Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1587: I want it all

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-seventh chapters are all in the text

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Xu Que walked out unscathed, not to mention any wounds on his body, even the metal pieces attached to his body did not show any signs of damage.

"Brother Hua!" Guan Zheng shouted in surprise after a daze.

"No...impossible!" Liu Yebai's eyes widened in disbelief.

How could it be possible that this move didn't cause any harm at all?

"That armor..." Guan Chengping frowned, staring at the purple and gold armor on Xu Que's body.

Obviously, he attributed all this to the armor set on Xu Que's body.

This must be the existence of the fairy weapon level, otherwise it is impossible for the protection to be so amazing!

After all, that one is the elder of Qinghongzong Jiange!

Known as the existence of Qingzhou Xiaojianxian!

"Young man, your armor saved your life!"

At this moment, Liu Yebai also reacted, staring at the armor on Xu Que's body, a little moved.

When everyone present heard this, they realized something instantly.

"That's it!"

"His armor is weird, it can withstand the sword immortal's ultimate move!"

"I'm afraid this is a fairy!"

Many people talked in a low voice, and their eyes became fiery.

Such an armor, and it was still decomposed from that stick, it was obviously a set of precious immortal ranks possessed by offense and defense!

"The armor saves my life? Do you think your acupuncture can use my armor to resist it?"

Xu Que smiled suddenly and shook his head again and again: "This thing is just to look good on me, so I can pretend to be coercive. Why do you all think that I rely on armor to block the sword?"

After speaking, his body shook slightly!


The purple-gold armor on his body was automatically decomposed in an instant, turned into pieces of metal again, and returned to the king's stick.

Everyone present, including Liu Yebai, couldn't help but startled.

This...what kind of operation?

Is the radical method so easy to use?

Haven't really exerted any strength yet, just say you casually, did you really take off your armor?

Really stunned?

"You may not know that I have practiced the physical body horizontally, but it is an unparalleled Communion in the world!"

At this time, Xu Que introduced himself with a smile.

The fight stopped, and with a "boom" in his hand, he pushed the king's stick into the ground again, his face was full of pride, and he stretched out his hand and started to pull his collar.

Everyone was dumbfounded in an instant, what are you going to do?

What is the unparalleled Eucharist?

And you go home, what is going on when you suddenly take off your clothes?

"Everyone, let you have a long experience today!"

At the same time, Xu Que yelled, and took his collar to both sides with both hands!

Golden light really shines on the strong chest.

It's a bit dazzling!

On closer inspection, it appears to be two golden fonts.

It's crooked, it seems to be...

"The Eucharist?" Someone chanted those two words too hard to be clear.

"Have a vision!"

Xu Que shouted and gave a thumbs up to the other party, expressing his compliment!


Then, the audience fell into silence for an instant.

Cold field!

Extremely cold!

Many people's lips twitched fiercely, and their eyelids jumped.

Guan Zheng is even more sluggish, so you are such a flower brother?

That's it?

Written the word "Communist" on the chest, and I don't know what kind of dye was used to paint it, and the sparkle was very dazzling.

Can this be called the Eucharist?

The point is that your font is too ugly, right?

If you don’t look carefully, you won’t be able to see that it’s the Eucharist!

"Huh, Eucharist?"

Liu Yebai sneered, shook his head and said, "I don't know the so-called, grandstanding!"

After he finished speaking, he violently fought with the sword again, and his whole person seemed to merge with a sharp sword, turning into a stream of light, and instantly rushed towards Xu Que.

Xu Que stood in place with a smile, and had time to read the system prompts.

He took Liu Yebai's sword, and showed off his Eucharist, directly rewarding tens of thousands of points.

No loss for this wave!


At the same time, the whitening edge of the willow leaves has turned into a flaming glow, permeating the entire inn.

Everyone narrowed their eyes subconsciously, but stared at the battlefield closely.

Liu Yebai's ultimate move again, that Hua Wuqian didn't hide, and still stood in place and giggled?

"Brother Hua, hide away!" Guan Zheng screamed.

"Hidden what?"

Xu Que responded with a smile, and at the same time raised his arm, his five fingers clenched into a fist, his eyes were directed at the cold light ahead!

"Since I have collected tens of thousands of points, I won't waste time playing with you."


A punch was blasted, and the void made a dull sound!

The long-lost King Fist!

You don't need to use the pretending value, just rely on your own Taoist rhyme to motivate.

The huge shadow of the fist instantly became solid in the inn, as if penetrating through the void, smashing down on the oncoming cold light!

The entire inn was immediately filled with violent air waves, and the surrounding formations that consolidated the walls of the inn broke apart in an instant.

The expressions of everyone present changed in shock, and the immortal force was transported to resist this wave of air!


At this time, just listen to a loud noise!

The wisp of cold light that the white willow leaves had not really touched the shadow of the fist, exploded directly in the air.

Flesh and flesh are flying in the sky!

at once!

Everyone was shocked, their faces were shocked and dumbfounded!

Liu... Liu Jianxian!

died? ? ?

He died just like this without even touching his body with just one punch?

how can that be!

That is Qingzhou Xiaojianxian!

In the Great Luojin Wonderland, it can almost be said that the outstanding figure standing on top of the top.

As a result, he was killed by an unknown young man with a punch?

"Elder Liu!"

Many Da Luoxians of Qinghongzong wailed and shouted.

Everyone looked at Xu Que in shock and anger.

Including the Young Sect Master Xiang Min who had been rescued by several Da Luoxian and recovered some injuries.

At this time he was already confused.

He hasn't been able to react to how he was hit hard. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

As a result, he saw on the spot that the powerful Jiange elder of his own sect was hit and killed by Xu Que, and there was no whole body!

Xiang Min was even more confused in an instant, feeling as if he was living in a dream.

The crowd at the Fencheng Gate was also shocked.

"This... terrible!" Guan Cheng was extremely solemn, even if he tried hard to calm himself, but his body couldn't help shaking.

Powerful as the sword immortal Liu Yebai, the same Da Luo Jinxian, was killed by a punch like this.

This flower is perfect...definitely the kind of genius in the rumor.

There is no one in a million, the world's unparalleled invincible of the same level.

Such a person seems to be the person that the three selections are looking for!

But... Isn't it asking for trouble to select this kind of person?

"Oh, you can't stop it with a punch, what a broken sword fairy!"

At this time, Xu Que patted the non-existent dust on his body and looked at everyone present with a smile.

Finally, his eyes stayed on Xiang Min and Guan Chengping.

"I'll announce again. It's time for the bombing gang to rob, but I haven't figured out what to rob, so... I just want it all!"

Xu Que said, holding his five fingers, his face showing a mean smile.

Everyone was startled.

Want it all?

What do you mean?

Does he mean that both wealth and **** are going to be robbed?

"I declare!"

Xu Que spoke again, narrowed his face and smiled, his voice clearly raised.

"From this moment on, the Exploding Heavens Gang officially takes over the city of Jinghe, including the three forces! If there are those who disagree, kill without mercy!"

In an instant, the voice resounded like Hong Zhong Dalu.

[The second one is delivered! 】

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