Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1658: This scene seems familiar

Hearing Shangguan Wanrong's answer, Xu Que was shocked and Hong Zhonghua fell to the ground with a "pop".

What's the matter with this woman?

Change to her previous character, now she should face each other coldly, and yell at me!

Would you actually agree to smoke?

"Does the sun rise here from the west?"

Xu Que covered his eyes with his hands as a curtain, looking at the fiery red sun in the distance.

Xuanyuan Wanrong frowned her eyebrows slightly and said, "This place is a place of prohibition. The sun rises and sunsets rely on the prohibition to operate, and it is not impossible for the west to rise."


Before the voice fell, a small breeze passed by.

Xuanyuan Wanrong looked startled, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, then her face became cold, and she raised her hand to pat behind her.


Xu Que's figure suddenly appeared, and the Zijin Force Wang Cudgel in his hand was trembling crazily, as if he was letting go.

"You are definitely not Xuanyuan Wanrong! Say, who are you?"

Xu Que's face was serious and solemn: "She will definitely not take me such a cold joke, and promised to smoke is even more impossible!"

Xuanyuan Wanrong's face was even colder: "We are connected with the Taiyi Book of Heaven. Who do you think can fake it?"

"Um...so too." Xu Que was taken aback, and then he reacted and said with a dry smile: "Haha, I'm sorry, in fact, I just wanted to see if your strength has improved."

He put away the little black stick, and was also secretly surprised.

The strength of this woman's cultivation has improved again!

Although she didn't go all out just now, she was able to shoot herself back at will. This strength is already unfathomable!


Xu Que always felt that this woman's attitude seemed a little weird?

The memories that the two experienced in the memory world were all brought out when they left. Logically speaking, the woman should know that she was just passing the cigarette to tease her.

She actually accepted it?

Xu Que narrowed his eyes and looked up and down Xuanyuan Wanrong, thinking about what the woman had experienced.

"This place is the place of experience in the Buddha realm. Can you sneak up here if you wander around?" Xuanyuan Wanrong raised her hand, and a burst of spiritual power poured out and sucked Red Zhonghua into her hand.

Xu Que stared blankly at Xuanyuan Wanrong as she took out a cigarette, put it under her nose and sniffed it, but it actually lit it up!


It's young!

This woman smokes!

Smoking is harmful to your health!


Xu Que slapped himself with a backhand.

Hmm... It hurts so hot, not a dream.

"Um... do you smoke?" Xu Que couldn't help asking, "it's easy to choke the first time you smoke..."

Xuanyuan Wanrong responded lightly: "No."

While talking, he spit out a few smoke rings skillfully.

Xu Que:...

Is this **** good?

The first time I smoked, my nose and tears were choked out!

But after taking a sip, Xuanyuan Wanrong threw away the lit cigarette, and threw Hong Zhonghua back to Xu Que: "There is nothing good about this thing, I don't know why you like it so much."

Xu Que heard this, carrying his hands on his back, and made a melancholy gesture: "I don't actually like to smoke. It's just that when I'm upset, or sometimes when I get emotional, I'll almost get something if I don't come."

Xuanyuan Wanrong frowned slightly, not understanding Xu Que's words, and asked, "For example?"

"Like? It's like I suddenly want to shit...cough, no, like I suddenly want to go to the hut, then if there is no cigarette at this time, I would rather hold back. In short, it is the indescribable feeling, you I don't understand."

With that, Xu Que raised his head silently, and put another cigarette on himself.


He took a deep breath, and the tobacco was burned red by the high temperature, and white smoke floated up.

"Look at this cigarette, it looks like I'm smoking. In fact, the wind is also smoking. I smoke half and half, but I didn't care about it. Maybe the wind has some troubles."

After Xu Que finished speaking, he took another sip, slowly exhaling smoke rings, his face was full of loneliness and loneliness.

The sun just fell on his face, and his eyes were crystal clear, as if there were tears spinning.

Sorrow, depression, and depression, countless emotions emanating from him at this time, people can't help but wonder how much hardship he is carrying.

Xuanyuan Wanrong looked startled.

I've been used to this guy's inconspicuous rogue appearance all the time, now why has this guy suddenly become so deep?

Do you smoke half of this cigarette and half of the wind?

Maybe the wind is also troublesome?

This remark is careful, but there are some different moods!

Xuanyuan Wanrong thoughtfully.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Suddenly, there were a few breaking noises in my ears.

Xu Que was facing the air, waving his hands frantically, as if beating something.

"What are you doing?" Xuanyuan Wanrong asked with some caution.

"For a while, the wind is calm, and I take a step back and think more and more angry. I just thought carefully, why does this wind take half of my cigarette? How expensive is the cigarette, see if I don't smoke him to death!"

Xu Que responded while continuing to convulse.


Xuanyuan Wanrong froze in place instantly, with question marks on her face.

Is this guy mentally retarded?


Xuanyuan Wanrong looked speechless, turned around and wanted to leave.

But looking at the deserted surroundings, she stopped again, turned to look at Xu Que and said, "Are you alone here?"

"It's not."

Seeing that Xu Que was scared, he stopped moving and pointed at the ancient city for a long time: "Everyone has been sent in."

Speaking of this, Xu Que seemed to think of something again: "Do you have a way to get in? Take me in, I'm going to save people."

"Save people?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong glanced at him coldly and shook his head: "I just came to look for something to dissolve the relationship. I haven't passed the Buddhism trial, and I don't understand this place."

Xu Que was immediately stunned.

Dare to feel that this woman came in "smuggling"!

Nima, didn't I waste time in the first few levels?

Uh, it doesn't seem to be the case, at least the harvest is quite big!

"This ancient city is actually a ban. It can only accommodate 50,000 people. Only when people die in the city will the people outside be transported in. However, there may be no danger inside. I have been waiting here for more than a long time, and it is still not my turn... "

Xu Que briefly explained.

Just half the story, he had a sudden stop.

That's not right!

It stands to reason that many people died in the second and third levels. According to the increasingly dangerous experience of the levels, the death rate in this level should not be so slow.

"Fuck it! Couldn't Ergou and Duan Jiude find any benefits in it again, so I'm stuck not letting Lao Tzu in?"

Xu Que's heart beats, UU reads www.uukanshu. The more I think about it, the more I think it is possible.

These two guys didn't do this kind of thing less before, if they really let them discover the great benefits inside, they might be able to control this ancient city with their array of restraints!

"No, it seems that you still have to break the ban on your own, otherwise you don't know that you have to wait until the year of the monkey." Xu Que narrowed his eyes and moved his mind.

"System, come out and help me crack this..."


Just as Xu Que was communicating with the system, a slight wind suddenly sounded.

Xu Que only felt his body lighten, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The surrounding light suddenly became pitch black, and the light curtains were suspended in the darkness, like shining stars.

It's just that among these light curtains, there are pictures that are constantly flickering and changing.

In one of the light curtains, the figure of Su Yunlan appeared, but she was dressed plainly, walking among a high mountain with sweat on her face, and she seemed very tired.

And on the mountain, is a nun's nunnery!

"This...what's the situation?"

Xu Que was a little dazed.

Looking at the other light curtains, Er Gouzi wandered on the street, all dirty, incomparably desperate and embarrassed. The passers-by saw it and kicked directly, Er Gouzi was instantly kicked to the ground, wailing call.

Another light curtain, Duan Jiude's figure also appeared in it.

What happened to him is also a bit bad.


Xu Que was stunned.

This scene... seems familiar!

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