Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1557: Do you want to follow me first?

As the light and shadow images in the air gradually blurred until they dissipated, they also announced that the banned memory had been included in Xuan Rongrong’s mind. .

Her entire face lost her blood, pale and scary, her hands trembling slightly, staying in place.

"Mom, this oo"


"You have to arrange accommodation for me, or I will go to your elders theory." The woman did not hesitate, but she seized the clothes of Chu Feng.

"Chu Fengdi, have you been in trouble?" But at this moment, a sweet voice suddenly sounded.

Looking at it, a purple girl, is coming, although her mouth is smiling, but the pair of sharp eyes, but staring at the woman.

When I saw the girl, the woman’s face suddenly changed, and a thick fear emerged.

Not because of anything else, only because of the purple sè robes on the girl, that is the sign of the inner disciple. Starting 33

The woman screamed badly, and thought that her identity could be difficult for the boy in front of her.

I used to think that this young man who looked at the inconspicuous, actually had a disciple to do the backstage, but that was the existence she could not afford.

"It's okay, I just asked the little brother about something." The woman smiled and explained.

The girl first glanced at her and then only said one word "rolling."

At this moment, the woman's body could not help but tremble, and her face became iron.

However, she did not hesitate, and took the boy and quickly walked away. There was still a fall between the panic and the wolf.

Upon seeing it, Chu Feng shook his head helplessly, and then prayed to the girl next to him, "Thank you Chu Yue Shijie"

"You are polite with me, we are a family." Chu Yue is not happy.

She is right, Chu Feng and she are indeed a family, they are from the same family, Chu family.

This Chu Yue is the cousin of the Chu Feng Er Bo family, only one year older than Chu Feng.

However, Chu Yue passed the internal door assessment three years ago and became an inner disciple. Now he is a master of Lingwu.

"Zongmen rules, always have to comply." Chu Feng smiled brilliantly.


"哎" However, looking at such Chu Feng, Chu Yue is a bit of a heart "Chu Fengdi, this year's internal door assessment you still do not participate? Is it, you have not reached the Lingwu triple?"

Chu Feng did not answer, his face still has a smile, no one knows what he means.

Upon seeing it, Chu Yue took a kit from the waist and put it in the hands of Chu Feng. “Refining it, maybe it can help you break through the triple.” Update the fastest mobile phone htts: 33

Chu Feng opened the kit, and suddenly a compelling aura emerged. A finger-sized, crystal-clear fairy grass was lying in it.

"Chu Yuejie, this is too expensive, I can't." Chu Feng rushed back to Chu Yue.

The fairy grass is a sacred medicine for martial arts. It is extremely precious, and it has endless effects on the martial artists who are within the spirit of the martial arts.

In order to let them improve quickly, the Chu family will subsidize one of them every year.

I want to come to Chu Yue, this is also a family subsidy, but Chu Yue did not enjoy it, but gave him, which makes Chu Feng feel moved, but can not bear to accept.

"I said to you, you are holding, or not my brother." Chu Yue is not happy.

"Hey, when is Chu Yuejie so generous, and the fairy grasses have to be sent?"

"Look at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am also your younger brother. Just recently I will break through the four spirits of Lingwu. Why is Chu Yuejie sending me this fairy grass?"

A teenager of similar age to Chu Feng came over and wore the costumes of the inner disciples.

His name is Chu Zhen, also from the Chu family. He joined Qing Fengzong with Chu Feng five years ago, but as early as two years ago, he has become an inner disciple.

"Chu Zhen, you have already broken through the three spirits of Lingwu, successfully condensed the aura, even without this fairy grass can also skyrocket."

"Chu Fengdi has not yet gathered aura, this fairy grass is more important to him." Chu Yue will immortal grass, forcibly inserted into the hands of Chu Feng.

"Yeah, you are right, but unfortunately he does not lead you." Chu really spread his hands and sneered.

"Who said that I don't want it." However, Chu Feng smiled slightly, and unceremoniously put the fairy grass into his arms, and then "Chu Yuejie, this fairy grass is what I borrowed from you, ri later Will double


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