Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1681: The emperor has something

"How is it possible? How did he do it?"

Bai Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, a little surprised in his words.

Behind him, no general squeaked.

Everyone looked at each other, with the same thoughts in their hearts.

How the **** is this possible?

With so many bows and arrows, no one was hurt?

How outrageous!

"Who is this son? He is so exquisite in riding at a young age."

A look of appreciation flashed across Bai Qi's eyes, "Not only that, even the three thousand soldiers and horses behind him have such riding skills. This is the most incredible!"

It is not unusual for a person to ride alone, but it is simply unimaginable that three thousand people have such good riding skills.

With Bai Qi's eyes, it was natural to see that the three thousand people behind were all marching with the soldiers leading the charge.

Even after only learning a superficial movement, these three thousand people still passed the arrow formation with almost no casualties!

The soldier was obviously not agile, but every time he changed direction, he just avoided the arrow.

This requires not only reaction power, but also a familiarity with the art of war, experience of countless battlefields, and an understanding of the characteristics of the art of military formation.

"The whole army lined up!"

Despite this, Bai Qi did not intend to let him go.

If such an opponent exists, it will be a big trouble for them to conquer Dongtang next.

"Ready! Attack!"

Accompanied by Bai Qi's order, hundreds of thousands of pawns raised their long swords in their hands, rushing towards Xu Que.

"Brothers, it's time to show the real technology!"

Xu Que held up the long sword in his hand and laughed: "Listen to my order, guerrilla warfare!"

Guerrilla warfare?

A hint of doubt passed in Bai Qi's eyes. He had marched for many years and had not heard of the famous guerrilla warfare.

In normal cavalry battles, they often choose heavy cavalry to charge and light cavalry to follow, and the two cavalry sprint head-to-head.

Because on the battlefield, only heavy cavalry can play a decisive role, but the size of the heavy cavalry is too large, it is difficult to make any flexible operations, can only choose reckless.

The light cavalry is because the armor on the body is too thin, even if the charge changes direction, it is easy to fall into the enemy's formation.

But Bai Qi still didn't panic. Years of fighting made him extremely confident in himself.

The young man in front of him may be a genius, but if he really wants to use three thousand light cavalry to attack the army, he will undoubtedly die!

And Hu Zhengtang and others are also extremely anxious.

"Quick, quick! Never let your majesty rush in!"

"Bring the bow and arrow to Lao Tzu, and you must bring your Majesty back when you shoot a horse!"

"Bai Qi is not one of those trash generals. If your majesty is trapped, he will definitely die in it!"

Many soldiers at the scene talked about Bai Qi with a panic on their faces.

When Bai Qi was well-known in the world, most of the generals of the six countries were taught on the ground by the opponents on the battlefield, and were awed by his superb strategy of war.

At this moment, seeing Xu Que led his troops directly into the enemy's formation, all of them felt desperate.


Xu Que led three thousand soldiers and horses, like a mud cow into the sea, and instantly broke into the enemy line!

"It's over..." Hu Zhengtang's face suddenly became earthy.

Even if he personally led the troops, there were only three thousand people, and it was impossible to get out of it.

However, just when everyone was desperate, they saw Xu Que as if a flying swallow was tapping water. When he rushed to the edge, he turned suddenly and ran to the other side, with his soldiers and horses hitting the outskirts of the infantry again and again. .

"This... what kind of tactics is this?"

Bai Qi's eyes suddenly burst into light.

The scene before him was beyond his imagination, and he never thought that Qingqi could charge in this way.

It's incredible!

After Bai Qi stared for a moment, he was shocked: "Here, all of their cavalry are third-grade martial artists!"


The surrounding Qin Bing generals were suddenly shocked.

A third-rank martial artist is enough to become a centurion in the army!

With a team of three thousand centurions, it is no wonder that the horse can be commanded like an arm!

"This son is simply hateful, and he has adopted such a shameless tactic!" a general scolded angrily.

Bai Qi shook his head: "You only see the surface. If you want to train 3,000 third-level masters to this level, the hard work you put into it is unimaginable, and you have to let these masters trust him from the heart. Who can do it? get?"

The generals were silent, and the arrogant masters were arrogant. Generally, joining the army would not obey the orders, and preferred to do things on their own.

This is also a long-standing ill in the army, and I didn't expect it to be overcome by the young man in front of him.

What they didn't know was that these three thousand soldiers were the third-rank masters who had just become.

A few hours ago, there were still a bunch of logistics soldiers waiting to die...

"The halberd soldier is ready!" Bai Qi waved his hand again, and rows of soldiers holding the halberd rushed to the ground, and the halberd in his hand poked towards Xu Que and the others.

Hu Zhengtang said solemnly: "The halberd soldiers were born specifically for cavalry. This time I am afraid that your Majesty will be injured!"

However, at this moment, Xu Que threw the knife away, laughed and took out a long sword.

"Why did your majesty lose the knife?"

"What's the use of the sword? The sword is the best on the battlefield!"

Everyone suddenly became anxious, thinking that Xu Que hadn't been on the battlefield very much and didn't understand the inside story.

"Dugu Nine Swords-Sword Swing Style!"

A tyrannical sword intent broke out on Xu Que!

The advanced martial arts from the system, the Dugu Nine Swords, was formally exposed in front of everyone.

Practicing sword energy burst out horizontally, and the sword shadows spread out, violently and swiftly, spreading towards the surroundings.

This world can’t cultivate immortals, but you can practice martial arts and internal strength. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has a systematic approach, and Xu Que has reached the realm of the peerless sword **** in martial arts legends.

"This person... is so strong!"

"This swordsmanship is extraordinary!"

Bai Qi's face was full of surprise.

Hu Zhengtang and others in the rear were also extremely shocked, almost mad.

Damn it!

The emperor really has something!

This swordsmanship...

It's almost a sword of light on the nineteen continents, and the sword aura is 30,000 li!

Sword Qi rolled, countless long halberds broke, Three Thousand Qingqi took this opportunity to break into the enemy's formation and cut countless enemies.

Under the leadership of Xu Que, he rushed out again!

"Brothers, let's go!"

At this moment, Xu Que raised his arm and retreated with Qingqi safely.

Behind him, there are corpses all over the floor!

Although it was an enemy, Bai Qi still couldn't help but aroused his desire to attract the opponent.

Such talents, if they have worked under him for a few years, are enough to become a generation of famous players!

"Young man, how did you research your riding method?" Bai Qi pulled the horse's rein, the more crowds came out, and said loudly, "If you are willing to join my Da Qin, this commander can protect you as the next Qin State leader. Handsome!"


When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Qin State Soldier God Bai Qi promised to recruit this person with the promise of the future handsome!

I can't believe it!

When Xu Que heard the words, his face was full of pride.

"No, I can have today's achievements, all relying on my own ingenuity, and hard work!"

The system, I changed all the pretense values!

Change all!

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