Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1547: Acquaintance

"Right, destroy the brothers, have you ever tested your own rhyme?"

In the midst of the gods, A seven suddenly asked.

Xu lacked reaction and shook his head. "This has not been tried yet. It has not been compared. I have been practicing in the field for many years. I have just returned to this place recently, and I am coming to participate in the Tiangongyuan new recruiting conference!"

"It turns out that, then I am relieved!" Ah Qi relieved and relieved.

"Hey, what is the meaning of the seven brothers?" Xu lacked an eyebrow.

"Ah, don't misunderstand the brothers, because I haven't had the chance to test my own rhythm. I am quite embarrassed to participate in this new conference. I heard that the brothers have not tested it. I think there is Accompanied, my heart is much more secure!" A seven smiled and explained.

“It’s fine!” Xu smiled and waved his hand and asked: “Seven brothers, is it difficult to test this rhyme? And how... how to judge the difference between high and low?”

"Amount, the brothers do not even know this?" Ah Qi fell a bit, and some were wrong.

"Is the seven brothers forgotten? I just said that I have been practicing in the field for many years, and I am ashamed of the character in the next. When I first returned to this place, I have seen many things that are difficult to understand, but... Said, hey dare not ask!" Xu lacked a slight sigh, showing the helplessness of the heart!

A Qi is a haha ​​smile: "The brothers are laughing, you are not like the introverted people, but the words are really not much, nothing, I will explain to you!"

After that, he directly talked about the test conditions of this rhyme and the distinction between high and low.

To put it simply, nothing more than testing the rhyme is rare and rare, so it is extremely precious.

This thing is a meteorite, but because it contains the power that cannot be used, it is also called the **** stone.

Later, everyone discovered that the divine power in this **** stone could not be extracted and utilized. On the contrary, it was found that it could reflect the monk's own rhyme, so it was divided by the Tiangongyuan and other forces, and it was also named as a test. Road stone!

Looking at the whole Tianzhou, the test road stone divided by the Tiangong Institute is the largest, so the test is also the most authoritative of the rhyme and other orders. The test stones of other forces are slightly smaller, and the test results are occasionally mistaken. But not too much.

The rest of the scraps are scattered in the Xiuxian world. Some people also develop it into a business after they get it. The special charge is for people to test the rhyme. Although the results are not necessarily accurate, they can prepare for these people. Make a reference.

If the rhythm of the test is too low, then some people will choose to sell the new order, in exchange for a large amount of Lingshi or Tiandi treasure, so as not to waste a quota.

However, the cost of testing the rhyme is not low, such as the A seven such a loose repair, accidental chance coincidence, fortunately got a new order, there is no extra Lingshi to pay for the test.

Of course, there is another major factor, that is, when these major forces carry out the recruiting conference, they rush to test the rhyme. It will inevitably be targeted by some people who are interested. If they are found to have a new order, I am afraid It will cause trouble.

Therefore, most of the rehearsals that came to participate in the new conference were basically not tested.

As for the level of Dao Yun and other levels, it is actually how strong the light reflected by the test road stone is.

When a person puts his hand on the test stone and releases his own rhyme, the test stone will concentrate the power of the rhythm and form a kind of light. The color is light and deep, and the height is low and high. When the two are integrated, they will get the order of their rhyme.

"Seven brothers, that color is dark, the level of light, how to integrate? What is this?" Xu asked.

"The color is dark, which represents the pros and cons of the rhyme. Generally there are only three kinds of light, normal, and dark. You see this person." Ah Qi said this, referring to one of the referees The monk in front of the stone.

Xu lacked his head and looked at it. It was a middle-aged man. At the moment, he pressed one hand on the test stone. The surface of the stone appeared a reddish glow, occupying half of the stone.

"Is it visible? Red represents the person's rhyme biased toward the fire system, the color is too light, indicating that this person's rhyme is not esoteric." Ah Qi finished, shook his head: "Hui Mang occupied the test stone Half, it is a five-stage rhyme, but his rhythm color is too shallow, and it needs to be lowered a section. Therefore, the combination of the four grades of Daoyun can not reach the new standard of the Tiangongyuan."

"It turns out!" Xu lacked the point of enlightenment: "According to this reasoning, the normal color only looks at the height, the dark color adds a paragraph by default, is it?"

"Yes, the brothers are really smart people!" A Qiyi looked at Xu's face with amazement.

"Seven brothers praised!" Xu smiled and smiled, his heart turned white, this is even smarter? Is this the simple logic that the two dogs can reason about?

However, this rhyme test is quite interesting!

Xu lacks the heart and can't help but be curious. What is the order of his own rhyme?

And what about the color?

After all, I am a five-line repair, but the rhyme is beyond the five elements, not right... It’s not just the detachment of the five elements, it’s completely out of the traditional avenue, and even the heavens can’t hold it!

"Next, Li Xuanqi!" At this moment, there was a bang in the hall.


Li Xuanqi?

When Xu missed the name, he couldn’t help but look at the eyebrows.

I saw a handsome young man with a good spirit, coming out of the crowd and stepping on the test road.

When Xu was absent, he was happy.

Actually met an acquaintance again!

After tens of thousands of years, Li Xuanqi was the originator of the Tiangong Academy after the disappearance of the Tiangongyuan. However, this person was the abandonment of the Tiangongyuan and did not know that the anecdote was expelled.

Of course, these are not important. What is important is that after tens of thousands of years, the goods died in the absence of Xu.

Xu lacked this time to see the young version of Li Xuanqi, his face is full of playfulness, can not see, Li Xuanqi actually had the same age with Xuan Rongrong!

However, on the strength, Xuan Rongrong of this period clearly opened a few streets of Li Xuanqi.


As Li Xuanqi put his hand on the test stone, a blazing blue light illuminates, occupying 70% of the test stone!

"Hey, the water system rhyme, normal color, seven paragraphs!" Ah Qi immediately exclaimed.

There was also a commotion in the stadium, and many people were shocked.

“The seven sections of Daoyun are two more than the admission standard of Tiangongyuan!”

"It seems that this person will be placed in the B-type court!"

"I'm jealous!"

There are many people talking.

However, the old man in charge of the assessment of recruiting new ones, still relying on the chair with no expression, waved back the token of Li Xuanqi, and said faintly: "Dao Yun seven paragraphs, go to the word hospital report!"

When the voice fell, the old man shot a light in his hand and fell directly into the young version of Li Xuanqi’s arms. It was a jade with silver, engraved with a “B”.

"Thank you for the elders!" Li Xuan chess with glory, respectful dedication, raised his head and stepped away.

"Hey!" Xu lacked his eyes and smiled, and his mouth was smiling. Is Li Xuanqi so proud when he was young? If you don't have the chance, do you have to take the opportunity to reel in this memory world?

"Next!" At this moment, there was another scream in the field: "Duan Qide!"


When Xu missed it, he almost picked it up from the spot.

Duan Qide?

What is this special relationship with Duan Jiu De?

He immediately narrowed his eyes and glanced around. The secret said that Duan Jiude would have used a fake name to appear.

But it’s not right, Duan Jiude is also a thousand years old, and he’s not born anymore.

"To!" Suddenly, A seven raised his hand and shouted, and then he was excited and nervous. He said: "Break the brother, it's my turn, you wait for me for a while, I will go!"

When he finished, he ran his legs and ran to the court.

Xu lacks a face and a circle!

A seven?

Duan Qide?

Nima~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s no wonder that this product is a bit familiar, and the daring is like the appearance of Duan Jiude!

This should not be Duan Jiude's... Grandpa?



[Finally come back! Ah... In recent autumn, the whole book has been removed for a while, and there is a lot of content that needs to be rectified. There is no way to inform you about it. It’s really harder to change the text than to write a new chapter. Now that the basics have been changed, let's continue to update! 】

[ps: A new book called "Kowloon Tundra" recommended by a male **** friend, a map of immortality medicines that has been circulated from the First Emperor's Palace to unlock the secret of immortality. A generation of famous generals, will defend, from the enemy, to the unborn enemy's rebirth! 】

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