Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1720: Are you crazy?

"The strongest anti-routine system (!


Within the ban, everyone in the audience shouted swearing in shock, and their hearts were shocked.

One punch smashed the humanoid lightning!

The Dragon God just now was shattered by a single blow, and the current Immortal Emperor Yongzhen was also shattered!

Nima, is this guy really just Xianzun?

"This man is a monster at all!"

"It's illogical at all, how can a normal monk possess such strength?"

"I now have reason to suspect that this person is the blood of ancient gods and demons, otherwise how could he have such a powerful strength?"

Everyone looked horrified and talked a lot.

From the outside, it's just going through the calamity, who hasn't survived the calamity yet in cultivation.

But looking at the entire Xianyun Continent, who has experienced such a terrifying catastrophe?


It's this kid in front of me!

Not only did it go through, but it was also easy to stand here, not even the root hair fell off, it is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle!

Er Gouzi took out a pair of sunglasses, raised the cloak behind him, and said dismissively: "A group of country bumpkins, things that have never seen the world, the strength of my blasting gang is far more than that!"

"Yes! Back then, I bombed the Tianding Gang per capita in the top 20, this level of calamity was just a small scene." Duan Jiude said triumphantly, "In the future, the list of Xianyunzhou will be sooner or later. Will be ruled by our blasting gang!"

"Yes, that's right, you immortal kings should be more polite to this deity, you should kneel and lick it in the future!" Er Gouzi gestured to his paw with a haughty expression, "Come here quickly." Press your feet on this deity! As the deputy head of the deity, if you feel good, you might be allowed to join the help."

Everyone is full of black lines, do you dare to be so arrogant as a dog?

I really think we will believe what you say?

Duan Jiude suddenly slapped his thigh, and said in a panic: "That's okay, Brother Que even told us before, let us not tell this thing, if it affects the future rule of Xianyunzhou, it will be bad!"

"Yeah! It's over, Brother Que must come to trouble me!" Er Gouzi suddenly howled and ran back in a panic.

When the immortal kings saw them, they were stunned.

I've blown it out, so what can't you say?

They also had some doubts whether the two people were acting in a play, but when they saw that they really meant to run away, they suddenly murmured in their hearts.

Could it be true?

An immortal king thought for a while, stepped forward to stop Er Gouzi, and asked tentatively: "This dog... fellow Daoist, you just said that all members of the Exploding Heavens Faction are so arrogant, but it's true..."

"What a shit!" Before the words were finished, Er Gouzi retorted righteously, "Don't talk nonsense, be careful that the deity slanders you, the deity has never said such things, you do everything. did not hear it."

With that said, Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude ran away with their **** burning, as if they were afraid that Xu Que would catch them and leak their secrets.

Everyone looked at each other and remained silent.

In fact, they didn't believe it, but the two of them reacted because they didn't believe it.

In other words, are all enchanting perverts like Xu Que in the Bombing Heaven Gang?

Wouldn't Xianyunzhou not be peaceful after that!

"Friends of Taoism, I'm afraid I can't let this child leave alive today." A godly expression said with a solemn expression.

They came to chase and kill Xu Que, and they had already offended people severely. If they were let go, there would be a lot of masters coming over to ask for trouble.

The best way is to eliminate the roots to prevent future troubles.

The rest of the Immortal Venerable did not make a sound, but the light of thinking was also shining in the eyes.

After a while, several immortals glanced at each other, nodded vigorously, and walked towards the bottom.

They also want their companions to be in the following prohibition. They want to kill Xu Que. Those few people alone are definitely not enough, and they have to go and help them.

In the distance, Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude stopped, looked at the backs of everyone leaving, cheering and high-fiving.

"Look, the deity said, this group of guys will definitely kill Brother Que!" Er Gouzi said triumphantly.

Duan Jiude said with disdain, and took out a few flags: "It's up to you to say, the combat power that kid showed today is too exaggerated, if I were them, I wouldn't let him leave alive."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and make arrangements. Brother Que will definitely blackmail these guys, let's not let them run away."

"Yes, right, come and put the formation flag over there, let the old man, today I arrange a supreme invincible killer formation, so that they have no way to go to the sky and no way into the ground!"

One person and one dog began to arrange in full swing, and the immortal king Xianzun who was leaving did not see this scene either.

If you let them know that these two guys are running away just to get them off the hook, they will definitely scold them bitterly.

Son of a bitch! Simply despicable and shameless!

At the same time, Xu Que was staring at Jie Yun coldly, motionless.

After defeating Immortal Emperor Yongzhen's humanoid lightning last time, what appeared again was Xiaorou, who had become Fairy Yurou, and that was undoubtedly the restricted zone in his heart.

Today he wants to see if this tribulation will condense.

If he really dared to condense, then Xu Que would have to do another act of blasting the sky!


Thunder bursts, black clouds roll, countless golden thunder flashes in it.

Everyone looked at the robbery with horror, and was horrified in their hearts.

This Xianzun Tribulation is not over yet, and even the humanoid lightning of the Immortal Emperor Yongzhen has been blown up. Who else can compare to the Emperor?

What kind of catastrophe will appear next?


Then unexpectedly, a gust of wind swept across, and then the thundercloud began to recede, as if it was a sign that the catastrophe was about to end.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What the hell?

The dignified immortal tribulation actually ended in one go?

What a joke, when they crossed the Tribulation back then, none of them was smashed to death by the Tribulation, let alone the Three Tribulation Starts.

Now it's over when you come out. Isn't this kid a son of a god?

Xu Que was also stunned, and then reacted.

Heavenly Tribulation actually stunned!

It was clear that it was the last time I got angry and exploded half of the sky with countless fire lotus, making Tianjie realize that he couldn't condense Xiaorou's humanoid Heavenly Tribulation, so he simply ran away without condensing it.

I haven't absorbed enough thunder in Lao Tzu's body, so you want to run away?


Xu Que suddenly became angry. With one hand, a black and white unicorn flame suddenly rose from the palm of his palm, condensing two huge flame unicorns, standing in the void, roaring at the sky.

"Don't go!"

Xu Que said nothing, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com directly held the flame unicorn and went straight to the thundercloud.


All the people in the ban took a breath and looked at Xu Que with the eyes of a madman.

This kid is so bold!

The Tribulation is about to end, so you still refuse to let go?

This is really crazy!

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