Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1555: Damn it

The back hill of the Temple of Heaven, how familiar the scene!

Xuanyuan Qiqi took the young daughter Xuan Rongrong, staring gloomy at the front dozen people.

See the mother?

When I heard Xiaolong Rong’s words, Xuanyuan’s face was slightly pumped, and the gloomy expression gradually spread out. He lowered his head and squeezed out a smile. “Rong Rongzhen, I promise you, I will definitely let you see your mother. of!"

"But here is still in the Tiangongyuan, the dean of the dean, they will not let us go from the back hill, then we will go from the main entrance, go to find the mother!" The young Xuan Rongrong, it seems that only four or five years old, such as A delicate porcelain doll, milky milk, really makes people feel cute!

Also makes people feel bad!

Xu lacked the scene in the picture, and his heart twitched.

He knows that the next picture is unbearable for anyone, let alone the Xuan Rongrong who is so young. r>

"Xuanyuan wonderful, this person is very good, I have met him in a secret situation, this person is righteous and loyalty, I can't bear to hang him, every time I see him go around, I didn't expect it..." At the time, Duan Qide suddenly opened his mouth and was full of emotion and sighed.

Apparently he also guessed that the Xuanyuan Qiqi couple should have died in the Tiangongyuan.

The second dog has a normal expression. It has already seen this scene, but it is silent at the moment, which is enough to show that its mood is not very good.

"Xuanyuan wonderful, you have to reverse this?" At the same time, the director of the Tiangongyuan in the picture, Wang Ji, screamed.

"Brother, your choice, I am very disappointed!" A red woman next to Wang ruler shook her head in disappointment.

Xuanyuan Qiqi looked up and looked indifferently to the woman in red. "I don't have a sister like you. From now on, you are red and me, no more!"


The woman in red suddenly became angry and the ground suddenly slammed and cracked, and her temper was obviously hot.

Xu Xiao also recognized this woman, it is Xuan Rongrong's aunt, Xuanyuan Red!

At the beginning, he opened the prohibition in the secret room of the former court of Tiangongyuan, which led to the Xuanyuanhong in the sleep and several other Tiangongyuan strong people to wake up in advance. Several people were angry and wanted to chase Xu deficiency, but they were run away by Xu.

Later, these people took over the Tiangong Academy and held a grand ceremony. Xu Xiao also went to make a fun, and stole Taiyi Tianshi, which has now entered the memory world.

"Xuanyuan wonderful, what did the woman do to you, you have to betray the Heavenly Palace for a blissful devil, betray us?" Xuanyuan red roared. Computer: /

"Female devil?"

Xuanyuan Qi's face suddenly changed, his face was crazy, and he was full of ridiculous laughter. "Ha ha ha, you guys, self-deprecating people, but what you do, is even more disgusting than the magic door. Guan Chuchu was born in bliss But she has never killed innocent people. She is the wife of Xuanyuan Qi, the mother of Rong Rong. How can you do this to her?"

"Stop!" Dean Wang ruled and yelled.

His original expressionless face, more dignified at the moment, Shen Sheng said, "I have always regarded you as a brother. If it is not for my Tiangongyuan, I will make this choice for the future of Tianzhou. ?

When Rong Rong was born, he was designated as the person of the election. Because she was uploaded with the blood of the official, can you know that the Tiangongyuan did not appear in the election for many years? ”

"Rong Rong has become the person of the day, it is the meaning of God, the blood, is just such a guess. Her partner, the second person of the day, naturally chooses to look for her future, after all, it is to follow the Taiyi Tianshi The law." Xuanyuan Qi angered the voice.

"Hey, Xuanyuan wonderful, the blood of the people of the day is not the guess of the old man!" At this time, a white-haired old man smiled, his face full of yin, the smile looked really disgusting.

She stared at Xuan Rongrong with gaze and smiled. "The old body has been studying the blood for so many years, and how many genius children have been created for the Tiangongyuan. The blood of the people chosen in this day is definitely the correct way for the old man."

"Shut up, old woman!"

Xuanyuan screamed and screamed, and suddenly raised his hand, and a sharp edge appeared in the palm of his hand, and his face was full of murderousness.

"Today, it’s not my Xuanyuanqi who betrayed the Tiangongyuan. You forced me to have a family of three without a way!" (¥新速¥度最≈>


When the voice fell, Xuanyuan Qiwei loosened Xuan Rongrong's small hand, and the whole person turned into a streamer, and the moment slightly forward.

"Hey!" The young Xuanyuan Rong was frightened and screamed.

However, when Xuanyuan Qi rushed out, she shot a shield and held her in place to prevent her from rushing into the battle circle.

Followed by, the front is convenient to sound the deafening roar, Xuanyuan wonderfully with an enemy ten, like a sword god, the world, extraordinary momentum.

"Xuanyuan wonderful, really is the first strongest in the Tiangongyuan!"

Outside the picture, I saw the paragraph seven of this scene, and once again said.

Xu lacks his face and is dignified. He has been exposed to Xuanyuan's wonderful soul. He only knows that this man is very powerful, but he did not expect to have a physical body, but he was so strong that he could harden to the point where he could be an enemy. It’s terrible!

"These people in Tiangongyuan are really beasts!" Duan Qide once again spoke and angered.

In the battle between Xuanyuan Qiqi and Tiangongyuan, the white-haired old man and Wang Ji still kept persuading, which revealed a lot of information, and let Xu Wei and Duan Qide and others know the truth.

The white-haired old man is one of the strange people in the Tiangongyuan, and even the most advanced medicine **** in Tianzhou. The alchemy is the best in the world, but it is also obsessed with blood research. In short, it is the crazy fan of human experiment.

The world has long forgotten her name, only know her title - blood woman!

After years of blood research, she did create a powerful cultivator in addition to countless blood, all hidden in the Tiangongyuan, and formed a Tianmo team.

It has been rumored that no one has ever seen the Devils, because the people I have seen have become dead!

When Xuan Rongrong was born, he was alarmed by Taiyi Tianshi, who was appointed as the person of the election. This should have been a good thing, but he was stared at by the blood.

She extracted the blood of Xuan Rongrong. After the study, she discovered that this blood vein resonated with Taiyi Tianshi, and the source of the bloodline came from Xuan Rongrong’s mother, Chu Chu.

In other words, if Guan Chuchu regenerates one person, as long as he inherits the blood, he will become the person of the day.

This news shocked all the top officials of the Tiangongyuan!

They have been waiting for many years, just to one day, there are two people in the world, to succumb to love, to start Tianzhou, to open the door of the gods, and to enter the domain.

Only in that world of gods, they have hopes to go further and become Taoist Taoist, even to win the throne and become a true God!

Nowadays, there is only one person who chooses Xuan Rongrong. If she waits for her adulthood and finds another person to become a Taoist, it is not necessarily the best choice for Taiyi Tianshi, and she may not be able to spend her love.

But if they can create a person with the same blood as Xuan Rongrong, the success rate will be infinitely large.

So, what if you want the same blood?

Let Guan Chu Chu give birth to a boy?

Then it became the younger brother of Xuanyuan Rong. Taiyi Tianshi would not agree with his brother and sister to become a Taoist. This is not a matter of heaven and earth. Even in the earth, this kind of thing must be sent to the German orthopedics!

Then find another person with the same blood as Guan Chu Chu, Tiangongyuan tried, and Xue Po also said that this blood is difficult to find one, and the second official Chu Chu can not be found.

So, Xue Po proposed a plan to exchange blood!

She has a secret trick that can extract the blood of a person and transfer it to another person without any side effects, but the person who is drawn from the blood will die!

It is precisely because of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tiangongyuan claims that it does not accept Guan Chuchu's identity from the magic door, asking her to leave, but secretly secretly imprisoned her.

Unexpectedly, this matter was discovered by Xuanyuan Qi, and it was only under the anger that Xuan Rongrong wanted to save the official Chu Chu, and then the family left the Tiangongyuan.

Unfortunately, his actions were also discovered by the Tiangongyuan, and he was blocked in the back hill.

Only then did this memory picture.

After Xu Wei and others learned all of this from the picture, the expression was also very ugly.

"This blood woman, this king ruler, Tiangongyuan these people ... are damn!" Xu lacked heart anger, almost overflowing!



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