Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1581: Under the flower

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-one chapters of the main text are below, and the flowers are not missing (fourth more)

"Fang Master Xu, are you going to Xianyuanzhou? Hurry up, and these four people can be solved by us." Soon, an immortal king from the Shadow Buddha Sect shouted.

"Yo? When have you been so enthusiastic?"

Xu Que was immediately happy.

Looking at this posture, it seems that these people are really here to help.

Is it possible that he was shocked by his previous crazy state, so he came to show his favor?

Okay, yes, pretty good.

"What the Xu Gang said, Tianzhou belongs to each of us, but it definitely does not belong to these invaders. It is everyone's responsibility to protect Tianzhou."

"Yes, Gang Leader Xu has already done something for Tianzhou before. Now, let us deal with this little trouble."

"These four don't know good and bad, and dare to stop Xu's gang leader. I'll wait for them to die."

"Leader Xu, you hurry, leave it to us here."

A dozen people shouted, already galloping in violently, and instantly surrounded the four strong people of Xianyuanzhou.

Upon seeing this, Xu Que smiled in relief.

"Okay, thank you all for your help." He smiled and bowed his hands to everyone.

Some emotions in my heart.

Thinking of the grudges and grievances with these forces at the beginning, I did not expect that now because of the invasion of this Xianyuanzhou, everyone has turned into a jade silk.

There is true love in the world, and true love in the world.

"Don't want to enter my Xianyuanzhou."

At this time, a strong immortal king of Xianyuanzhou roared, rushing forward like death, burning the origin, trying to die with Xu Que.

He knew very well that none of the four of them could leave today.

But in any case, this terrifying existence that can enter the state of madness at any time cannot be allowed to enter Xianyuanzhou.

"The more you say that, the more I will go." Xu Que raised his eyebrows, and was about to respond immediately.

An old fairy king in Fangcun directly stood in front of the fairy king and took a hard shot. He didn't forget to turn his head and shout to Xu Que, "Leader Xu, go quickly."

"Ah this!"

Xu Que was stunned for an instant, this sudden move...

"Senior, you..." Xu Que opened his mouth to say something.

"Hurry up."

The other Heavenly Continent Immortal Kings already surrounded the four Immortal Yuanzhou Powerhouses, and urged Xu Que to leave.

Xu Que touched the tip of his nose, how did it feel something was wrong.

But he didn't bother to ask the question, since they are willing to take action to solve this little trouble, then let them go.

"Everyone, then I'll leave first, and see you later."

Xu Que smiled, then turned and swept towards the gap in the void boundary wall.

However, just when he felt the traction of the void boundary wall, there was a roar from a strong immortal continent: "I heard that this person is harming the Quartet in the Heaven Continent, why are you helping him like this?"

"Silly ratio, you know what a shit. This scourge is going to go, but you ran out to stop him. Is it possible that we can't help him, but also help you in turn?"

"Hey, it's okay now, the ‘deceptive dog’ is gone, and Tianzhou is finally going to be peaceful."

"Cough cough cough, don't speak so loudly, it seems that Xu Que hasn't got in yet..."

The gazes of a dozen immortal kings all glanced at Xu Que who was being dragged into Xianyuanzhou.

"My Nima..."

Xu Que was already full of anger, and immediately rushed out of the gap in the void boundary wall to educate this group of people.

However, there was a huge amount of involvement behind him, pulling him back in an instant.


Accompanied by bursts of huge roar in his ears, the scene in front of him changed rapidly, and the void was completely distorted.

The next moment, when all the forces involved dissipated, everything in front of Xu Que returned to normal.

He is already in an unfamiliar place.

It is surrounded by a vast plain with mountains and forests in the distance.

The air is filled with extremely rich spiritual energy, and even the world is full of Dao rhyme rules, as if practicing in such a place, it is possible to feel the Dao at any time and break through in situ.

"This is Xianyuanzhou? It really is a good place."

After Xu Que took a deep breath, he felt refreshed and his mood improved a lot.

However, Ergouzi and Duan Jiude, who were sucked in first, were not there at this moment.

According to what Er Gouzi said earlier, if the gap in the void boundary wall of Tianzhou was reversed, it would be teleported to a different location as soon as the time was staggered.

So Xu Que opened up his mind and glanced around at will. After not aware of the breath of the two guys, he gave up looking for them.

With the character and style of these two goods, it is estimated that it will not be long before they will become notorious. When that time, I don't have to look for them, I guess I can know their whereabouts from the mouth of others.

Therefore, the most urgent task at the moment is to find Jiang Hongyan and the others first.

After all, it is not unreasonable to say that "the beauty of beauty is a disaster". The strength of the entire cultivator of Xianyuanzhou is stronger than that of Tianzhou, and there are many strong ones. With Jiang Hongyan's appearance and temperament, I am afraid that they will inevitably encounter trouble.

"It just seemed to sense the breath of a monk in this direction."

Xu Que swept his gaze to the east, and he could detect the gathering of human races in the distance.

"Go and find out the situation first."

He muttered to himself, his figure shook, and instantly turned into a phantom and swept forward.

After a while.

Xu Que appeared outside a city.

Looking up, the three characters "Jinghe City" were written above the city gate.

"Did fellow Daoists also come to participate in the three selections?"

When I stopped, a voice suddenly came from my side.

Xu Que looked back and saw that he was a handsome young man dressed in white.

But this boy seems to have very strange bones.

He looks delicate, petite and weak, and his pectoral muscles are developed differently from ordinary people.

Xu Que looked down again.

Good guy, the legs look very slender and stable. It's a good gun mount...Bah, it's not right, it's a good body proportion.


Seeing Xu Que's delay in replying, the boy called again.

"Not bad."

Xu Que smiled slightly, nodded and said: "In Xiahua Wuwei, this time I am here to participate in the three selections. I am going to watch Xiongtai by one person, why don't you and I go together?"

"Right on my mind!"

The other party suddenly bloomed, revealing a sweet smile.

"I don't know how the friends are called? Actually, I just heard about the three selections this time. I came here admiringly. Can Daoists talk about it in detail?" Xu Que asked politely.

"Ah yes..."

Upon hearing the words, the teenager realized that he hadn't given his name yet, his face flushed, and he was a little embarrassed: "Brother Hua, forgive me, I'll take care of Zheng..."

In an introduction, the two also marched towards the city together.

During the conversation, Xu Que learned that "Jinghe City" belongs to Qingzhou in the Wudu domain of Xianyuanzhou. There are three sects around the city. There are several immortal kings and powerful people in the sect. It is one of the eighteen ancient sects of Qingzhou.

In the three selections of Jinghe City, it was not that they wanted to recruit new disciples, but that they had taken on a task from a big power and were looking for talented people.

But someone revealed the inside story. Three cases were selecting geniuses for the rumored four heavenly gates. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

As for the origin of the four heavenly gates, and what's so extraordinary, Guan Zheng asked three questions, because he also heard about it from outside.

Xu Que was so angry that he almost hammered him in the chest.

A lot of details have been said, but you don’t know the key things. They are all heard from others?

But as a newcomer, Xu Que felt that he still needed to keep a low profile.

After all, the experience of this period of time made him feel that he has become more mature and more stable than before.

So, under the leadership of Guan Zheng, the two quickly came to an inn for a rest.

Xu Que also took this opportunity to talk to other monks who had also come to participate in the three selections in the inn, and by the way, he asked for news.

After some inquiries, I found a lot of "friends" and almost no useful news.

These people have never heard of people from Tianzhou entering this world, let alone news of Jiang Hongyan and others.

But this is also normal. From those people's mouth, Xu Que probably understood the condition of Xianyuanzhou.

It is roughly divided into seven major domains, each of which is almost wider than the entire Celestial Continent. Even if there is any news, it is estimated that the spread of such a vast world is extremely slow.

This made Xu Que a little bit distressed, the sea of ​​people was so big, and the world was so big, it would be easier said than done to find Jiang Hongyan and the others in a short time!

Do you have to use the old method again?

Throw your shoes for directions?

[Ps: Let me tell you, we started to resume the update on May 5, but it started at 0 o’clock, and now it’s the 6th update. If you feel uncomfortable, I will update and adjust later. By the day. 】

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