Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1718: What do you understand?


Just as everyone tried their best to stabilize their figures, a scream came.

I saw that the immortal king with the weakest cultivation base turned out to be bleeding from Qi orifices, his whole body was torn apart, and he was already seriously injured!

Everyone was shocked, their eyes filled with incredible expressions.

"The aftermath of the collision between the two actually shocked the Immortal King!"

"We are still on the edge, if we are in the center of the battlefield..."

"It's terrible, their power has far exceeded the normal Immortal Realm!"

"How did they cultivate? There is such a powerful force!"

"Look! That kid has appeared!" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

The air wave rolled, smoke and dust were everywhere, Xu Que and the humanoid lightning appeared at the center of the battlefield at the same time.

The two paused in place for a moment, and then collided together again.




The immense destructive power blasted this desert full of holes, like a tornado raging in it, rolling up yellow sand in the sky.

The full-body humanoid lightning has doubled its power and speed several times. Compared with the one in front of him, the dragon **** before is almost as outrageous as slow motion.

Moreover, the complete body of the Immortal Emperor Yongzhen didn't even use the exercises, it was simply relying on the body condensed by the heavens to fight against it.

Rao is Xu Que's small enlightened body, but it can't be resisted.

Coupled with the system's automatic recovery function, all the damage caused by Emperor Yongzhen has been repaired.

So from the bright side, the two are equally divided.

"The future of this son is boundless!" The old monk had a vicious look, and at a glance he could see that Xu Que had never used any tricks in order to test his body.

The surrounding Immortal Kings and Immortal Venerables were already beyond surprise at this time.

What kind of character is Emperor Xiandi?

Looking at the entire Xianyunzhou, there are only ten immortal emperors.

It shows the rarity of its existence.

Any immortal emperor, when he was young, he looked down upon his peers!

The combat power of the peers is completely far behind them, and it is simply not enough to fight one!

But Xu Que, this guy, was able to draw with the Emperor Xian!

This talent, strength, is simply terrifying to the extreme!

"Too strong... this guy's strength doesn't seem like a fairy at all."

"If he grows up, he will become an immortal emperor in the future!"

"Not necessarily, but the future achievements will definitely be higher than ours!"

"It is our honor to witness this battle today."

The immortal emperor is the supreme existence in the hearts of the monks in Xianyunzhou.

Today, they can see with their own eyes the immortal emperor's action when they are young, and they feel a sense of pride spontaneously in their hearts.

"I said, shall we still find him trouble?" someone suddenly said.

Everyone was stunned, and suddenly realized that these people are going to kill that kid and grab the ancient Buddha inheritance from him!

Then we are so proud!

Everyone was immediately entangled, and the one who was more entangled than them was Xu Que at this time.

It's not right!

Now that he has broken through to the Immortal Venerable Realm, his exercises have been systematically smelted to become a fairy-level exercises, and the final shortcomings have been filled.

Even if this immortal emperor Yongzhen is strong, he won't be unkillable!

It stands to reason that the two are similar in strength, and at best they are tied.

But this thing in front of him is finally condensed by the heavens. There is no copy version of the sage. Even if he has the combat power of the emperor Yongzhen when he was young, the strength he exerted in the real battle is definitely not that strong.

In fact, in those few confrontations just now, Xu Que had used his ultimate move more than once.

And these ultimate moves also had an effect, almost smashing the humanoid lightning head-on.

But every time when the opponent is about to be defeated, there is always a kind of power in it, which reunites the human-shaped lightning that is about to collapse.

This is ridiculous.

"Could it be the way of heaven? Impossible, isn't the dragon **** also blown up? So this power should come from the emperor himself." He stroked his chin thoughtfully: "The emperor and other realms Is there any difference?"

Xu Que backed away abruptly, moved away from him, and began to think seriously.

Can't find this reason, it is impossible for him to defeat this humanoid lightning.

"Huh? He retreated so suddenly?" When the old monk saw this, his gray eyebrows trembled twice, and he suddenly showed a clear expression: "Is it finally wrong?"

All the immortal kings Xianzun also appeared in shock and puzzled.

This was just the beginning of the fight, why did this guy suddenly appear to be running?

"He didn't find that he couldn't beat him, he was ready to run away, right?" A fairy said in doubt.

Someone shook his head and said, "No. Didn't you see him just standing in place? I am afraid that the internal organs are injured and need time to recuperate. After all, it is a fairy emperor. Even in his young age, he can't be matched by just one person."

These words came to everyone's heart, and many people showed a suddenly realized expression.

"This guy must look evenly matched on the surface, but in fact has already been seriously injured!"

"Yes, it must be so!"

"I'll just say, how could someone be evenly matched with the Immortal Emperor Yongzhen? This is simply unreasonable!"

Everyone talked in a rush, and their faces were full of joy.

It’s right if you can’t beat it. If you really have to, doesn’t it seem that they are incompetent?

Everyone didn't realize that before they knew it, they had regarded Xu Que as a huge threat.

Now that Xu Que may not be better than the Emperor Xian, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Que was thinking, no matter how much human-shaped lightning, he immediately killed him as soon as his body flickered.

"Why isn't this kid moving?" Er Gouzi cried out, "Everyone is calling!"

"Don't be surprised! Old man, where do I know what to do with that kid, is it possible for us to come and save him?"

"Um... I believe in Brother Que's ability, let's cheer for him."

Everyone talked a lot, but Xu Que turned a deaf ear.

Even though the humanoid lightning had struck and killed, the yellow sand filled the sky with golden lightning rushing towards his face, and the wind was full of murderous aura, making people's faces hurt.


Under the gaze of everyone, the human-shaped lightning that represented the young emperor Yongzheng gathered all the golden light of the whole body on the fist, and evolved a light thorn like a sharp cone. The dazzling golden light is extremely bright, with unparalleled The meaning of thunder, even split the void into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a thunder that made all the colors in the world dim suddenly slashed across, and slammed on Xu Que's chest fiercely. The golden thunder burst into the sky in an instant, and a large number of black cracks appeared in the air.

The people who were still entangled were completely dumbfounded at this time.

"Mom... he really didn't move!"

"This punch is the fame and fame of Emperor Yongzhen during the time of Xianzun. With this move, he swept his peers!"

"The strength is so condensed, it's like a long spear piercing straight. At such a close distance, no more than three of the same realm can be blocked!"

"This kid must be dead!" Someone vowed: "Even if he is physically tyrannical, it is absolutely impossible to stop him..."

Halfway through the conversation, the man suddenly opened his mouth and looked forward in a daze.

Suddenly a breeze blew, the smoke and dust in the sky gradually fell, and Xu Que's figure appeared in front of everyone intact.

He looked down at the fist that fell on him, his expression focused, motionless, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to be delving into something profound and mysterious.

"Is it going to die?" An immortal king guessed cautiously.

"Impossible... This is a punch."

"If you have the ability to go up and get a punch, try it?"

"Forget it..."

"Wait! He moved!" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

Xu Que stretched out his hand, held the opponent's fist, moved it away, patted his chest, as if some dust had been removed, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"I understand." Xu Que grinned.

In that punch just now, he felt a breath similar to Dao Yun, but it was countless times stronger.

It is similar to the Taoist aggregate, but far beyond the existence of the Taoist aggregate.

In the other Immortal Venerables, he had never felt this mysterious power.

Belong to, the power of the emperor!

Xu Que suddenly realized that even if his current combat power could compete with the young immortal emperor, the uniqueness of the immortal emperor himself caused the human-shaped lightning condensed from the tribulation to bring that special touch.

This was the reason why he couldn't completely kill the humanoid lightning in front of him.

"Yes, even though the sage is so powerful now, he still maintains his original aspirations. I think about my life three times. Only when I am humble and studious can I continue to pretend to be forced."

As for the humanoid lightning, Xu Que didn't care about it at all.

There is an automatic reply from Xiaocheng Eucharist and the system, just one punch, sprinkle it!

The audience was deadly silent, and everyone showed a confused look.

you understood?

What do you understand? ? ?

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