Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1619: Save the common people

Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi both squeezed out a weird expression, probably the "elderly subway phone" jpg.

Obviously, neither of these two products believed Xu Que's words.

The dragon scales are all out, and just looking at this part, you can basically imagine that the body of a dragon buried in this mountain wall must be a dragon. Do you still say it is a dragon vein?

Hey, is it possible to use real dragons as dragon veins?

Duan Jiude and Ergouzi suddenly reacted, this is a new way of thinking!

"Don't think about it, this is a tomb feng shui bureau!"

Xu Que smiled, lightly touched the golden dragon scales, and said indifferently: "It's just that the dragon veins here have been pregnant for many years, and they have taken a strange and strange route. The dragon veins have really entered the stage of transforming dragons, so Only these dragon scales appeared!"

"Huh? The dragon vein transforms the dragon?" Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude were both stunned.


How can dragon veins transform into real dragons?

"These immortal crystals have played a key role. With such a huge supply of immortal power, coupled with the Fengshui of Longchi here, I am afraid that the tie-in dog can transform the dragon!" Xu Que continued to explain.

"Grass, who are you scolding?" Er Gouzi immediately refused.

Duan Jiude smiled, shook his head and said: "Boy, you are still amazing. The dragon scales are all manifested. You can break so hard. I admire the old man!"

"Should we bet?" Xu Que gave a meaningful smile.

"Just bet..." Er Gouzi was about to respond immediately, but was suddenly covered by the dog's mouth by Duan Jiude on the side.

"Teacher Ergou, don't be impulsive, think clearly who you are betting with!"

Duan Jiude reminded in a low voice.

"Fuck, I almost forgot!" Er Gouzi then reacted and hurriedly closed his mouth.

It's fine if you bet with others.

Bet with Xu Que?

Bet on wool!

If this product had ten levels of assurance, would it invite others to bet?

Wait, if that's the case, isn't it that the so-called dragon scales really appeared only when the dragon veins transformed into a dragon?

This is too ridiculous!

"How do you say it, bet it? If you don't dare, just say it!" Xu Que provoked.

"Don't dare to shit!" Er Gouzi immediately shouted: "But as the descendant of the ancient dragon, the deity is obliged to set a new example for future generations. It's not good to bet or anything, which is not good for physical and mental health!"

"Yes, stay away from pornography, gambling, and poison, and eradicate evil naturally!" Duan Jiude nodded.


Xu Que sneered with disdain.

Just the two of you? If he had this realization, would he be almost sucked away by my demon seal wave?

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, he swept back and fell to the center of the abyss, his eyes fixed on the mountain wall, his mind moved, and the large tracts of fairy crystals were taken away.

Immediately, he slowly raised his arm, and slammed it against the mountain wall where only the stone skin was left!


A strong palm wind directly shook the entire abyss, and the stone cortex cracked and shattered.

The so-called "dragon" once again revealed more parts in front of them.

Except for the dragon scales they had seen before, most parts of the mountain wall were still rocks, and several places also showed golden dragon scales.

But it looks more intuitive, like a dragon body that hasn't been carved out and doesn't even have a prototype, but dragon scales have been added to some places on it.

"Hold the grass!"

Only then did Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude exclaim again.

"Is it true that everything in Nima can transform into a dragon?"

After Duan Jiude made a complaint, he looked at Er Gouzi with weird eyes.

"Grass, the deity is the inheritance of the true dragon bloodline and does not need to be transformed!" Er Gouzi cursed in annoyance.

At this time, Xu Que continued to speak: "The countless fairy crystals, coupled with the layout of the Feng Shui Bureau, promoted the evolution of the dragon veins, and then the dragon veins were transformed into air luck and transformed to the descendants of the tomb owner. It is really a good method."

"Fuck! It's no wonder that the goddess thought that the seal hall of the monks in Hailin City was darkened before. It turns out that all the luck in Hailin City was obtained by the city owner's family!"

"It's too immoral, how can it be so shameless!" Duan Jiude also cursed, then rolled his eyes and asked: "Is there still time to move the grave in this place?"

"Don't think about it, with Teacher Duan's family style, no matter how powerful this tomb bureau is, it will change your luck!" Xu Que shook his head and said with emotion.

He had seen Duan Jiude's grandfather in the memory world, and he was no better than him!

With such a family status, God did not drop a scourge when Duan Jiude was born, it was already considered amiable!

However, this is also verified from the side. Duan Jiude's luck is actually very good, otherwise he would have died outside.

"Boy, you hurt the old man's heart when you talk like this!" Duan Jiude curled his lips, but still didn't give up, and continued to look at everything around him.

Xu Que did not respond to him anymore, and continued to walk around with the compass.

Since it's all here, if this pattern of geomantic omen is not broken, wouldn't it be tantamount to letting opponents become stronger?

He still remembered that the old man of Huo Yuan Guo relied on the dragon veins to have the strength to fight against him many years ago.

Now Ergouzi and the others have completely offended the city lord of Hailin City to death, and there will inevitably be a battle.

Therefore, we still have to stabilize the wave and kill all possible threats in the cradle.

Xu Que's plan, if the City Lord of Hailin City knew about it, I was afraid that he would be so embarrassed that he would be self-sufficient!

He would never have thought that he had only offended a dog, not only suffered the tomb of the ancestors, but even their family's ancestral dragon veins would be broken.

"Brother Que! Could there be any treasure here?" Seeing Xu Que's serious appearance, Er Gouzi couldn't help asking.

Xianjing and the others had already taken it away, and they were all going to leave, but they never thought that Xu Que would be attracted by such a tomb bureau.

But Duan Jiude said at this moment: "Er Gouzi, are you stupid?"

After scolding Ergouzi, Duan Jiude said again: "Boy, you said this is a dragon vein. Isn't that a kind of Feng Shui bureau with a head and a tail?"

Hearing this, Xu Que knew it instantly and nodded: "As expected of Mr. Duan!"

"Teacher Xu is polite!"

"What are the two teachers talking about?" Er Gouzi looked dumbfounded.

"Speaking of the adults, don't interrupt the children!" Xu Que said irritably, and smoothly shot out a few small fairy crystals and slapped them to the ground.

"Fuck, kid, don't talk nonsense, this **** doesn't like to interrupt!" Er Gouzi's face was shy.

Xu Que and Duan Jiude instantly got goose bumps. Damn, why are these two dogs so perverted now?


At this time, several immortal crystals on the ground suddenly bloomed and glowed.

Xu Que's **** condensed, and he quickly engraved a series of cryptic rune marks on the ground, connecting several immortal crystals together.

"This is... a turnaround formation?" Er Gouzi was surprised when he recognized this talisman formation.

"Good eyesight!"

Xu Que smiled, his hand movement did not stop, and he continued to quickly outline the rune.

"What are you going to do?" Duan Jiude didn't understand.

"This place can be regarded as the place of the dragon head belonging to the dragon vein. The ancestral tomb of the city lord of Hailin city is placed on the dragon head, and all the luck is taken away. It is really hurtful. For the sake of the people of Hailin city, in order to save the people Water and fire, I want to reverse this world and change the dragon head to the dragon tail!"

Xu Que said with a proud face and full of righteousness.

I am proud of doing good things, I am proud!

"Fuck, this game has been changed like this, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will all change?" Duan Jiude's eyes widened.

"The dragon head turns into a dragon butt? Wouldn't the descendants of the tomb owner have to eat farts in the future? This is too wicked to change... Well, I'm not a big brother, I have a world in my heart, and I deserve to be a role model for my generation!"

Er Gouzi gave Xu Que a thumbs up and said with great admiration.

But in my heart, I was silently mourning for the lord of Hailin City, the dragon head turned into a dragon buttocks, I was afraid that I had to vomit it back slowly.

"Teacher Ergou is absurdly praised. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. I, Xu Que, was born a good man who was concerned about the country and the people. This little thing is not enough."

As Xu Que spoke, he slowly turned to look at Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi. He didn't know where to get a bright light from behind, directly shining his whole body into golden light, with awe-inspiring righteousness.

"Okay! Well said!"

"Brother lacking is awesome!"

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude immediately joined in, and the applause resounded through the entire abyss.

They are all very jealous now. They didn't expect that Brother Que would still have this hand. What if he ran over to turn our ancestral graves around if he annoyed him?

In particular, such a frenzied and wicked person can't afford to provoke!

"Okay, the Feng Shui Bureau has been changed, this matter is over, we can go, this trip is not for fame or profit, just to save the people of Hailin City."

After Xu Que finished speaking, he waved his hand!


The countless fairy crystals on the abyss mountain wall disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude saw this, they opened their mouths wide, their eyes were splitting on the spot, and they were jealous.



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