Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1551: You are his ultimate goal

In the secret room, there is silence at the moment.

The four statues exude a gloomy breath.

"Wang, I said earlier, the things of the year are rotten in the stomach, can not mention, what is the meaning of your old words now?" One of the statues is cold and murderous.

The dean swept away with a cold eye and shook his head. "I don't mean anything. I just want to remind you that some things don't matter if they have been in the past for a long time."


In an instant, the four statues suddenly shook, and the dust in the secret room was suddenly sprinkled, but it was like being pulled by a stream of air. All the dust was gathered in the air, turning into a sharp spike, and gradually approaching the trend of the president.

Wang Di, the dean of the Tiangong Academy, still did not panic, no expression, cold screaming, all the spikes in the air that were condensed by dust, dissipated on the spot.

"The four are going to fight with me?" Wang said coldly.

The four statues were silent for a moment, and said, "What do you want?"

"I said, I want four tigers, send the Shadow Team, grab the Xuan Rongrong, chase the mighty king, and recapture the memory treasure." Wang ruled faintly.

"This is absolutely impossible!" The four statues shouted at the same time, directly rejecting the king's ruler.

Once the tiger is handed over, it must be gone. The legendary **** that can **** Tianzhou to the gods, the Shadow Team, may have to be won by Wang.

Losing the shadow team control, then the four of them will lose the final card, Wang ruler will cross the river to break the bridge, destroy their statues, kill their souls.

"Oh, I know what you are worried about, but my Wang ruler is not as short-sighted as you think. How can you leave the tiger character and leave you behind?"

Wang Ji smiled and continued. "If you can go to the domain of God in the future, I still hope to continue to cooperate with the four, and then have the strength to live in the domain. Now it is imperative to ensure that Xuanyuan Rong will not get the memory orb, otherwise the consequences Unthinkable."

The four statues heard the words and fell silent again.

After a while, one of the statues opened "Wang, the thing of the tiger will not be mentioned again, we can't promise you."

After that, the four statues were once again shaken, and then they recovered their calmness and became the four ordinary statues. The powerful power of the surging souls has disappeared.

Wang Ji stood in the same place, his face gradually gloomy, his eyes passed through the killing machine, and finally he did not shoot, and he snorted and stepped away.


At the same time, Xu lacked the night to sneak out, and has sneaked out of the room, using the avatar, scattered in all corners of the Tiangongyuan.

He was going to prepare for a big show and almost gave the system mall a hollow.

After all, it was free for the whole audience. Some things that I usually couldn’t bear to buy. He took all the brains and used them to deal with the Tiangongyuan.

"Hey, no money is cool, these things, if it is a fee, at least hundreds of millions of forced value!" Xu Wei really fell in the corner, smiled and said to himself.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he snorted.

There is a avatar feedback in the back mountain, and it seems that something has been discovered.

"Is that woman? Oh, there are two dogs, this goods can be regarded as being pegged by people." According to the vision of the avatar, Xu lacks as a witness to the battle.

Under the back hill of the Tiangongyuan, Xuanyuan Rongzheng led the team to surround the whole forest, while at the same time alone chasing a unicorn.

"It’s just too busy to live together, go and make a fun!"

Xu lacked a whisper, and immediately swayed, disappearing instantly in the same place, plunging to the back of the mountain.

However, Xu’s forefoot just disappeared, and a figure appeared on the back foot, and the sneaky came out from the other corner.

"Hey, Laozi really has a unique vision. He didn't look at the wrong person. This kid is unusual. He is still good at practicing the law. He will hold a layer of killing for the guardian of the temple. The mountain array becomes a self-defeating mountain destroyer!"

The figure touched the chin and watched the direction of Xu’s disappearance and whispered.

"But this kid just said to go to join in the fun? Is there any benefit to fish? Hey, how can this get me less?"

When the voice of the person falls, the big hand wave, take a step, the body shape is instantly twisted into a black smoke, dissipated in the air.


Tiangongyuan Houshan.

At this time, outside the forest, it is almost surrounded by the elite disciples of the Tiangongyuan, and the encirclement is gradually shrinking.

Within the forest, there is a unicorn smashing around, and a white figure behind him always follows, so I can't get rid of it.

"Rely, this woman's ghost is not scattered, how is this perfect retreat plan of this god, how to be discovered? Should not!" Or the two dogs of Kirin's ancestors, are full of anger and continue to flee.

It is very disturbing and I feel that this wave is going to be cold again.

It was once caught by the Tiangongyuan several times. Although it escaped every time, it always saved a bit of pain.

However, it has been caught more times, and its experience has been enriched. This time it has worked hard to prepare an extraordinary transmission array. As long as the treasure house is stolen, it will immediately retreat. When the Tiangongyuan discovered the next day, it has long been known. Escaped.

But the reaction of the Tiangongyuan was too fast. It just came out of the treasure house, and the Tiangongyuan rang a warning, and someone immediately chased it.

"No, the reaction of the Tiangongyuan can't be so timely!" The two dogs suddenly thought of something, and their face changed dramatically. "Mom, it must be that kid who betrayed this god, what is he?"

"War of the mighty king, you can't escape, you can't help yourself!" At this time, the cold voice of Xuanyuan Rong came from behind.

The two dogs responded with a loud voice, "Women, let the gods respect a way of life, and this God has a big news to reveal to you!"

However, Xuanyuan Rong did not pay attention to it, and did not say a word, continue to chase after.

The two dogs immediately stunned. "Really, this **** respects a slap in the face, never lie, do you still remember the kid before? He has sneaked into your heavenly palace!"

"What are you talking about?" Xuan Rongrong finally reacted.

The second person said in the mouth of the dog, she of course remembers, it is a strange guy, the strength is also very strange, so she can not guess.

If it is not today to chase the mighty king, how can she let the guy slip away.

But now, this mighty king actually said that the kid sneaked into the Temple of Heaven!

"Ha ha ha, you are fooled, this **** respects cooperation with the kid, first hit the grass and start the snake to deliberately alarm you, and most of you will be transferred out to pursue this god, and that kid, now surely do what you want in your temple, you are already in the middle Tune the tiger away from the mountain!" Two dog performances on the line, arrogant laughter.

"Impossible, my Tiangongyuan and the dean are sitting in the town with the elders. He can't afford any big waves!" Xuan Rongrong was very calm and did not listen to the words of the two dogs.

The second dog laughed. "Ha ha ha, how do you disclose the plan of the gods to steal the treasure house? Naturally, the kid deliberately told you, and his goal is to be a female disciple of your Tiangongyuan. It’s not as good as a hungry ghost in the color. It’s said that it’s hard to take a fool from your heavenly court.

Xuanyuan Rong heard the words, the brows are already close.

She is not sure whether the words of the mighty king are true or false. However, the king of the mighty king steals the treasure house. It is true that a person who participated in the new conference informed the disciples of Shoushanmen that they went to check the treasure house.

If the words of the mighty king are true, then is it not dangerous for the female disciple of the Tiangongyuan? After all, the means of the kid is extraordinary.

"Wangwuwang, you stop first, and go back to Tiangongyuan with me. If you say it is true, I can guarantee you to leave safely." Xuanyuan Rong stared at the two dogs in front.

The second dog can stop without the courage, and continue to shout, "This **** can not go back ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that kid also said, he first grab a female disciple back, and will come to grab you in a few days, You are his ultimate goal. He said that when he saw you for the first time, he would be a stone..."

The second dog said half, suddenly stuck.

"Just like this?" Xuan Rongrong's voice instantly chilled, murderous, filled the entire mountain.

At the same time, the voice of the two dogs also came. "He admired you like a river, and continued to say that you are a fairy. You must say that this person is a true gentleman. Admire... Hey, hey, how come you? Really, this **** is still boasting about you."




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