Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1597: Fairy Yu Rou is here

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-seventh chapter Yurou Fairy is here

The more Yong Xing thought, the more flustered.

If what happened today is stabbed to the gate of heaven, how should I report it?

I can’t think of it, my lord, it’s my pants that leaked secrets. I have never betrayed Tianmen!


Go crazy!

Who would believe this?

"Oh? You have a lot of words in the underpants. I didn't expect your boy to have that relationship with his immediate boss..." At this moment, Xu Que raised his eyebrows, don't give him a meaningful look.

Unexpectedly, this product is still a fake and serious!

"You... don't go too far! What else do you want to know! I'll tell you!"

"No need!" Xu Que clapped his hands and took back the dozen aprons: "Now, you have no effect!"

Hearing this, Yongxing couldn't help but panic.

No way?

Wouldn't you arrest me, just ask questions to my pants, and make me stupid?

"Brother Hua, raise your hand high and spare my life, I'm still useful!" Yong Xing hurriedly shouted.

Xu Que was stunned for a moment. He made his mouth so hard just now, pretending that he didn't know who I was, so he called Brother Hua now?

Seeing that Xu Que did not reply, Yong Xing hurriedly continued: "I think your Excellency and I have a common hobby, so..."

Xu Que's face is full of question marks! Hand the knife directly!

"Who has a common hobby with you!"

Those bellybands are really a thank you gift from others. Looking at the grateful eyes of those girls at that time, Xu Que couldn't refuse at all!

If you can refuse, which serious person would want to accept this stuff?

On the other side, the top floor of the Tianta, the Wuduyu branch of Tianmen.

"Fairy, Yong Xing is dead."

A man in black robes hurried over, knelt at the door, and said solemnly.

In the attic, a woman in a white dress slowly got up from the seat and walked to the window, staring in the direction of Jinghecheng with her eyes.

After a few breaths, he calmly said: "Let's leave early."

"But..." The black robe man was surprised: "But here's the thing..."

The woman frowned slightly, and after a moment of indulgence, she said lightly: "There are only some finishing touches left. You can leave it to deal with, I'll go ahead."

"Subordinates obey!"

The black-robed man did not dare to question any more, he hurriedly responded, and hurriedly retreated.

When the black-robed man left, the white-clothed woman withdrew her gaze, and her eyebrows frowned slightly.

A hint of doubt flashed through the beautiful eyes.

She found her hands trembling slightly.


She murmured: "What on earth is there."

She has practiced for many years and was regarded as Fairy Yurou by the monks of Xian Yuanzhou!

There has never been a bottleneck on the path of spiritual practice, and there has never been any worries in life!

But this time...just glanced in the direction of Jinghecheng!

She felt confused, as if something was pulling her, and she had to pass right away!

Is there something over there that I have lost for a long time?

This kind of strange throbbing made Fairy Yu Rou feel a little uneasy.

After hesitating for a while, her figure gradually faded from the Tianlou pavilion, turned into a cloud of smoke, and swept towards Jinghe City.

On the way, with the help of several special teleportation arrays, she arrived at Jinghe City in just over two days.

Although the so-called three selections are a major event in Tianmen, they are not important to her.

She came to Jinghe City quietly, without ever alarming anyone, let alone the people of the Three Sects.

Changing the face of an ordinary woman, she walked quietly on the street, looking for something to guide her.

the other side.

Half a day after Yu Rou left Tianmen, several Immortal Venerable Guardians also hurriedly dealt with their affairs and set off in a hurry.

Fairy Yurou is the next Lord of Heavenly Gate, and the person most likely to become the next Immortal Emperor.

The entire Tianmen attaches great importance to her!

Even knowing that this is just a clone of Fairy Yurou, several Taoist protectors still dare not slacken their efforts.

They set off half a day later than Fairy Yurou, and were about to arrive at Jinghe City at this time.

Someone played an order and swept to the distance.

Not long after, within the three venues, a spell slowly floated.

Upon seeing this, Guan Liumang people couldn't help but get excited!


They are finally coming over!

Explosive Tianbang flowers are perfect!

Your death date is coming!


At the same time, the spell glowed with golden light, gradually condensing the figure of an old man.

"I have already left early and will arrive within an hour."

When the voice fell, the spell turned into ashes.

The people of the three sects are not even qualified to talk to the old man phantom.

"Brother Guan! One hour, do we have time to prepare?" Xiong Ba was a little nervous.

Because they knew very well that they were about to see Fairy Yu Rou, the strongest of the younger generation of Xian Yuanzhou!

Xiang Qing also looked at Guan Liuman, now among the three sects, only their Qinghong sect does not have a strong immortal king.

Guan Liumang said solemnly: "First, gather the disciples quickly, no matter what, the battle to meet Fairy Yu Rou must be big."

At this moment, the outskirts of Crane City.

After dealing with Yongxing, Xu Que never returned to Jinghe City.

He was sitting cross-legged in a cave, preparing for everything.

Now that I have learned that Xiao Rou will come, we must make a comprehensive plan, and all plans must be well arranged.

The easiest way is to wait for Xiao Rou to show up, no matter whether she has any memories of her past, just pick it up and run.

The most important thing is to get people.

As for her amnesia, there will always be a solution anyway.

An hour later.

It is still the gate of Jinghe City.

The people of the three sects are ready, standing outside the city excitedly and waiting for more than half an hour.


A vast breath comes from not far away!

The people of the three sects are overjoyed!


Fairy Yu Rou is finally here!

Now they don’t need to guard against Xu Que at all!

Because they believed that if Hua Wuque dared to make trouble at this time, she would definitely be bombarded and killed by Fairy Yu Rou's protector.

The people of the three sects knelt down neatly and shouted: "Welcome to Fairy Yurou! Welcome to all the adults!"

The spirit boat they are riding in, UU reading www.uukanshu. Compared to Yongxing...


There is no comparability at all!

This should be called a Tianzhou!

It just hovered in the sky, the size of it was as big as half a crane city!

Afterwards, twenty black figures appeared from the spirit boat, all wearing black robes, and even their faces were tightly covered.

"This...what is this!"

The casual cultivator in Jinghe City couldn't help but raise his head and look at the spirit boat in the air, his mouth opened so that he could fit twenty million golf balls!

"Could this be the power behind the Three Sects? A Yongxing died, and now such a big battle has come!"

"This Spirit Boat..." A person's eyes were filled with excitement: "It seems to be the'Emperor Boat' of the Tianmen, but Fairy Yurou's car!"

When they heard this, everyone couldn't help but be stunned!

Fairy Yurou!

The fairy Yurou who is known as Xianyuanzhou is most likely to become the next immortal emperor!

She would actually appear in Jinghe City!

At this time, Fairy Yurou, who was walking on the streets of the city, also looked up at the sky.

The protectors came so quickly.

However, she had traveled all over Jinghe City, but still did not find the person or thing she wanted.

"Could it be... just an illusion?" She frowned slightly.

With her current state of mind and strength, how could she have an illusion?

[The fourth is sent. Originally, I still wanted to stabilize the two chapters update, after all, saving the manuscript is also very precious. Everyone hasn't voted very much in the past two days, and the subscription has been much less. Alas, let's not mention it. But if you don’t even vote for free referral votes, my heart will be broken! 】

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