Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1654: Please respect yourself

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Ah this...

Everyone in the room was stunned.

This is the mighty king and Duan Jiude of the Zhantian Gang. Since hearing about the deeds of these two, they have never seen a bit of a loss.

But now, both of them were seriously injured and fainted directly.

This level is too difficult.

It's too tragic!

But for all this, the people in Tianmen must be blamed.

"Amitabha Buddha, benefactor, what should we do now?" The little bulb returned to his senses, chanting the Buddha's name, and looked at Xu Que.

The eyes of everyone present also focused on Xu Que.

At this time, he is already the backbone of everyone.

Whether it can break this barrier and leave safely depends on Xu Que.

"Friend Xu Dao, maybe the old man will come to help, we are here to open the small world in that bead and force the people of the heavenly gate out." At this time, the elder of Minghe Sect spoke.

"To shut up!"

Xu Que shouted angrily in an instant: "If it wasn't for you, an old fellow, to make trouble here and say that you can guarantee the people of the Tianmen, how can I end up with such a result? My Duan Jiude and the mighty king of the Tianmen Gang, also We won’t suffer such a severe injury just to cover us."


The elder Stygian was reprimanded and dared not reply a word.

The powerful person in the Immortal Venerable Realm had to bow his head guiltily at this moment.

He was too self-confident before, thinking that the people of Heavenly Gate would take care of the overall situation and could not mess around.

Unexpectedly, the group of **** in Tianmen were so short-sighted that they directly cut everyone's way of life.


At this moment, Duan Jiude, who was supposed to be in a coma, suddenly coughed violently, and a large amount of blood spurted out of his mouth, but he also woke up.

"Qua...Brother, don't blame them, this matter...Only our own!"

Duan Jiude said weakly, his face extremely pale: "Brother Que, you...save them, old man, my injury...cough cough...it's nothing serious."

With that said, the blood in Duan Jiude's mouth dripped out like no money.

Everyone on the scene saw eyelids jump.

Nima, it's okay to be injured like this?

And also persuaded Xu Que to save us first?

Senior Duan Jiude, he is truly unparalleled!


At this moment, Er Gouzi suddenly opened his mouth, and a large stream of blood sprayed out like a fountain.

The sudden blood column shocked everyone.

"Brother Que... hurry, save everyone, this god... can hold it."

Er Gouzi also said with a trembling, the blood spraying in his mouth never stopped, and it had already gathered on the ground into a small stream.

Everyone was ashamed of seeing it again.

Especially the elders of Minghejiao immediately took out a storage ring and handed it forward: "Two people, this matter is only to blame for the old man's carelessness. This is the healing medicine of my Minghejiao, by the master of the Tianyao pavilion, Miao Xianzi. For refining, the entire Xianyuanzhou does not exceed a hundred. Although it is extremely precious, I still ask you to accept it."

"No need."

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude both shook their heads and refused, looking at Xu Que all the time, and said pleadingly: "Brother Que, help everyone."


In an instant, everyone in the audience was shocked, and a long-lost warmth flowed through their bodies.

This...Is this the true feeling in the world?

How long hasn't seen such a righteousness, such a spirit of self-sacrifice!

We are known as cultivating immortals, but in the end we have cultivated a selfish heart.

But Duan Jiude and the mighty King of the Explosive Heavens Gang have never forgotten their original intentions, even if they are in distress, they still remember the safety of others.

Gao Yi!

"Two, these are some of my thoughts from the Saint Yuan Sect, let's see if I can help the two seniors!"

"You two have worked hard. I have the holy medicine specially made by the lord, which is no worse than the one made by Fairy Miao. Please accept it!"

"Yeah, the two of you have to get better, otherwise, even if Taoist Xu rescues us, if there are two shortcomings between the two, how can I wait for peace of mind?"

For a time, all the monks took out various precious healing medicines and forced them into the arms of Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude.

After Ergouzi and Duan Jiude had "rejected" in every possible way to no avail, after all, they had no choice but to accept those holy medicines in a "difficult".

"Oh, that's all!"

At this time, Xu Que seemed to be influenced by this scene and sighed deeply.

"Since you are so interested, then I will offer the last resort, maybe it won't last long, but...I can only do my best!"

When the voice fell, Xu Que suddenly gave a deep drink, and stepped heavily on the ground with one foot.


The whole mountain shook for a moment.

Afterwards, the Ashura's Faxiang behind Xu Que skyrocketed instantly, directly zooming in to a height of several tens of meters.

The radiant radiance of the Faxiang shrouded the entire mountain, sheltering the crowd.


The Asura crowd that had rushed up around was immediately frightened by the huge momentum and pulled back.


"We are saved."

"Daoyou Xu is amazing!"

When everyone saw this scene, they were overjoyed and exclaimed.

When Xu Que used this method before, they were already very greedy. After all, there is the protection of the law, and the Asura people did not dare to come close.

But it is a pity that Xu Que's previous dharma scope was not large, and he did not let everyone approach him.

But now he is fully exerting, expanding the scope, sheltering everyone, even if those Asura people are strong, they dare not get close.

"Brother Que, don't do this, you can't hold it." At this moment, Ergouzi, who had recovered a lot of healing medicine, shouted aloud.

Everyone hasn't had time to react.

Xu Que already looked at Su Yunlan and the others: "Quickly, take out all the fairy crystals in your body for me..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Que's face behind him suddenly shook.


The whole dharma phase began to tremble violently, and cracks appeared in the light and shadow, as if it would break at any time.

"No, such a huge face, Daoist Xu will definitely not be able to hold it!" The elder of Minghe Sect reacted immediately, his expression changed.

"You guys still have fairy crystals on them, don't tuck them and hide them, hurry up and get them together with Daoist Xu." Someone shouted.

However, Su Yunlan and the others also reacted quickly. When everyone called for a shout, they had already taken out all the fairy crystals from their bodies and threw them directly at Xu Que.

With a thought, Xu Que called out the system interface and directly wrapped the tens of thousands of fairy crystals.

Huge consumption?


This law-breaking phase has no power, and it just works to bluff these Shura people.

As for zooming in and out, isn't it a trivial thing to force the holy thought?

In this wave, UU reading www.uukanshu.com forced the sage to earn blood and kill everyone present.

"Anything else?"

Xu Que was pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, and shouted with difficulty.

"We don't have any fairy crystals." Su Yunlan shook his head and said with all expressions of worry.

"Friend Xu, we have!"

The Pluto elder yelled, and gestured to throw out the storage ring.

"No, stop."

Xu Que directly yelled, "I don’t want your fairy crystals. I have said before that I will not accept every single cent of you, and I ask you to respect yourself. Don’t let me bear the word and believe in the bombing day gang. Don’t let me discredit the reputation of the Zhan Tian Gang."

(End of this chapter)

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