Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1641: I'm coughing if you don't listen

When stepping into that beam of light, Xu Que realized that his soul body seemed to be stripped from his body!

But that feeling was only a moment...

His attention at this time was all attracted by the picture in front of him!

And Ergouzi and Duan Jiude, who stepped into the beam in front of him, have also disappeared.

Under the light of that beam, Xu Que seemed to experience his life again.

It's just that he has not had time to recall in the future, and all those images disappear...

"Brother Missing!"

A call awakened Xu Que who was in absentia, and Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude were standing beside him.

"Brother Que, have you noticed an unpleasant aura just now?" Er Gouzi said: "The deity seems to have seen himself in the first life just now, as if all his secrets have been seen by someone! "

When Er Gouzi talked about it, Xu Que also realized something, and said: "If you come, you will be at ease, find a chance to **** him!"

Today they seem to be in a palace, but there is nothing else in this palace besides a pile of rosettes!

And Xu Que also discovered that these rosettes are only in the thousands...

At the same time, Er Gouzi had already pulled out a fairy weapon and was prying a rosette in front of him, only tossed for a while without moving half a minute.

Not long after, there were many more people in this hall, but the people Xu Que wanted to find were not among them.



Xu Que noticed a burning sensation in his arm!

His body is at least comparable to the Peak Immortal Venerable, it is impossible to be affected by external forces!

how come…

Xu Que immediately raised his sleeves and saw an eight-petal lotus mark on his wrist!

Er Gouzi took a probe with Duan Jiude, and said in amazement, "Fuck, brother, why are you getting syphilis~ you are poisoned!"

"Mei, you are paralyzed, this is a lotus flower!" Xu Que roared, and at the same time, he had asked the system to detect the source of the imprint.

"Ding! Detection is complete! This imprint is harmless to the host!"

"System, do you want to check again?" In any case, this is a foreign object, and Xu Que is still worried after all.

The system has not yet given the results of the second test, the quaint bell rang again, and then a voice of vicissitudes of life came from the virtual space:

"The first pass of the Buddha Realm trial to realize Zen!"

"You testers enter the lotus seat, and lighting the first lotus flower within thirty-six hours is regarded as a clearance! You are not allowed to fight with others in the middle, otherwise you will be expelled from the Buddha realm!"

After hearing this, everyone finally understood the function of the lotus mark on the wrist.

After reporting the rules, the voice disappeared, but there was still a bit of Zen in the main hall.

Since the appearance of that bronze door, the trial of the Buddha realm has been counted as truly opened.

When everyone fell on the lotus seat, Xu Que looked at it again.

Thousands of rosettes are thousands of people, but only a thousand people.

Previously, it was said that there were a total of two thousand Buddha seals, so how come there are only so few people coming in?

Obviously, there should be other places for trials in the Buddhist realm.

If you want to find Su Yunlan and the others, you have to break the barrier.

Xu Que shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he was about to become a firefly in the night, illuminating the way for everyone.

When everyone sat cross-legged on the lotus seat and began to comprehend Zen, Xu Que also closed his eyes tightly and began to communicate with the system.

"System, what do you do with Zen Zen? Wouldn't you really let Ben Bisheng sit there in a daze?"

Xu Que is quite self-knowing, and he can't get through the so-called enlightenment of Buddhism. If the system does not take action, I am afraid that he will not pass this level.

"Ding! Do you need to digitize?"

"I don't care, can it be done?"

After ten breaths of silence, the system's voice sounded again: "Ding! Parsing! Transforming! The digitization is successful! The host can use the installed value to exchange the lotus fit value."

Xu Que found that there was an extra scale bar on the lotus petal on his wrist, and each petal was subdivided into ten. It takes 50,000 packs to light up a small grid.

After seeing it clearly, Xu Que couldn't help but cursed: "Fuck! A profiteer!"

Seeing Xu Que's face changed drastically, Er Gouzi couldn't help asking: "Brother Que? What's the matter?"

Although the monks in this hall hadn't seen Xu Que, the Ergouzi, who was a trademark, were present and they would naturally recognize them.

"It's okay!" Xu Que shook his head and looked at the monks!

The system pits him, he has nothing to do, so he can only hope that these colleagues can give a little comfort.

After thinking about it, Xu Que took out two black square boxes and placed them next to his rosette.

With a "click", he pressed a black button with the word "play" written on it.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of music sounded...

"It's like the sunlight passing through the night, and the dawn quietly across the horizon, who's figure shuttles through the reincarnation, the road to the future is under the foot..."

Damn it!

Some monks who had almost realized a bit of Zen in the first place, when they heard the song, they were so frightened that they immediately woke up.

Angry and shocked!

What a singing voice, Lao Tzu's careless liver was almost frightened.

Everyone's eyes swept away immediately, and they all looked at Xu Que.

However, Xu Que's eyes closed tightly, and Baoxiang sat on the ground solemnly, as if he was concentrating on the Dharma.

Everyone almost spit out old blood.


Listening to the melody of this kind of music, how can you still be so focused on Zen?

Everyone frowned, but no one dared to say anything.

After all, the old man next to him, plus the dog sitting there, is obviously the rumored "bad dog" combination. It is well-known, and no one wants to offend them by being the first bird.

Simply, everyone didn't say anything, took a deep breath, sat cross-legged again, closed his eyes tightly, and prepared to enter the state of enlightenment.

But the sound of singing from the black box was still echoing in the ear.

"A new storm has appeared!"

"How can I stand still!"

"time travel."

"Do your best."

"I will come to you..."

Damn it!

Everyone opened their eyes again in an instant.

Nima, why does this broken song sound like a **** feeling?

I really want to have a big fight!

I really want to pursue the light!

What a fart!

So passionate, so restless...

How can you still get down to enter the realm of Zen enlightenment?


Finally, an old man couldn't bear it anymore, he sighed and slowly got up, looked at Xu Que and said, "Father, what are you doing?"

"I'm practicing Zen! Otherwise, what else can I do?" Xu Que immediately opened his eyes, and sat on the rosette to pick up his nails: "You also hurry up and enlighten! Don't bother me!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words!

Don't bother you?

Obviously you are bothering us, okay?

"Friends of Taoism, you are still unreasonable! It is obvious that you inexplicably made a strange song to disturb my artistic conception, why do you still say that we disturbed you?" Someone immediately said annoyed.

Xu Que looked innocent: "When I understand Zen, I will cough if I don't listen to this!"

Everyone is choking!

Can you cough if you don’t listen to the song and realize Zen? What a shame!

And this song is too dynamic, how can you still realize Zen quietly?

But thinking that this was a ruthless person from the Explosive Heavens Gang, the cultivators didn't dare to say too much, and they couldn't say any threatening words.

After hesitating again and again, a cultivator persuaded: "Friends, why don't you make your voice smaller? So that you can hear it too, won't it affect me?"

Xu Que decisively refused: "No way, no way! Turn down the volume, UU reading www.ukanshu.com will not feel that way!"

"Why don't you change one? This is too noisy." Someone made a suggestion.

He sighed softly and said: "Hey, just now I realized Zen with the artistic conception of this song, but I was disturbed by the others, and now I have to be coerced by you to change the song, aren't you bullying the honest people? "

"In this way, there are one million immortal crystals here, which can be regarded as compensation for fellow daoists. Please change to another song!"

One million fairy crystals?

Xu Que glanced at everyone, shook his head and said, "Is this inappropriate?"

"Appropriate!" everyone said in unison.

"You don't need to be polite, fellow Daoist! Please accept it, change a song, I'll thank you later." The monk also hurriedly pushed Xianjing forward.

"Everyone, I'm not really making trouble. My way of enlightening Zen is quite special." Xu Que finished speaking and shook his wrist.

Everyone can see that his first petal has been lit up a bit.

This is also OK?

Everyone was stunned, but they also had to believe Xu Que's statement of listening to songs and enlightening Zen.

But if Xu Que is allowed to play nonsense, they will not be able to comprehend, so they have to stop this stuff if they say anything!

"Daoist, you can accept this fairy crystal." The monk urged again.

Everyone also looked at Xu Que eagerly.

"Ah this..."

Xu Que was immediately embarrassed: "In fact, it doesn't matter if a fairy is not a fairy crystal. The main reason is to find a song with the same effect. It is too difficult, so... this million fairy crystals are a little bit interesting!"

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