Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1553: Memory orb


With a loud bang, the air was shattered by the shock, and the void around it was instantly pulled out by a mysterious force!

A figure was pulled out from the ground, holding a Zen stick and pointing to the ground.

On the ground, the sky suddenly rose a few times, and the runes flowed. The area where Xuan Rongrong and the two dogs were located was completely imprisoned.

Xu Xiaozhi knew everything in the foretaste of Zhiquantong. At the same time as he called the seven-decision, he quickly withdrew, and he just withdrew from the scope of the formation and avoided this imprisonment.


At the same time, the figure of Duan Qide was also manifested, and the appearance was quite different from that seen by Xu during the day.

During the day, he saw the seven-details, extremely young, and the five senses had a feeling of deja vu.

But now, Duan Qide is almost the same model as Duan Jiude, the thief is like!

Obviously this is also the true face of Duan Qide. If Xu Xiaoli sees this face during the day, it will definitely be the first time to associate Duan Jiude.

"Rely, quickly said, how did you find out?" Duan Qide fell to the ground and immediately asked Xu, who was in a hurry.

He was too surprised, and his heart was shocked. Don't say that Xu is only a big Luojin fairyland in the district. Even if Xu is the realm of Xiandi, it is impossible to detect his existence.

But now Xu is not only exposing his hiding place, even knowing that he has gone through the law, and like the prophet, he just escaped the scope of the imprisonment, which is a bit ridiculous!

Xuanyuan Rong and the two dogs also showed their strange colors. I didn’t expect that the individual came here quietly, but also ambushed so deep, and set the law.

What makes them even more wrong is that Xu lacks this person and seems to be not premeditated.

If it is premeditated in advance, it is not surprising that Xu’s lack of time to escape, but this paragraph of seven virtues is even more surprised than them, indicating that these two are not associates, then this is really intriguing.

Even these strengths are not aware of the existence of Duan Qide. How did Xu deficiency discover it?

Could it be that his spiritual power is already above the realm of Xiandi and reach the realm of Taoism?

"Haha, the brothers, how to find out is not the focus, the point is that you even count me, this can be a bit too much to say?" Xu lacked standing outside the formation, smiling at Duan Qide.

Duan Qide brows his wrinkles, and then suddenly smiles and laughs: "Ha ha ha, well, everyone has their own secrets, the tyrants do not say, then I will not ask. But the tyrants must not misunderstand, only You are all within the scope of the formation. I want to open the formation first, imprison them, and release you."

"Oh? It turns out!" Xu smiled and nodded.


The next moment, his figure swayed, suddenly bounced off the ground, appeared hundreds of meters away, and smiled and looked at Duan Qide.

“How is it possible?” Duan Qide’s face changed dramatically.

The voice just fell, only listening to the "bang", the ground trembled, Xu lacked the original position, there was a large piece of gold mans rising from the sky.

Apparently, from the moment when Duan Qide made a big laugh, the Zen stick in his hand touched the ground, and Xian Yuanli sneaked into the ground through the Zen stick, and then again laid down the law, ready to take down Xu.

Who ever thought that Xu was missing again in advance.

This really made Duan Qide a little scared. This time he was more careful than before, to ensure that no breath was revealed, but he was still avoided.

"The trough!" The two dogs witnessed this scene and were shocked and shouted loudly.

Xuanyuan Rong also looked a condensate, and his eyes looked curious again and looked at Xu.

Duan Qide was in front of them in this time, and they were not aware of it. Xu lacked it so easily. Obviously this person is really not simple.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing?" Xu was standing hundreds of meters away and laughed.

If he was not aware of the robbery, he really had to be banned by Duan Qide.

Sure enough, whether it is the past life of the two dogs, or Duan Jiude his grandfather, no one is a good thing.

The heart is too dirty!

"Oh, since I have reached this step, I will not install it with you. You don’t want to wear garlic with Laozi. I just heard it. You really have a name, and you have to change your name to the Tiangongyuan. It must be directed at the Treasure House. Going?" Duan Qide put away a smile and stared blankly at Xu.

"I really didn't go to the Treasure House!" Xu lacked a stall and was still alert to Duan Qide.

On strength, he is far worse than Duan Qide. Once Duan Qide moves, he has no choice but to run.

However, it is good to know that the robbery has two consecutive warnings, so that he has avoided the formation of Duan Qide, which led to Duan Qide now also full of vigilance against him, and will not be able to shoot for a while.

This also means that there is a possibility of talking!

"Oh, Xu Xiaoyou, shouldn't you be honest with each other at this time? If you are not going to the Treasure House, what are your hands and feet in the guardian of the Tiangongyuan?" Duan Qide sneered.

In his view, Xu's lack of protection of the mountain array is nothing more than to create a huge chaos, and then to steal the things in the treasure chest.

But I did not expect that, I was taken a step by the mighty king.

"Ha ha ha, the brothers really misunderstood, in fact, the mighty king is right, my goal is not a treasure house, but Xuan Rongrong!" Xu lacked laughter.

Xuan Yurong instantly sank his face, and his eyes were chilly and murderous.

Duan Qide also stunned, looked at Xu deficiency, and looked at Xuan Rongrong, happy.

The courage is to encounter a flower thief, and it is still such a handsome flower thief, cattle batch!

"Since our goals are not in conflict, why do we have to fight? This mighty king belongs to you, Xuanyuan Rong belongs to me, how?" Xu lacked again.

Duan Qide did not hesitate, and immediately agreed to the head.

The two dogs in the array immediately called out: "The trough, the tyrant, do not bring you like this, say good brothers, how can you sell this gods so easily? Is it too sloppy? !"

"I am not sloppy, I have thought about it. I can only love one person in my life, that is Xuanyuan girl!" Xu lacks the way.

Xuanyuan Rong Xiu eyed a pick, still staring at Xu lack, murderous more concentrated.

She can see that Xu deficiency is not a prodigal son. The looming seems to have a kind of hate for her. How far is it to go, to say that Xu’s goal is other female disciples, she may still believe, but to say Xu’s goal is her, she really did not feel it.

But this guy is closing her mouth and making her feel very uncomfortable!

"Rely, don't, tyrants, you and my brothers are fate, not yet! Before I think about my past life, I call you tyrants~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You call me a dog, we work together to steal the treasures of the world, how brilliant! "The two dogs still don't give up, shouting loudly."

"That is all the past, and the hero does not mention the courage of the year!" Xu swayed his hand and walked toward the law.

As long as there is no warning about the robbery, it is basically certain that Duan Qide really wants to cooperate.

"Scratch, you really don't want to face, this **** respect tells you that if you give this **** out, you will definitely regret it. You don't know how rich this **** is in the treasure chest, and there is another one. On the memory of the Xuan Yurong's secret memory, the gods still think that if they can't escape Xuanyuan Rong's pursuit, they will hand over this thing, but they will fall into your hands first!" Two dogs are annoyed.

Xuan Yurong and Xu lacked a face, and his face changed instantly.

A memory ball about Xuan Rongrong's life?



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