Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1594: Greeting adults

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-four chapters welcome adults


For a long time, Xiong Ba, the owner of Wuyun Building, slowly sighed, "Just as he wants, take as much as you want."

"But, the original poster..." The disciple of Wuyun Tower was shocked, and even more unwilling.

That was the pill workshop in their Wuyun Building. There were so many miraculous medicines in it, and there were also a lot of precious medicinal materials that were extremely old, so they gave it away?

"Follow his request. We can't do anything with him now, but soon, everything he took will eventually be thrown back in full."


The attitude of Wuyun Tower and Fencheng Gate also surprised everyone in Jinghe City, but they could understand it.

After all, even the Sect Master Qinghong was killed, who would dare to offend this flower!

Moreover, everyone is also very clear in their hearts that the three sects are obviously forbearing, and tolerating the arrival of the adults of the power behind them, everything will eventually end.

High-level fairy king, how powerful and terrifying!

Hua Wuque is in trouble!

Suddenly, there were more discussions in Hecheng.

Xu Que ignored it. After searching for a whole day, he returned to the inn with a lot of rewards.

In the increasingly painful smile of the innkeeper, Xu Que switched to the largest wing and lay down and rested comfortably.

Cultivation is impossible to cultivate. Wouldn't it be nice to sleep happily?

Everything in the dream!

The graceful and luxurious Jiang Hongyan hugged him in her arms and gave him a drink.

The enchanting Liu Jingning was rubbing his calf.

The cold and indifferent Zixia fairy Shi Qingxuan was helping him press his head.

There are Su Ling'er, Su Yunlan, Madam Ya, Xuanyuan Wanrong, etc...

He is really a dedicated man, even in his dreams, he will not miss any one.

"Xiao Rou, don't be so strong, lighter..."

Xu Que in the dream stretched out his hand, ready to embrace Xiao Rou, who had been reunited after a long time, but was suddenly awakened by the noisy gongs and drums outside the inn.

"Made! What do you think you can't sleep?" Xu Que got up annoyed and flew out of the inn.

The sky was already bright outside, and countless monks on the street were rushing towards the city gate, as if something big and lively had happened.

The sound of gongs and drums is a big movement made by the three sects, and they all know that this is the three sects welcoming the coming of that mighty power.

Yesterday, Hua Wucai, who was very happy, was missing. Everyone thought that this guy had escaped overnight, but he didn't expect that he was sleeping in the inn. At this moment, he jumped out of the inn directly.

Good guy, do you really want such an iron?

The high-ranking immortal kings are here, why don't you run?

Even if you don't run, at any rate, you can take a breath of seclusion and hide first.

Now that it appears directly, the breath is exposed, I am afraid it is too late to run.

"I wanted to sleep a little longer before getting up to take over the three cases. I didn't expect that you would welcome me so much, and beat the gongs and drums to get me up and continue. Then I will continue..."

Xu Que narrowed his eyes, smiled, and swaggered straight to the end of the street.

Everyone was shocked instantly.


The high-ranking immortal kings are almost here, are you going to continue?

And this direction...

At the gate of the city, Qinghongzong's Xiangqing had already led people to stay in place, waiting for the adult to arrive.

Who ever wanted to suddenly hear a disciple rushing to announce that Hua Wucai, who killed a thousand swords, rushed into their Qinghongzong base camp and directly searched for treasures.

"He... why is he so dare?" Xiang Qing's eyes widened, in disbelief, and then he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

What about this wave? Qinghongzong is going to be ransacked!

Why isn't that adult coming...

"Vice Vice Sect Master!"

At this time, Guan Liumang on the side smiled lightly, and the strategizing appearance made people feel safe.

He patted Xiangqing on the shoulder, and said with relief: "Why do you have to be impatient for such a trivial matter? When Master Yongxing arrives, he will die!"

"I..." Xiangqing wanted to curse.

It wasn't your Fencheng Gate who robbed you. Of course you are not impatient.

But at the moment, I can only wait eagerly, and can't do anything.

Except for that adult, no one can stop Hua Wuxia at all.

"Sect Master, it's not good, Hua Wuque finished searching from the Qinghong Sect and went to our Fencheng Gate again." Suddenly, another disciple rushed forward and knelt directly in front of Liu Mang, the supervisor of the Fencheng Gate. , Said anxiously.

"What?" Guan Liumang turned black for an instant, and cursed: "Grass!"

When Xiangqing on the side saw this, he was immediately happy and almost couldn't help laughing.

Didn’t you say there is no need to be impatient?

It's funny to see how you look so anxious now.

But...these words are only bb in my heart to celebrate these words, and never dared to say them.

After all, he was only a big Luo Jinxian at best, but Guan Liumang was a genuine first-level immortal king.

Respect the strong, the respect that should be given is still to be given!

On the other side, the host of Wuyun Tower also began to feel worried.

Don't, Hua Wucai's next goal, don't it be Wuyunlou, right?

That lord, when did you...



An aura like the majesty of the heavens and the earth wafted from a distance!

The whole Crane City was shocked by this momentum!

Some monks who had not yet entered the realm of Taiyi Immortal, could not stand on their legs at this moment, and knelt directly on the ground.

Guan Liumang and Xiangqing, together with Xiong Ba, the three looked at each other, full of ecstasy!


That adult is finally here!

"Etiquette, get up!"

Guan Liuman immediately waved his hand and shouted vigorously.


There was a crisp and loud gong knocking.

The three disciples raised their instruments together and began to play music!

Inside and outside Jinghe city, a majestic melody suddenly sounded.

The tune is majestic and resounds all around.

Not far away, the Fencheng Gate was on the way to the Wuyun Tower.

Xu Que also heard the movement, turned his head slowly, and looked in the direction of the city gate.

"Is the high-ranking immortal king coming? The appearance is quite big!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Xu Que's mouth.

I don't know who gave me the courage. In front of Ben Bisheng, he dare to pretend like this?

After Ben Qisheng finishes his work, I will take care of you again!


In an instant, Xu Que pinched out a magical escape talisman and quickly disappeared in place, appearing directly outside the Wuyun Building.

At the same time, Jinghe outside the city gate.

The majestic and vast melody still echoes in all directions.

In midair, a giant spirit boat faintly appeared.

At the bow of the ship stood a man in Tsing Yi with his hands on his back. Under the breeze, his clothes fluttered and a strand of silver hair fluttered gently in front of his forehead.

There are two teenagers behind him, one holding a gun and the other holding a sword.

"Congratulations to Master Yongxing!"

After the Lingzhou appeared above the crowd, the people of the three sects called out in unison, respectfully.

This sound is like thunder!

Let the whole Jinghe City tremble for it.

The man named Yongxing led the two young people down Lingzhou and glanced at the few people in Guan Liumang.

"A big Luo Jinxian, I can't handle it, so how can I do things for my Tianmen in the future?"

Hearing this admonition, the three hurriedly knelt down!

"I'll wait to be convicted! Please punish your lord."


Yong Xing snorted coldly.

The young man holding the sword behind him suddenly turned into a wisp of blue smoke and plunged into the long sword.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

This! This is actually a sword spirit!

Could it be that the long sword is not a fairy weapon? Only fairy artifacts can truly evolve spirits!

It is still a spirit that can materialize a body!

What an immortal weapon this sword is!

and! Behind Yongxing was a young man with a gun!

This may also be a sword spirit!

Two fairy artifacts!

It seems that this adult's position in Tianmen must be extraordinary. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"The sword is coming!"

Yong Xing whispered, and the long sword behind him flew into his hand!

At the moment he held the sword, a sense of sharpness floated from him!

Rao Guan Liumang and Xiongba both felt the pressure when facing this momentum.

Moreover, this is just an unintentional display of momentum.

Even so, the two immortal kings must struggle to resist.

If he had a sword, he would only be able to kill both of them with a single sword.

As for the other Da Luoxian Taiyixian, they knelt on the ground a long time ago, not even daring to lift their head.

Just as the three sects were angered, Xiong Ba suddenly received the voice of the sect disciple.

His expression changed instantly!

But realizing that he was still kneeling in front of Yongxing, he resisted the anger in his heart and tried his best to squeeze a smile.

However, it is so strange that it can't escape the sense of Yongxing!

"What's the panic?" Yong Xing asked coldly, abruptly.

Xiong Ba suddenly let out a cold sweat. He thought he was hiding well, but he didn't expect this adult to be so powerful.

"Boom boom!"

He immediately banged his head three times and tremblingly said: "Returning to the Lord, the villain is useless, Hua Wuque knows that you have arrived at Jinghe City, but... still broke into the treasure house of our Fifth Yunlou Building, and it hurts me. Ten disciples, robbed my treasure house of the Wuyun Building!"

"Oh, people who want money but don't want life, I've seen a lot of people!"

Yong Xing couldn't help but sneered!

Holding a long sword in his hand, he swept straight towards the city!

this moment!

Everyone trembled, breathing deeply.

They only know one thing, Exploding Heavens Gang Huawuwu, I am afraid it will be over!

[First more. 】

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