Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1569: Crazy crazy

"Ding, the unity of all laws has been activated."

"Ding, it is detected that the host has more than 10,000 exercises, and the integration time is longer. It is recommended that the host turn on acceleration. It is estimated that it will require 50 million to force.

"It is detected that the host currently has free benefits for a limited time, and the system automatically turns on acceleration."

"Ding, there was an error in the fusion, and irreversible conflicts occurred in 3850 kungfu attributes. It is recommended that the host turn on strong fusion. It is estimated that one billion equipment will be required."

"Ding, a huge error has occurred in the integration. The fusion of 560 methods will cause the host to die suddenly. It is recommended that the host purchase the rules of the road to supplement it. It is estimated that it will require 10 billion equipment."

"It is detected that the host currently has free benefits for a limited time, and the powerful integration has been automatically turned on and the road rules have been added."



Xu Que, who was fleeing, swallowed hard as he listened to the system prompts in his mind.

Crazy crazy...

He was a little scared, no, not a little bit, but really scared.

This unity of ten thousand laws is so burning?

If you turn on a boost, why do you need 50 million to force?

The problem is that the cost of various functions required in the follow-up is obviously more terrifying!

Strong integration, one billion?

Avenue rules, ten billion?

Nima, this is going against the sky!

Xu Que couldn't believe it. If he hadn't been free for a limited time, he would never know that the system could burn money to such a degree.

It’s not difficult to accumulate tens of millions of equipment to gain speed based on his equipment.

But one billion, ten billion, that is estimated to be accumulated over thousands of years, and you have to pretend to be forced all the time and cannot stop.

This is horrible.

"Suddenly I am looking forward to it, what the final fusion will be..."

Xu Que was a little excited inside.

He continued to flee, avoiding the invisible killer moves of the four stone sculptures again.

But the next second, the power in the body suddenly stagnated, as if it was hollowed out, Zou Ran's escape speed slowed down a lot, and the whole person stopped in place.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

Xu Que was shocked and reacted extremely quickly. He quickly squeezed out the Immortal Spiritual Escape Talisman, and disappeared in place.

At the same time, the system prompt sound was long overdue.

"Ding, due to the insufficient level of the current version of the system, more energy is required to activate the unity of all laws. It is temporarily unable to provide the host with a retaliation mechanism to activate the system. It is expected to recover in ten minutes."

"Damn, ten minutes? You let me escape for ten minutes by my own strength?"

Xu Que's mentality was about to explode after listening.

He used Zhijietong, coupled with the system's automatic replenishment of the immortal power and soul power, and had to have the system's automatic revenge mechanism, in order to reluctantly escape from the invisible killer moves of the four stone sculptures.

Even so, he was blown to pieces while fleeing, and only barely recovered.

But now, the system is actually unable to provide an automatic retaliation mechanism, which is equivalent to taking away half of his strength bonus. What is the difference between this and death?

"I knew it. Since the unity of all laws is so powerful, how could it be determined that I will lose with a high probability. It turns out that I am waiting here. The system predicts that I will not be able to survive these ten minutes before the unity of all laws is completed. what."

Xu Que realized it at this time.

He used Xianpin Shenxing Escape Talisman, which has teleported thousands of miles away.

But at this distance, he hadn't escaped the ultimate move range of the four stone carvings at all. Helpless, he could only continue to sacrifice a lot of escape amulet, teleporting continuously.


The next moment, the moment before Xu Que disappeared, the palm he had just recovered was blown into blood mist again.

"No, the activation of Escape Talisman is too slow. With this thing, I will definitely die within three minutes." Xu Que frowned, his face extremely ugly.

How long has it been, how long have I not experienced the tension and excitement of a lifetime of death.

However, there really seems to be no way.

Either stop the unity of all laws and continue to delay and flee.

Or just...

"Kirin ancestor, Duan Qide, are you still watching the show? Come and help!"

Xu Que rolled his eyes and shouted.

After all, those two, one is Ergouzi's previous life, and the other is Duan Jiude's grandfather.

The Kylin ancestor can still be famous after tens of thousands of years, and it has been mentioned by countless people. There must be many methods.

And Duan Qide, at any rate, is also Duan Jiude's grandfather, and combined with the methods that this guy has shown before, it is definitely not a simple character.

If these two players are willing to make a move, they may still have a chance to continue to flee and wait for a comeback after ten minutes.

However, as he shouted, he didn't get any response.

As the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves, the ancestor Qilin and Duan Qide seemed to have never been here before, and they didn't even give off a little breath.

Instead, Xuanyuan Wanrong asked, "How can I help you?"

"Just hide away!" Xu Que responded directly.

At this time, let alone the weakened version of Xuanyuan Wanrong, even if the Xuanyuan Wanrong came tens of thousands of years later, it would have been cold here.

Being able to stay away is indeed the greatest help to Xu Que, at least without the effort to take care of her safety.

"Uncomfortable Ergouzi, your previous life is more dog than you!" Xu Que looked at the silence around him, and sighed helplessly.

The ancestor Qilin and Duan Qide were too dogged, and they hid so deeply that he couldn't even find the trace of those two goods.

"Kirin ancestor, Duan Qide, help me resist for a while, and I can come back against the wind. If you two help me, I will teach you the supreme secret method." Xu Que helplessly, can only continue to pinch the gods and escape the talisman, while shouting , Trying to get those two goods out.

"Kirin ancestor, I have a method that allows you to merge with the ninth generation and transcend the blood of the ancient dragon."

"Duan Qide, I have a treasure, which can help you become a fairy emperor and feel the charm of the avenue."

"Kirin ancestor, I still have a magic weapon that can help you keep the memory of the ninth generation."

"Duan Qide, I..."

Xu Que made various benefits while fleeing.

The ancestors of Qilin and Duan Qide are still silent, they seem to have already left, not here at all.

But Xu Que just believed and was 100% sure. Those two goods would definitely hide nearby and watch.

"Kirin ancestor, if you don't come out again, if I leave here alive and return to the real world, I will definitely break the legs of your future generations and pull the soup away."

"Duan Qide, if you don't help, I will retaliate against your offspring Duan Jiude."

"You two rookies, think carefully, this is a memory world, including you are all false existences, come out to sacrifice for me at this moment, and benefit future generations, it is completely profitable for blood!"

In desperation, Xu Que began to speak harshly.

Otherwise, with the character of those two goods, it is estimated that they will not come out.


Sure enough, with a sigh, a voice came.

"Boy, do you want to be so wicked? You also said that everything in the memory world is false, and you want to get revenge in the real world?"

Duan Qi was full of helplessness in German.

But this is only sound transmission, still not exposed, even the breath is very clean.

Obviously, this guy's methods are unfathomable.

"You don't understand, if I die, it will be difficult for your descendants and the descendants of Qilin ancestors to survive. The real world is not safe now. Unless I can go out, I can reverse everything." Xu Que responded quickly.

At this time, I didn’t think about joking. What he said was true. When his memory world was shattered before, he saw the scene of Tianzhou, and there was indeed chaos. Even Ergouzi, Duan Jiude and others rushed out. There is chaos, and the situation is not optimistic.

"Fart, don't you kid, don't want to pit the deity, even if it is in the memory world, the deity does not want to die. If as you said, if the real world is dangerous, your strength will not change anything after you go back. It's better to die here." At this moment, the ancestor of Qilin heard.

Xu Que shook his head and said, "I said, protect me for a while. I'm deducing a technique that can reverse everything."

"Deduction of the method?" The ancestor Qilin laughed and laughed: "Sure enough, this kid is cheating us."

"Not bad." Duan Qide also echoed.

"But the deity still decided to help, nothing else, just for the immortal justice in the deity's heart!"

Duan Qide: "???"

Qilin ancestor: "Duan Daoist, let's go, let's take action together and protect this kid for a while... Don't look at this deity like this, check it for yourself, this kid is very improper, just passed the sound transmission, gave us a download A poisonous curse."

Duan Qide was stunned for a moment, and then a loud "grass" sound spread all over the place.

In the next moment, two dark shadows rushed out of the mountains not far away. It was Duan Qide and the ancestor of Qilin.

"Come on and help, drag one of the stone sculptures, the other three stone sculptures are not enough to be afraid." Xu Que shouted, continuing to sacrifice the escape charm.

Casting poison through sound transmission is a supernatural power exchanged from the system, which consumes blood and spirit.

But there is no way, this thing is a chronic spell, and it can't deal with stone carvings. It is used to intimidate the two goods, but it has a miraculous effect.

"Damn, I'm so angry, this **** is hiding well, you stupid hat must speak to him to respond to him, and it hurts this god's poisoning curse." Qilin ancestor cursed, and flew to Xu Que's side.

It doesn't work, he just tried it. The poisonous spell is extremely terrifying, it can't be removed at all, and it is tied to Xu Que's life. Once Xu Que dies, they will die suddenly.

"It's nothing more, just remembering the world. You and I are all false. Are you still greedy for life and fear of death?" Duan Qide shook his head and sighed, then his eyes condensed and he shouted, "Follow me."

"Chong!" Kylin ancestor also shouted.

The scene boiled with blood for a moment.

Both of them locked onto one of the stone sculptures, their faces were solemn and magnificent, and they vowed to hold the stone sculpture.

"Chong!" Duan Qide shouted again.

"You charge!" Kylin ancestor also shouted.

"You rush first!" Duan Qide said.

"I don't. You don't need to be greedy for life and fear of death, you first."

"I just said it casually."

The two were full of momentum, but they did not act at all.

In just a few moments, Xu Que was directly shattered half of his body. If it hadn't had the system's automatic recovery function, it was estimated that he would fall and be killed on the spot.

At this moment, seeing Duan Qide and Qilin ancestor still persuading, suddenly furious.

"How can I be with you two?"

Xu Que cursed and didn't talk nonsense. While relying on the system to recover from his injuries, he also crazily stuffed pills into his mouth, and at the same time pinched the Shenxing escape amulet, rushed to the position of Duan Qide and Qilin ancestor.

"Fuck, kid, what are you doing here."

"do not!"

The two of them were shocked, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was about to move, and turned to run away.

Xu Que rolled his eyes and yelled: "Trust me, help me hold it for five minutes, it's half tea time, I can solve everything."



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