Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1628: Unlimited battery life

"What exactly is going on!"

A monk yelled unwillingly: "Are we destined to die today in the hands of this demon?"

"That boy is afraid to die here too!"

Someone sighed deeply and couldn't help but raised his eyes to look at Ergouzi and Duan Jiude who were still calm on the roof, and then he was stunned.

"Why didn't King Mighty and Senior Duan Jiude help the young man? If they shot at the same time, there might be a chance!"

The voice of the discussion below sounds like a sweet note to the sea tide. Although these casual repairs are useless, they still have a good vision!

Hai Chao, who had recovered to its heyday, raised his mouth slightly and looked directly at Xu Que: "Boy, do you still think you have a chance?"

"Why? Do you want to go climbing with me if you don't have a chance?"

Xu Que sneered and waved his fist to fight with him again!


Get a punch!

The tide flew out again, but at this moment, Xu Que's breath was relatively weakened a lot!


With a big wave of his hand, he directly took out a small black stick!

"That thing..."

Someone recognized the little black stick in Xu Que's hand!

"Yes, that's him. That stick is the treasure that Xu Shaoxia had previously bombarded and killed Xianzun in Jinghe City."

"Slaying Immortal Venerable in one blow? Really?"

"Naturally take it seriously, haven't you heard of Xu Shaoxia's deeds in Jinghe City?"

"So, do we still have a chance?"

"This is natural! I believe in Xu Shaoxia!" The man nodded confidently.


At the same time, Hai Chao once again recovered his injuries with the help of the blood pool! And the breath has also steadily improved a little!

Even at this moment, his originally thin body seemed to be rounded a bit, and his bald head began to grow a few strands of black hair with a faint fragrance. It should be made of soft...

"Boy! The seat with the blood pool is immortal! What can you do with this seat!"

Hai Chao laughed, but in his heart there was an immense resentment towards Xu Que!

These two recovery with the help of the blood pool, I am afraid that it will fill tens of thousands of lives again!

But now he doesn't care about these anymore, he just wants to kill the stinky boy in front of him!

Then sacrifice the entire monk of Hailin City!

He must be able to step into the realm of the immortal emperor!

With the battery life provided by the blood pool, no matter how many methods this kid has, he will eventually die in his own hands and become a nourishment.

And most of the people who were captured around had already chilled in their hearts!

Is there really such a secret technique?

If the blood pool is not dry, the soul is immortal!

This...If this is the case, I am afraid that even Xu Shaoxia, who possesses the ultimate magic weapon, will be defeated, right?

And if there were any treasures that could kill the Immortal Venerable in one blow, the consumption would be extremely terrifying!

If there is no one hit, what should Xu Shaoxia do?

At this moment, a breath of despair haunted everyone!

Xu Que didn't care what others thought.

He just gently stroked the little black stick in his hand, and said lightly: "Really?"

At this moment, Hai Chao was also staring at the black stick in Xu Que's hand, and he could feel an aura that made him jealous!

What kind of treasure is that?

It was that when he took over the control of Hailin City from his father, he never felt this kind of aura!

Is the black stick in his hand more powerful than his own magic weapon?

When I think of this, Hai Chao is even more excited!

It seems that today he not only has to prove Dao Immortal Emperor, but also can obtain a supreme treasure!

"Boy, if your confidence comes from the treasures in your hands, then I can tell you, don't make unnecessary delusions!"

"You present the treasure in your hand, maybe this seat will consider letting you go!"

Hai Chao has the same idea as the onlookers below, no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, but as long as it avoids a blow, that kid will definitely have nothing to sing!

"Are you finished?" Xu Que shook his head and put away the little black stick in his hand!

Although this stick can knock opponents out indiscriminately, it has to be surprising.

I have tried it just now, it is difficult to suppress the opponent in speed, and the clone is too late to perform, so it is impossible to be surprised, and I have to find another opportunity.

"Take it away? Then why do you fight this seat?"

Upon seeing this, Hai Chao mocked again.

"You are afraid that you don't have enough knowledge of my strength!"

Xu Que sneered, and the murderous aura suddenly swept away, and the entire void was suddenly distorted.


He rushed forward, and under the violent weather, he threw a punch.

"The ants who live and die!"

Hai Chao snorted coldly and shot at the same time.

The two are fighting together again!


Hai Chao suddenly felt a terrifying aura slowly condensing on Xu Que's body!

The people below who had been watching the battle also stared at Xu Que with surprise.

"How powerful is this momentum!"

"If you say that Xu Shaoxia is an immortal, I will believe it at the moment!"

Everyone is not blind!

Even though the young man above the sky is only the big Luo Jinxian, he has the strength of the Immortal Venerable. What kind of talent is this!


Without that pool of blood, they believed that Hai Chao would definitely not be Xu Que's opponent!

But the world of the cultivator is so cruel!

Everyone respects the strong! Only respect the facts!

Even though Hai Chao is now ready to kill them, they still feel that Hai Chao has a better chance of winning a battle between the two.

Hai Chao couldn't help taking a few steps when he sensed that momentum!

"Boy, your strength is recognized by this seat! If you are willing, this seat is willing to accept you as a closed disciple! When this seat successfully proves the Taoist Emperor, you will be passed on by the fairy emperor! You can lead the emperor's identity to the fairyland!

Hai Chao is not afraid, but really fancy Xu Que's strength!

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, but they felt reasonable!

With Xu Que's talent, even the immortal emperor would take a high look, not to mention this ocean tide that has not yet become the immortal emperor?

And Hai Chao said, he will have the opportunity to become the emperor!

That will be the most dazzling person among the younger generation!

I'm afraid that only Fairy Yurou can compare with it, right?

This temptation!

If you change to them, I'm afraid I can't refuse!

Especially now that Xu Que is at a disadvantage. As long as he accepts this condition, he will not only be able to save his life, but he will also become the immortal emperor's personal biography!

Therefore, everyone felt that their hope was completely wiped out!

But they didn't notice!

When the tide was there babbling non-stop, Xu Que's hand had already spawned six groups of flames of different colors!

And the dangerous breath just now originated from the various flames in his hand!

However, although this breath is extremely terrifying, it may not cause much damage to the ocean tide. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Seeing Xu Que still did not stop! Hai Chao is completely angry!

I put down my body and prepared to give him a chance, but this son didn't know to cherish it at all!

"Since I don't know what is good or bad, then I won't have the heart to cherish talents!"

At this moment, the various fires in Xu Que's hands have been kneaded into a weird and enchanting fire lotus, and the fire lotus is filled with the meaning of killing, which is a bit more powerful than before!

"Xu Shaoxia, I'm afraid I'm ready to fight Hai Chao!" a monk murmured with emotion!

"Is this trying to find a way out for me with a personal risk?"

"Why are we! We can make Xu Shaoxia do this..." He couldn't help sobbing as he said, "Xu Shaoxia! You will always live in our hearts!"

"Live your brother-in-law, shut up if you can't speak!" However, at this moment, Xu Que suddenly turned and cursed, and the fire lotus in his hand was suddenly thrown out!

But the fire lotus did not float to anyone, but directly fell to the pool of blood in the center of Hailin City!

"Do not!"

Hai Chao reacted at this moment, his face changed in an instant, and he roared in horror.


With a loud and deafening noise, the whole pool of blood exploded in a hundred-mile radius, and all the blood evaporated crazily...

In just a few breaths, the entire pool of blood dries up completely, leaving only a huge pit in the abyss!


At this time, Xu Que dug his nose and directly hit the face of the sea tide, who was full of absent-mindedness, and jokingly said: "You still linger? Huh? A blood-broken pool, you still linger forever, now you can Did you fight well?"

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