Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1661: At this level?

The imperial palace of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the imperial study room.

Xuanyuan Wanrong, who had left the court, sat face to face with Xu Que at this time, facing each other.

"So... as you said, if we want to leave here, we need to pass this test, and the test is for us to spend our lives here safely?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong sat on the chair and asked.

Xu Que fiddled with the crown on his hand, and said casually: "Yes, according to my experience, as long as we can end our lives smoothly, we can go out."

When Xuanyuan Wanrong heard the words, her eyebrows curled slightly, and she began to think.

If according to the end of life of a mortal, at least would he stay with this guy for decades?

When Xu Que saw that she didn't speak, he didn't take the initiative to find a topic, but started to check the system.

Like the previous experience, the system functions are now restricted again.

However, this time seems to be a change made by the system itself. Except for the functions of collecting and loading value, exchange and storage, all other functions are unavailable.


Everything else was fine, only when Xu Que saw the exchange function, Xu Que was shocked.

The price of exchange items for science and technology has increased by hundreds of times, and for items classified by Xiuxian, it has increased by thousands of times!

Only traditional martial arts is still cheap!

"Oh, oh, the system will you explain to me what's going on?"

"Ding, the system has detected that it is currently in a low-arms environment. In view of the host's need for experience, the price of all exchange items that exceed the rules in the system mall will be normally premium."

Can this premium be called normal?

Laozi now exchanges for an ordinary talisman at will, it will cost hundreds of thousands of pretences!

Of course, this is not the worst!

Xu Que found an even more extreme thing. Because of environmental changes, all the accumulated pretense value was frozen, and it was not used at all!

But when I was just pretending to be a force in the hall, I saved ten points to pretend to be a force!

"Dog system, not a human being!"

Xu Que cursed.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Wanrong on the side suddenly said, "If this is the case, then we shall wait here until the end of life."

Xu Que was stunned, dare you to think about this for a long time?

"Yes, but I have one condition." Xu Que thought for a while and said, "You have to hand over authority, and I will be in charge of Dongtang."


Xuanyuan Wanrong refused without hesitation.

Although she didn't know much about Xu Que's ability in governing the country, Xuanyuan Wanrong had no doubt that this guy would destroy the Eastern Tang Dynasty in less than half a year with the temperament he showed before.

"Hey, you, I am the emperor, do you understand?" Xu Que said with a stab, "Apart from practicing, you are sleeping. You know how to govern the country."

"That can't be handed over to you," Xuanyuan Wanrong said calmly, "What's more, you also don't know how to govern the country."

Xu Que snorted coldly: "You're teasing me, I don't know how to govern the country? If you let me come, what is the matter of Qin State? Do you know what the eternal emperor is? It is me!"

But no matter how Xu Que persuaded, Xuanyuan Wanrong was unwilling to delegate power.

In her words, Xu Que's temperament is too flamboyant and there are no rules in doing things, especially the kind of violent temper that is fearless and fearless, how can she be relieved if she comes to rule a country.

After all, the subjugation of the country here means that their fate will be terrible, more terrible than death.

"Why are you a woman so stubborn? Do you really think you are a genius? Running the country is not as simple as you think!" Xu Que almost jumped up with anger.

"You know it's not easy. I'll be in charge and control everything. It's always safer than your mess." Xuanyuan Wanrong's eyes were calm and her tone was firm.

"You..." Xu Que stared, knowing that he couldn't persuade this woman anyway, so he didn't talk nonsense at all.

"Okay, I see when you can control it." Xu Que flung his sleeve away.

The meeting between the two ended up unhappy.

Soon, one night passed.

Just after dawn the next day, Xuanyuan Wanrong got up early and went to the hall for early morning.

Xu Que also came, and came earlier, so he took the dragon chair ahead of time.

Xuanyuan Wanrong didn't bother to fight with him either, and sat down on the phoenix seat.

After a hundred officials of the Manchu civil and military came to the court, they were all shocked when they saw the two sitting high.

The emperor is sick again?

its not right!

Wasn't it okay yesterday?

Why is this happening again today?

The key is what happened to the empress? Actually gave up the dragon chair?

Everyone was amazed, but they didn't dare to talk about it.

"Enjoy the Queen Mother!" At this time, a minister had already stood up impatiently and stepped forward to admonish him.

He seemed to be very anxious, so he didn't even call the emperor, and continued:

"Enlighten the Queen Mother, nowadays the northwest has been suffering from severe droughts and famines for many years, so we are in need of funding for disaster relief!"


Xuanyuan Wanrong didn't suddenly wrinkle when she heard the words, her face solemn.

Unexpectedly, on this first day, I encountered a problem!

Yesterday, she checked the recent memorials overnight and got a basic understanding of the situation in this country.

The national strength is not strong. Although the soldiers and horses are prosperous, they can only protect themselves temporarily, which is not as good as those countries in the Five Elements Mountain before.

However, the small problem of famine can still be solved!

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Wanrong waved her hand and said loudly: "Proclaim the purpose of this palace, open the national treasury, and provide relief to the world."


Xu Que couldn't hold back from the side and laughed directly.

At this level?

Are you embarrassed to say that you can govern the country?

Xuanyuan Wanrong glanced at Xu Que coldly, her eyebrows curled slightly, she didn't understand what he meant.

"It's okay, you continue." Xu Queqiang held back his smile and waved his hand.

He was not idle last night. He had read the major events of the country over the years, and he had already read it thoroughly.

Because of its remote location, the country's agricultural commerce has not developed well, and the country's economy is not strong.

The key is to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. A few years ago, the silver coins in the national treasury were used to recruit troops and used them for war.

At present, the entire treasury has very few silver deposits, and the treasury is opened for disaster relief?

Give me a fart!

"Return to the empress, the treasury...There is not much silver left." Hubu Shangshu bit his head and walked out.

He presides over the household department, manages the national treasury, and knows nothing more about a country's inventory.

Now let alone disaster relief, it is good to be able to barely maintain the country's operation. The key is that he was a householder who was so worried that he lost his hair in order to maintain the situation.


Xuanyuan Wanrong's expression also condensed after hearing the words, and after thinking about it a little, she said in a deep voice, "If this is the case, then taxes will be levied across the country to support the drought-prone areas."


As soon as this remark came out, the officials were in an uproar.

There is a famine in the northwest, but the lives of people everywhere are not easy. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Temporary taxation will undoubtedly increase the burden of the people, and I am afraid it is indispensable for families to disperse their wives.

This key move will definitely cause protests from the people. Not only will it not be able to collect much money, but it will also arouse public anger, and the gains outweigh the losses!

The queen empress has always been wise and martial, how could she suddenly take such a step?

The officials looked at each other, confused.

Only because of Xuanyuan Wanrong's former majesty, no one dared to expose it, and no one dared to stop it.

Until the next day.

The officials left and gathered together in threes and fives before they began to discuss the matter.

"How could the queen mother come up with such a method?"

"I don't know... Could it be that the queen empress has any deep meaning?"

"Oh, hope, but although this move will arouse public outrage,... it should be able to solve the famine."

At the same time, in the imperial study room.

Xuanyuan Wanrong and Xu Que sat facing each other again.

"What were you laughing at?" Xuanyuan Wanrong asked puzzledly.

According to her understanding, disaster relief is nothing more than the need for silver taels, so it is enough to give full silver taels by yourself.

Xu Que smiled and said meaningfully: "I tell you, if you do this, no more than seven days, there will definitely be major problems."

"Humph, absurd!" Xuanyuan Wanrong snorted coldly, ignoring him.

Xu Que also didn't advise, so he went to check the dossier on his own.

Anyway, I have already said what I should say, since she doesn't listen, don't blame yourself if something goes wrong!

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