Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1630: Qingzhou

After a while, Hai Lin was outside the city, and after the void was twisted for a while, three men in black robes suddenly stepped out of it.

Seeing Hailin City floating in the air and the blood evil spirit above, the three of them couldn't help frowning and rushed towards Hailin City!

However, at this time, only a group of monks who survived the disaster were left in Hailin City, lying on the ground in a daze thinking about life.

The arrival of the three black-robed men instantly caused everyone's heart to let go of their throats again.

The three of them didn't have any nonsense, they grabbed one at random, and after a little questioning, they quickly learned what happened in Hailin City.

"So, did Xu Que run away for Xu Que?"

The three of them looked cold in an instant.

They were ordered to chase Xu Que during this trip, but they were one step too late.

That guy just killed the city lord of Hailin City, including the old city lord.

"My lord! I am the housekeeper of the city lord's mansion. The Exploding Heavens Gang deceives people so much, actually..."

At this time, Liang Feihua rushed out, kneeling in front of the three men.


Before Liang Feifan could finish speaking, he was instantly crushed to ashes by an invisible force.

The eyes of the three black robes were cold.

Hai Chao wanted to use some evil method to sprint into the fairy emperor realm.

For Tianmen, this secret has long been considered a secret.

It's just that the above wants to see if he can make it, so it has been ignored.

But now that Hai Chao is dead, and Hai Lin City is under the control of Tianmen, if they don't take a stand, waiting for the news to spread, it will definitely have a major impact on Tianmen's reputation.

As the steward of Hailin City's City Lord's Mansion, Liang Feifan could just use the knife.

"Six elders, what should I do now?" At this moment, one of them asked.

The leader of the Xianzun strong man frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Xu Que appeared in Jinghe City before, and within a few days he arrived at the nearest Hailin City. It seems that he has a planned action!"

"Then you will go to Yangyong City with Chengfeng, and the old man will go to Rongtai City alone! If you meet, you will kill you!"


The three of them ignored the other monks in Hailin City, turned into a phantom again, and swept into the distance.

A few days later.

Rongtai City, the nearest city to Hailin City, is already full of rumors about the Tiantian Gang.

"That blaster of the Tiantian Gang is too powerful, right? He disturbed the Tianmen election event in Jinghe City, and within a few days he ran to Hailin City to plan the ancestral grave of the other city lord!"

"You are all about old-fashioned sesame seeds, but I have heard the latest news. They not only planed the ancestral grave of Hailin City Lord, but also killed people!"

"More than that? It seems that they even bombed Hailin City directly, and finally ran away in front of the three Immortal Venerables of Tianmen!"

"This time, Tianmen is really embarrassed!"

When everyone was discussing, the sixth elder also sat aside.

But he didn't argue about anything, now he just wanted to get things about the Bombing Heaven Gang.

Only if Xu Que is captured back, then all rumors will be self-defeating!

But he had been sitting in this restaurant all afternoon, but he heard so many things back and forth.

Someone mentioned Fairy Yu Rou, but he secretly killed him!

Since then, it seems that someone has noticed something, and no one dared to mention it again!

Just as he was preparing to leave, someone suddenly said: "Fuck, the Exploding Heaven Gang seems to have done something again! Jiang Zuocheng Wen Yunzong's ancestral tomb was planed!"

"That technique! That speed! It's almost exactly the same as before in Hailincheng!"

"Isn't it? Tianmen is full of people, how dare they be so arrogant?"

"Isn't it? And according to Jiang Zuocheng, it seems that in addition to the dog named Mighty King, there are also Duan Jiude and Xu Que!"

"This name really matches them!"

"How to say?"

"Xu Que, Duan Jiude, and a dog. Doesn't this add up to a dog with virtue? Look at what they did..."

Hearing that, everyone realized it instantly, let alone, it's really appropriate!

And when the Sixth Elder heard them discussing this matter, he just suffocated a mouthful of blood in his chest!

He listened to the descriptions of those people and learned about Xu Que's combat power, and the two he led were also Intermediate Xianzun. For their safety, he let them come here in Yangyongcheng alone. !

If he had separated the two at that time, he might have caught Xu Que by now!

He clenched his fist tightly, gritted his teeth and called out softly, "Victorious dog!"

A few days later, the Six Elders finally rushed to Jiang Zuocheng!

According to Xu Que's previous actions, they should stay here for a few days, and he still has a great chance to catch up to them!

However, when he just arrived in Jiang Zuocheng, he heard the news of the accident in Rongtai City!

The six elders almost vomited a mouthful of blood on the spot.

He heard a helpless news, and calculated according to time, it seems that just after his front foot left Rongtai City, Xu Que and the others rushed to Rongtai City!

And the other side.

After hearing the news, the two middle-ranked immortal experts in Yangyong City had already rushed to Rongtai City to meet with Elder Liu.

In their opinion, there are six elders in charge, and the dog with virtue must not be able to escape!

As a result, as soon as they arrived in Rongtai City, the news of being harmed by wicked dogs began to spread from Yangyong City!

After the three Immortal Venerables of Tianmen converged, their eyes widened, and they didn't know what to say.

This wave was turned around by Xu Que and the others.

Every time, I always take a step slower, but there is no way.

This wicked dog belongs to the genus of a dog, and it is completely impossible to guess where they will go next to cause trouble.

So they can only catch up from behind, no matter if it is too late, they have to go and see.

And these dozens of days have come down.

The deeds of the wicked dog almost spread throughout Qingzhou.

Many cities have been attacked by him.

The point is that everyone slowly discovered a key point.

It seems that all the cities in which the accident happened are related to the Tianmen.

It seems that the three sects of Jinghe City are all subordinate sects of Tianmen, and Hailin City seems to be under the private control of a certain tycoon of Tianmen...

The meaning of this game is too obvious!

A few days later, UU read www. uukanshu.com

The three Immortal Venerables of Tianmen who once again rushed to the sky were sitting in a tea shop in Yangyong City at this moment.

"Where did these wicked dogs come from? Why haven't you heard of them in Qingzhou before?"

"Do you mean that they are from other big states?"

"No, I guess they are from Outland! You have all heard that there will be a trial in the Buddha realm in the near future? The one that only started once in ten thousand years!"

"I've heard of this, but what does it have to do with a wicked dog?"

"Where is the most chaotic in the Seven Regions of Xianyuanzhou? Netherworld! That's right? Think about the behavioral style of a wicked dog again..."

"Perhaps they came from the Nether Territory, passing by Wudu Territory, and looking for trouble in Tianmen." He said, he couldn't help holding his teacup and sip: "Otherwise, do you think people from other regions dare to act like this?"

When hearing this, the sixth elders suddenly stood up and walked to the man who spoke: "You mean they will go to the Buddha realm to participate in the trial?"

The man nodded: "This is a great possibility!"

The Sixth Elder looked back at the other two Immortals.

Afterwards, the two stood up at the same time, walked directly out of the tea shop with Elder Liu, and marched westward.

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