Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1604: Really treat me as a bully?

"Little Rou!"

On the battlefield, Xu Que shouted towards Jinghecheng.

He was quite sure that it was definitely Xiaorou's breath just now, although it was fleeting and accompanied by a wave of void fluctuations, it was likely that she had left!

But there may be other changes, but in fact it did not leave.

So there is still drama in this wave!


He shook his body and turned into a phantom, directly throwing away the immortal kings behind him, and rushed towards the tower of Jinghe City!

"Xiao Rou, I know you are here, you come out to see me, okay!"

"Xiao Rou, I just want to meet you, why are you reluctant to agree to this small request?"

"How I want to meet you, see how you have changed recently, stop talking about the past, just a greeting, just say a word to you, just say a word..."

"long time no see!"

Xu Que shouted and sang again.

The deep and sentimental singing echoed everywhere, full of vicissitudes and helplessness, but it made people feel affectionate.

Many people were moved by it.

This guy is so affectionate, maybe that Xiaorou...even if it is Fairy Yurou, how can he come out to see him at this moment?

No matter what happened in the past, people begged so much, and even sang the song, how could they still be so cruel that they wouldn't even have a chance to meet?

Moreover, they have all sung in their songs, just meet to see if there are any changes recently, and no longer talk about the past, just a greeting, and then say a long time no see, and I am satisfied.

Why don't you agree to such a simple, small and humble wish?

In the hearts of everyone in Jinghe City, they couldn't help but stand on Xu Que's side.

Until they saw Xu Que rushing towards Jinghe City all the way, just as soon as the singing fell, after sneaking out a black club from under the crotch, everyone immediately stared, and the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely.

Promise a fart!

Fairy Yu Rou, don't come out!

I knew that this product definitely didn't hold back any good thoughts.

Don't think we don't know that this black stick can knock people out.

Before knocking the faint and Yongxing fairy king, now you still want to take it out and knock the fairy Yurou?

Is this something human can do?

That's too dogged!

"Presumptuous, don't bother Fairy Yu Rou!"

At this time, a group of strong men in black robes from the Tianmen chased after them.

Xu Que pulled the speed to the extreme, ignoring the immortal king Xianzun powerhouse who was chasing behind him, and the dense tactics bombarded him, all of which were avoided.

If you can't avoid it, you will be injured and the system's automatic recovery function will be directly opened to the limit.

However, when he spared the whole city of Crane!

But she never sensed any of Xiao Rou's breath, except when she approached the tower, a faint breath remained.

This also seems to mean that he is late.

Xu Que fell on the top of the tower, a little stunned, a hint of loss appeared in his eyes.

Xiao Rou left.

She really left, even if she didn't even want to see her?

Have you forgotten me so thoroughly?

He stood there blankly, a smile could not help but appeared on his face, but it looked rather bitter, and the whole person looked extremely lonely.


At the same time, the many immortal kings and powerful immortal kings chasing after him immediately launched a killer move.

This guy is wandering now, it is a good opportunity to shoot.

They don't believe it anymore, this guy Xu Que can really withstand so many heavy blows!

People, there should always be a limit.


All kinds of magic tricks or secret techniques instantly filled the sky.

Only one goal!

Xu Que!

The inside of Jinghe City was instantly messed up, and many onlookers were fleeing in fright at this moment!

What happened to the battlefield outside the city just now?

This will break into the city, and there are so many for the Immortal Venerable level to participate in the shot, how destructive is more terrifying?

Even if one is not careful, the ultimate move is a little bit crooked, it can kill them in an instant!

However, at this time Xu Que had stopped moving motionless.

Facing the dense killing moves behind him, he slowly sighed.

"Really, when I am so bullied?"

"Xiao Rou is no longer here, and there is no Xiao Rou among you. Why do you dare to come?"

"You just want to die like that, don't you?"

"Okay, come on, come on..."

Xu Que whispered in a low voice, and then a madness began to appear in his eyes, and his smile gradually became weird.

"Righteousness! Sealing Magic Scripture!"

He suddenly yelled.


A powerful aura broke out all over his body, rising to the sky.

Two lightning arcs of gold and red spread out from the eyes, sizzling.

The long, jet-black hair wafting up in the wind was gradually dyed with strands of silvery white!

A kind of crazy magic slowly spread and enveloped Fangyuan.

A group of monks who had just rushed out of Jinghe City shook their hearts suddenly, looked up at the tower, and their expressions changed drastically.


This is the secret technique he used last time to kill Xiangqin!

At that time, they thought that the horrible demonic energy came from interrogation.

But now, they understand that the monstrous demonic energy that appeared later at that time turned out to belong to this guy!

Once this person turns on this state!

He... will have the aura and even the strength that rivals the Immortal Venerable!

Everyone in Tianmen frowned at this moment.

"What kind of secret technique does this person use?"

"No one in the magic gate seems to have such a powerful forbidden technique."

"So what, after all, it's just a big Luojin fairyland, no matter how powerful the forbidden technique, I still want to reach the sky in one step, and it is on par with the fairyland like me."


After a brief exchange between several Immortal Venerables, murderous aura swept across, and the killing technique was instantly performed, blasting towards Xu Que.

"Oh, what a pity!"

Xu Que shook his head and sighed lightly, and said faintly: "The relationship with your Tianmen is not very good, I am afraid I have no chance to eat your table!"


As soon as the voice fell, Xu Que violently violently immediately faced the group of strong heavenly gates!

Everyone saw their eyes almost falling out. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

It doesn't matter if the goods don't run, but they actually greet them head-on in turn?

Still want to have a table?

Can you eat so many seats?

"Today, I will teach you a unique laughter, Jie Jie..."

Xu Que smashed many tactics with one fist, making a weird laugh, like a big villain in a demon king.

But at this time he maintained most of his sanity.

In the state of madness, power is far beyond control, so random killing is king.

Just wanting to kill the Immortal Venerable in a second is easy, the possibility is extremely low.


So many powerful immortal kings in Tianmen are all walking humanoid experience bars, don't let them go for nothing.


Xu Que's whole body was only left with an afterimage, and suddenly appeared in front of a strong immortal king!

"Sorry, the king... well, the world of cultivating immortals, food is the original sin!"

As the words fell, Xu Que punched out in the frightened expression of the immortal king!


The violent wind spread and swept away, like countless sharp blades of wind, instantly blown and strangled on that fairy king!

"Do not!"

The immortal king of Tianmen shouted unwillingly on the spot, but only heard a "bang", the whole body exploded directly and turned into a cloud of blood.

Even his soul was torn to pieces directly, leaving no trace of life!

An immortal king peak powerhouse fell.

When we talk about him in the future, we can only use the grammar of the past continuous tense or past perfect tense.

[Second more. 】

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