Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1696: Fried Tian Bang Niubi

"Good! Very good, that's it!"

"Hey, what about you, can't you work hard!"

"We are now showing the momentum of the Zhantian Gang, which represents the face of the Zhantian Gang. Everyone should be serious. Don't let Gu Buddha give it to you!"

In order to win the trust of the ancient Buddha even more, Xu Que even started to command in a pretentious manner, and from time to time pointed out the revealed state of one of the clones.

Gu Buddha's half-asleep and half-awake eyes were shaking crazily at this time, as if they were shocked.

Seeing a ghost, shouldn't I be asleep for too long and have hallucinations?

So many people actually understand the secret method?

And it looks like, let alone hundreds of them, I'm afraid there are thousands of secrets, let alone the guys who haven't shown them yet.

In their time, these people have already been regarded as Buddhas and offered up for a long time!

At this time, he had completely dispelled the old opponent's thoughts.

Even if it is one of your enemies back then, one of them counts as one, don't even think about comprehending so many secrets!

"You... how could you comprehend so many secrets?" Gu Buddha couldn't help it, and asked aloud.

He really couldn't figure it out. Could these eighteen people really be the legendary genius?

Can you comprehend all the secrets by just looking at it?

Xu Que heard this with a solemn expression and nodded vigorously, "Yes, we are geniuses!"

Ancient Buddha: "..."

"That's how to describe it to you. Our genius is not a simple genius, but a very special and unique genius. I use the words "peerless genius" to describe it. I wonder if you can understand it?"

Ancient Buddha: "...No."

Xu Que sighed, "Your understanding is not good."


What the **** is it with me?

Even if you are here, you will still doubt whether your life is good!

"Let's put it this way, we have already understood the secret method, and we have understood it according to your requirements, can you still want to lose the inheritance?" Xu Que suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He is ready. If this ancient Buddha is not passed on, he will grab it... Oh no, further show his sincerity.

We are the eighteenth golden arhats of the Explosive Heavens Faction, my noble followers of Buddha, how can we say rob?

Upon hearing this, the ancient Buddha closed his eyes and began to think.

It stands to reason that Xu Que is the only one here, and he shouldn't give the secret method.

For the remaining seventeen people, even if the ancient Buddha was just a soul splitting, they could tell that it was a **** clone technique at all.

But the strange thing is that, even in their era, the clone created by clone technique is the kind of thing that has no strength and can only pretend to be.

But the secret technique revealed by Xu Que just now is enough to prove that each of them has considerable strength and understanding, which is very unreasonable, and it is completely contrary to the essence of the clone technique.

As for you, is there anyone who can sacrifice a clone with strength?

This is naturally possible. For example, methods such as the Dao body can also obtain a powerful clone that is slightly weaker than itself, but there is only one!

Who the **** would be like this kid, who would directly take out 18 of them, all of which are almost as powerful as their own.

Even if you can't do it yourself, okay!

If you really want to have this kind of practice, then the **** would have ruled Xianyuanzhou long ago, so why should you leave the inheritance here?

In a fight, dozens of people rush in. Who can stand it?

After eliminating all the impossible, the only thing left, even if it is unthinkable, is the truth.

"So, you really are the Eighteen Arhats of the Exploding Heavens Faction?" Gu Buddha opened his eyes again and asked slowly.

Xu Que was straightforward, his face was not red and his heart beat: "That's right!"

"The expensive gang is really full of talented people. It seems that my Buddhism is expected to be very prosperous..."

The ancient Buddha let out a long sigh, folded his hands together, and his body looked like a real Buddha alive.

"Since you have met the standards, the seat will give you the inheritance. I hope that after I go out, I can extol my Buddhism teachings and carry forward the Buddhism glory."

As the voice fell, the golden arhats around him seemed to be awakened, their hands folded together, and they chanted in unison: "Amitabha Buddha."

Xu Que was taken aback for a moment, and his heart burst into joy.

Unexpectedly, this ancient Buddha is so simple!

Believe any nonsense, this is too good to lie!

If everyone in Xianyuanzhou is as simple and simple as this ancient Buddha, then it must be a perfect heaven and earth!

"Thank me Buddha."

Xu Que put his hands together and put on a dignified and solemn expression. After all, he had to do the show to the end.

I saw the rich Buddha light on the ancient Buddha's body, spreading towards the surroundings, and every phantom of the Arhat that came into contact with it turned into a bright golden light and merged into it.

When the last phantom of the Arhat disappeared, the voice of Buddha chanting in the main hall was strong to the extreme.

Xu Que only felt a buzzing in his brain, as if there was a magnificent voice directly burrowing into his brain, and you were chanting the realm of Buddha.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

Accompanied by a majestic Buddhist sound, all the Buddha's light fell from the sky, like a river flowing backwards, pouring into Xu Que's body.

In an instant, a powerful force bloomed in his body, and Xu Que vaguely saw a pure world green lotus blooming slowly, emitting endless brilliance.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host'Xu Que' for gaining the power of ancient Buddha inheritance!"

"Whether to integrate the inheritance of ancient Buddha? After the integration, the "Right Qi Sealing Magic Scripture" will be unsealed to the third stage.

When he heard this prompt, Xu Que was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly ecstatic.

Fuck, this can be unblocked!

It's no wonder that I have collected more than 20,000 secret methods before and can't be unblocked, and my feelings are bad for this ancient Buddha inheritance.

In fact, this is also understandable. The previous secret methods are equivalent to plug-ins. With the inheritance of ancient Buddha, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com directly accesses an operating system, which is equivalent to filling in the bad part of the module, and naturally it can be unblocked. .

"Fusion! Fuse me all!"

Xu Que agreed without hesitation!

This time it really made a lot of money!

"Ding! Fusion begins! Progress 1%... Progress 2%... Progress 3%..."

As the progress bar continued to improve, Xu Que could obviously feel that his feelings about the secrets of Buddhism and Taoism were being integrated and smelted.

From the previous independence, they began to form a whole.

When the final fusion is completed, it will be the time when one's righteous Qi Sealing Magic Sutra has been upgraded!

I don't know how long it took, the sky of Buddha light gradually dimmed, the inheritance finally came to an end, and the fusion gradually came to the end.

When the last ray of Buddha's light faded, Xu Que suddenly opened his eyes, and a pure golden lotus slowly rotated in his eyes, and then disappeared.

The ancient Buddha also closed his eyes and fell asleep again: "The inheritance is over, the donor can leave..."

Seeing this, Xu Que paced up to the ancient Buddha and stretched out his hand to pat the huge Buddha's body.

"Ancient Buddha? Are you asleep? Buddha? Big bald head? Bald donkey?"

So I really fell asleep!

The corner of Xu Que's mouth suddenly showed a sinister smile: "It's all here, wouldn't it be for nothing if you didn't leave something..."

As he said, he exchanged a stone tablet from the system, and began to beat it clanging.

After a while, the stone tablet took shape and stood on the side of the ancient Buddha, and a line of dragons and phoenixes was written.

"Gu Foyun: The fried sky is awesome!"

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