Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1611: Familiar breath


At this time, Er Gouzi also screamed.

"This deity also feels it, this breath is not right!"

"Do you feel that way too?" Xu Que was taken aback and looked at Er Gouzi.

"What's this feeling?" Er Gouzi looked dumbfounded.

"Familiar, but it doesn't seem to be that familiar!"

"Oh, no!" Er Gouzi shook his head faintly, "The **** venerable only sensed a little bit, and there was no time to recall it, and the breath was gone again."


Xu Que frowned.

Because at this moment, he can still sense the existence of that breath. Although it is not obvious, he is sure that the breath seems to be guiding him forward.

Could it be...this is an illusion?

No, if it is an illusion, how come Ergouzi and Duan Jiude have no effect.


Xu Que stopped thinking, and immediately took out the purple gold to force the king's stick, and his thoughts moved.


Layers of metal flakes suddenly appeared on the king's stick.



Under the crisp metal crash, Xu Que was completely wrapped in metal armor!


"Fuck, fuck! Lack of brother is so handsome!"

Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi immediately licked them in exclamation.

Xu Que didn't pay attention to the two goods, staring into the depths of the passage.


A blast of air spread through the tomb, and Xu Que, who was wearing a purple and gold armor, flew directly into it.

One person and one dog look at each other!

"Do you want to keep up?" The talisman seal in Duan Jiude's hand was already shining!

"Tossing for so long, don't you do something good, can you be worthy of our hard work before?"

When the voice fell, Er Gouzi followed Xu Que and flew into it, but the formation pattern under his feet was still flickering.

When Duan Jiude saw this, the Fu Zhuan in his hand slowly dimmed, and his figure swept away, and he followed closely.

Xu Que had already flown forward for a long distance, but he didn't notice anything, and the surrounding environment didn't seem to have changed.

The ordinary rock wall, the ordinary gravel, the ordinary light...


Where's the light?

Xu Que was taken aback and stopped abruptly.

At the same time, the surrounding environment suddenly changed dramatically.

It was a narrow passage, but it slowly became blurred.

A huge canopy appeared above the head, followed by the feet, and all around it turned into a night sky.

In the night, the stars are shining, as if you are in the sky!

But he couldn't feel the special spiritual power emanating from the stars, but the strange feeling in his heart became stronger!

"Brother Mi, what's the situation? What is it baby?"

At this moment, Er Gouzi came from behind, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Oh, teacher Ergou didn't leave?" Xu Que said with a smile.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Er Gouzi suddenly looked shocked: "Brother, the deity is worried about your safety, so naturally he wants to come and help."

"The same is true for me!" Duan Jiude also followed, shouting loudly.

"Ha ha!"

Xu Que gave a polite sneer.

These two owe goods, worry about my safety?

The two of you are clearly the treasures in the tomb of the greedy family, mean!


Suddenly, Er Gouzi raised his head and screamed, calling out into the night sky.

"Ergou, don't be like this, you are not a wolf!" Xu Que reminded hurriedly.

"Fart, the deity is a wolf at this moment."

Er Gouzi said in annoyance, with a solemn expression on his face, and took a few steps back: "This deity remembers that he still has important things to do, so let's go one step ahead, Duan Jiude, you continue to stroll around with Brother Que and look back. If you see any treasures, remember to tell this deity with a dream."

After speaking, Er Gouzi had already urged the rune mark under his feet, and turned his head and wanted to run.


A big hand suddenly pressed Er Gouzi's dog's head.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up if you find it, or I will throw you in." Xu Que wiped off the rune mark at Er Gouzi's feet and grabbed the dog's head.

"Ah... Brother Xiao, let go, it hurts, don't try so hard!"

Er Gouzi immediately screamed again and again, pretending to be like a thief.

"Teacher Ergou, you still hired it. What did you find?" Duan Jiude also stepped forward, grabbed Ergouzi's tail, and moved out a gouto guillotine.

"Grass, the deity doesn't know how to say it, this is an intuition."

Er Gouzi cursed and said, "Just when I approached this place, the deity felt that kind of aura again. It really felt familiar. It seemed to be familiar, and it made the deity a bit creepy."

"Really? Why don't I feel the old man?" Duan Jiude was suspicious.

"I also feel a familiar feeling, but it won't make the hair creepy." Xu Que's face was solemn, and there was a little confusion in his eyes.

"Boy, let's run quickly. This breath will tell you that there is a great power hiding here, and it can make the gods creepy. It must not be a good thing." Er Gouzi said to the end, look more. Xu Que's eyes were lost.

Xu Que didn't hesitate, and immediately slapped him, "What are you looking at?"

"Grass, is he so handsome?" Er Gouzi said confidently.

"If you can speak, write a book." Xu Que just let go of the two dogs and one horse, and looked around again.

The appearance of this night sky made him feel that things were getting more and more wrong, and now Ergouzi also felt that breath was familiar.

The difference is that Ergouzi felt that this breath made it creepy, while on his side, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com felt that the breath was leading him to move forward.

So, what exactly is this?

Xu Que took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes, his head turned quickly, his soul power surged, and he began to trace the source of this breath.

"Duan Jiude, you die, this **** has to think about whose breath this is." Er Gouzi kicked Duan Jiude away, learning Xu Que in a certain way, closing his eyes tightly.

"Grass, aren't you two working together to cheat the old man and me?" Duan Jiude was stunned and couldn't help but wonder.

However, Xu Que and Er Gouzi did not respond this time, and stood quietly on the spot.

Duan Jiude thought for a while, and was about to say something more.

Suddenly, Xu Que and Er Gouzi opened their eyes almost at the same time, with a hint of surprise and astonishment.

"Five Elements Mountain!"

One person and one dog shouted at the same time.

"Huh? What Five Elements Mountain?" Duan Jiude was taken aback again, and some didn't react.

"This breath comes from the Five Elements Mountain. It's not right. It should be said to be exactly the same as the breath that once existed under the Five Elements Mountain." Xu Que said in a deep voice, with horror in his heart.

In such a remote place, he felt the breath of the creature under the Five Elements Mountain.

This is incredible.

"Fuck, won't you?" Duan Jiude was also shocked at this time.

He has also been in the Five Elements Mountain for many years, and he naturally knows the secrets of the Five Elements Mountain.

Once suppressed a creature, then Xu Que said that the creature had already run away.

But now in this unfamiliar Xianyuanzhou, there is the breath of that creature again?

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