.

But she hasn’t run a few steps yet, she just sat down on the ground and her face was dull!

In the opposite direction, there are also a large number of monsters approaching. In addition to the ground, there are also dense birds and beasts in the air. It is like a large cloud, covering the sky and approaching them!

The entire demon city has long been surrounded by this group of monsters.

The demon city has already become a shackle, no way to escape!

This time, all the aliens are completely desperate.

It’s not that they don’t believe in Xu’s lack of it. It’s such a terrible scene, let them feel it personally, what is desperate!

"Well, we have to die today!"

"My family... really want to be extinct!"

"The demon, the demon! What are you doing, why not!"

"No, the demon must have ran, otherwise it would not be so long..."

"What, the demon ran?"

"It must be like this. He already used us as a bait and ran for himself..."

"No, we can't sit still, we have to run!"

Immediately, the extreme panic disturbed many people's minds. At once, dozens of aliens could no longer sit still and turned and rushed out of the hall.

In this situation of nowhere to escape, they are like headless flies, unable to find the direction of chaos.

In the hall, Su Linger and others also looked bloody, even if they believed in Xu deficiency, they could not suppress the fear of inner instinct!

"Da Wang, this... what can I do?" The old man of a Tianhui tribe trembled with his hands, and he was anxiously anxious.

Su Linger clung to her clothes corner ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked up at the top of the tower without any movement, and finally bite his teeth: "First stabilize the situation, wait for Sun Wukong to come down."

"Can... This kind of situation, the demon must not be able to return to heaven!" The old man panicked.

Su Linger stepped forward and shouted: "All quiet to me! Since you choose to stay, believe in the demon, he said that if you can keep us, you will be able to keep it!"

This loud drink, immediately stunned the scene, many panic-stricken aliens stopped and watched.

Su Linger sighed: "How much he killed, how much he killed, I believe him!"


Everyone was silent for a while.

Previously, they were a little bit confident, but now in this situation, no one can imagine how a demon in the fourth floor of the Yuan Ying period can reverse the situation.

This...but it’s a dead end!

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The ground began to vibrate without rhythm. Under the trample of the huge monster, some dilapidated walls collapsed again, and many ancient buildings were slowly sinking.

The large beasts of the beasts are already close to the demon city, this is the death is approaching them!


There are dozens of monsters, as the charge, the first to approach the demon city, directly roaring toward the hall.

The aliens outside the hall were so scared that they were so scared that they couldn’t even fight back. They were chased and beaten!

What's even more ridiculous is that there was a stranger in the first layer of the Yuan Ying period. After being chased by several monsters on the third floor of the Golden Age, he was afraid to turn back and fight. Finally, he was stepped on by the monster. At the foot, bite off my head!

It’s not that they are really timid, but that the courage has been scared, the courage has long since been lost, and even the reason is gone.

In this tragic situation, the hall is calm!

Calm... calm before the outbreak!

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