Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1613: I know

After some bargaining, Ergouzi and Xu Que reached an agreement.

A friendly handshake between one person and one dog was a great step towards promoting the development of the cultivation of immortality. Xu Que paid a pack of half and three pieces of stinky tofu in exchange for Ergouzi to get information from those souls.

Those soul bodies don't have any lethality, they are a kind of special existence, like a kind of energy, carrying a little spiritual sense, and are eternally preserved in this small world.

They can't hurt anyone, and no one can hurt them. To some extent, the two sides actually belong to two worlds.

After Xu Que and Duan Jiude came in, they tried to communicate with them, but they ignored them. It could be said that they completely ignored them, only willing to run after Ergouzi.

So in desperation, Xu Que asked Er Gouzi to ask.

Fortunately, Ergouzi took the advantage and was willing to do things, so he lay down on the spot and licked the stinky tofu.

Those soul bodies were also very excited, frantically kneading Ergouzi's dog head.

Until a moment later, those soul bodies slowly felt dull, and left, and Er Gouzi walked back refreshedly.

It had a conversation with those soul bodies, and it really asked a few things.

"Their memories are incomplete, but someone revealed that this place was a special void created by a certain demon in the battle between gods and demons." Er Gouzi said.

"What else?" Xu Que and Duan Jiude asked at the same time.

They are not very interested in the origins of this space, what is the treasure here, is the point.

"The other thing is, they don't have the breath of the Five Elements Mountain creatures. I didn't ask anything about that. As for the treasures here..."

Er Gouzi pretended to ponder, suffocating Xu Que and Duan Jiude’s appetites. Seeing that they were about to beat the dog, this guy hurriedly said: "They lack wisdom, they don’t know what a treasure is. Where the treasure is, I crazily pointed at the deity, **** it, the deity is a treasure, do you still use them to say?"

"Cough tui!" Xu Que and Duan Jiude spit directly on the ground.

Er Gouzi took out a piece of stinky tofu without skin and face, and continued to stuff it into his mouth.

"Don't eat it, it's too strong, quickly think about how to get out, this place where the birds don't shit..." Duan Jiude complained.

But before he finished speaking, Ergouzi's eyes suddenly lighted up: "Shit? Where is it?"


Xu Que pressed Er Gouzi's head back, and said in a deep voice: "I can feel that breath is here, this place is so small, where can that breath be hidden?"

Ergouzi and Duan Jiude were slightly taken aback when they heard the words.

Afterwards, Er Gouzi immediately opened his belly and took out a Luoyang shovel.

Good guy, direct fairy level?

Robbery with this stuff? Worthy of being a second dog.

Looking at Duan Jiude again, he didn't know when he had already added a golden shimmering shovel, which was also a fairy-like existence.

One person and one dog looked at Xu Que at the same time, his face was full of sorrow and display.

Xu Que didn't talk nonsense, shook his head, and directly rented a few fully automatic planes from the system mall...excavators.

"Oh shit!"

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude turned black in an instant, they cursed secretly, and directly attacked the ground.

Xu Que moved out a beach chair with a look of disdain, lay down on it, and closed his eyes leisurely.

Several fully automatic excavators were also started at this time, constantly digging the ground.

However, the group of people has been busy for most of the day, almost turning the entire plain upside down, but there is no discovery.

"Damn, it shouldn't be, there is nothing underground!" Er Gouzi cursed, put away the Luoyang shovel, and wanted to take in Xu Que's excavator.

"Could it be that the digging was not deep enough?" Duan Jiude thoughtfully, with one hand already on the excavator, pretending to rest.

Xu Que didn't bother to pay attention to their little actions, anyway, the excavator was rented, and the system automatically took it back when the time came.

"It seems that we are thinking in the wrong direction. When I was digging just now, I had been investigating the underground, but the more I went down, the breath became thinner." Xu Que shook his head and stood up from the chair.

Looking around, his eyes once again fell on the souls who were chasing each other for fun not far away.

"Brother Que, according to what you mean, there is not only no treasures in this underground, but also the creatures of the Five Elements Mountain?" Er Gouzi was taken aback for a moment, his expression changed: "Fuck, isn't it in the sky?"

With that said, it looked up at the sky at the same time as Duan Jiude.

However, there is nothingness above it, it seems that there is a sky, but in fact it is all ethereal.

"Don't look at it, I probably know the reason."

At this time, Xu Que spoke lightly, waved his big hand, and took out a white round object from his hip.

"What is this?" Duan Jiude was taken aback, and came forward curiously.

"Fuck, rice cooker, brother Chi, are you going to cook? What kind of dishes are there for this meal?" Ergouzi was very knowledgeable and had been to the earth, and he recognized this at a glance.

"Eat? Eat ~ shit, you!" Xu Quebai glanced at Ergouzi and began to play with the rice cooker.

Ergouzi looked solemnly: "Brother Que, the deity treats you as a brother, why do you humiliate the deity so much? As we all know, **** cannot be eaten unless it is mixed with...


Suddenly, Xu Que opened the lid of the rice cooker, and a majestic momentum suddenly surged.

The surrounding spirits gathered sharply and turned into a violent hurricane.

"Fuck! It's just cooking, so much movement?" Er Gouzi exclaimed, retreating quickly.

"Something's wrong." Duan Jiude frowned, stepped back a long way, and took out a set of immortal battle armor engraved with "Hailin Xianzun" and put it on!


At this time, Xu Que was already enveloped by the spiritual hurricane.

The sound of the wind continued to whistle, resounding all around.

He suddenly stomped his foot, pushed his palms out, and shouted in a deep voice: "Magic... seal... wave!"


In an instant, the entire space was distorted.

The ground shook violently, and everything around was pulled by a mysterious force.

Duan Jiude hugged Ergouzi tightly: "Teacher Ergou, is Teacher Xu still holding grudges? This is to kill both of us in this place!"

Er Gouzi's legs trembled, and a pair of titanium alloy refining pupils stared at Tongling: "No, it shouldn't, Brother Que is not so cruel, right?"

"Damn, that old man, how do I feel there is a force that involves my soul?"

"Fuck, so does the deity."

One person and one dog were all shocked. UU reading www.uukANAnshu.com

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the same time, countless white shadows suddenly passed around, and it was the floating soul bodies that were quickly dragged toward the rice cooker.


Xu Que extended his last sound and waved his hands in the direction of the rice cooker.

The countless souls instantly turned into streams of light, and quickly dived into the rice cooker.


Immediately, with a muffled noise, the lid of the rice cooker was suddenly closed.

Xu Que also sacrificed a talisman and pressed it tightly, sealing the entire rice cooker.

"Fuck! Brother lacking, this soul body can also cook?" Er Gouzi was shocked.


Xu Que ignored it, squatted down and pressed the "soup" button on the rice cooker!

"It turns out to be soup!" Er Gouzi suddenly realized.

Duan Jiude looked at him at a loss and felt unclear, but he was very contemptuous of Er Gouzi's IQ!

Soul body soup?

Idiot, where does the soup come from without water?

"Teacher Xu, what kind of fetish is this? Old man, I just felt that my soul was almost sucked out!" Duan Jiude asked curiously.

"Yes, yes, this deity also feels this way!" Er Gouzi also hurriedly said.


Xu Que suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth.

Nima, these two guys are really not good things!

Demon Seal Wave is only useful for monsters.

When they just showed up, these two goods were almost sucked over?

Haha, these two demon!

Sooner or later we have to get rid of the righteous people!

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