Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1724: Do not speak martial ethics

Within the restriction, there was already dead silence at this time.

Everyone raised their heads unanimously and looked at the ten golden figures in the sky shockedly, without any thoughts in their minds.

The powerful coercion of the Ten Emperors almost caused their brains to crash instantly.

"Damn! Run the exercises fast! This is not the pressure we can withstand!" The highest repaired immortal vows roared, the immortal essence in his body surged, and he quickly displayed the law.

The rest of the people also reacted, urging the exercises together, using the immortal yuan to cast the magic judgment, resisting the coercion from the sky.

Even though everyone's reaction has been quick, there are still a group of immortal kings who have passed out before they can run the exercises.

The power of the immortal emperor, even if it was just a copy of the human-shaped lightning, the power of the ten emperors was enough to crush everyone.

What's more, there are not only the current four immortal emperors, but also the human-shaped lightning of the six powerful immortal emperors more distant in the past.

The power gathered together is enough to destroy a city!

"Too terrifying...Too terrifying, is this the coercion of the immortal emperor?" A fairy was terrified, and tried his best to support himself by running the exercises. "The immortal emperor in the period of the immortal has such coercion, and today's living Immortal Emperor, how powerful should he be?"

The rest are also sincere and frightened, running the exercises frantically, for fear of dying here accidentally.

However, Xu Que did not respond!

I saw him standing under the beam, looking up into the air, and a look of excitement burst into the depths of his eyes: "That's right, my dignified gang leader, hitting ten is a normal operation!"


Now everyone no longer admires Xu Que, but from the bottom of their hearts they feel that he is a lunatic!

No matter how arrogant a person is, he can't say such things as hitting ten in the face of the emperor!


He's just a desperate lunatic!


Just walked outside the prohibition, kept burying their heads and hurrying. At this moment, the immortal kings who saw this scene suddenly sat on the ground with fright, their hands and feet soft, sweating like rain.

What, what is this...what is the situation?

The humanoid lightning of ten immortal emperors?

There are not only the four great immortal emperors of the present world, but also the six ancient immortal emperors that have appeared in history in the legend!

What the **** did this kid do?

How could Heavenly Tribulation create such a powerful opponent?

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a genocide!

Outside of the restriction, Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude looked at each other and talked together in a low voice.

"I said... Is that kid going crazy?"

"I feel a bit like...in front of ten immortal emperors, dare to be so arrogant."

Er Gouzi's expression suddenly shook, revealing a panic expression: "The deity suddenly remembered that there are still clothes in the house that have not been collected. It is about to rain this day, so I have to hurry away."

Duan Jiude also slapped his thigh, and he suddenly realized: "Yes, old man, there is still a fire in my house that hasn't been extinguished. It won't be good if the house burns!"

Two pit cargos, with one word and one word, fled away directly, the speed is like burning buttocks.

The old monk, who had always been hiding from the side, saw the reaction of this person and dog. It was because he had cultivated for many years, reciting Buddhist scriptures and delving into people's hearts, and for a while, he was a little confused.

Aren't these two guys' friends?

Why did you just throw people off the road?

Looking at their relationship, it doesn’t look like that kind of false brother...

After a while, the old monk shook his head, couldn't understand the matter, and refocused his attention on Xu Que.

He didn't even care if Xu Que was the reincarnation of a real Buddha, but he was curious about how he would fight the humanoid lightning of these ten immortal emperors.

Although these humanoid lightnings are only in the Immortal Venerable Realm, they are all heroes who have topped the ranks at the same time.

Even if you go out on your own, I am afraid that you will have to work hard, or even consume the original source to clean up.

What would this kid do?

As for the reincarnation of the true Buddha...

"Amitabha, the old monk feels that there is a strong Buddhism aura in this son, and it must be my buddha." The old monk chanted the Buddha's name and comforted himself.

Anyway, as long as there is a Buddhism aura and strong enough, it is not a big problem to bring it back to be a Buddha.

Three hundred miles away, one person and one dog met again.

Er Gouzi put down the shovel in his hand that was digging the tunnel in the direction of Xu Que, and laughed boldly: "Oh, what a coincidence, Teacher Duan, didn't you go home and turn off the fire?"

"Teacher Ergou, we really have fate, didn't you go back to collect the clothes?" Duan Jiude also put away the formation he had just prepared and sent it to the heavens, and said with a smile.

"Hey, the deity suddenly felt that Brother Que's safety is no better than a piece of clothing?" Ergouzi said righteously, "As the deputy leader of the Tiantian Gang, it is indispensable to save the gang!"

With tears in his eyes, Duan Jiude grasped Ergou's hand, and said excitedly: "Teacher Ergou's words are really shocking, and I am very moved by the old man."

As he said, he wiped a tear from his eyes: "Old man, I also think that, as the elder of the Bombing Heaven Faction, even if Brother Que is doomed to death today, we will at least take his body back and let him fall into the soil. For peace!"

"Teacher Duan!"

"Teacher Ergo!"

One person, one dog, holding his hands and looking at his tears, he choked silently.

After a long while, Duan Jiude took a deep breath and exclaimed: "If this is the case, it is better to use the next formation and go back together to save Brother Que!"

Ergou threw away the shovel in his hand and said excitedly: "Okay! It's all thanks to Teacher Duan!"

Duan Jiude sets up the formation, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com light gradually lit up, and the two figures gradually blurred.

The two looked at each other and smiled kindly.

Ergou: Damn, I haven't lied to this dead old man!

Duan Jiude: Hmph, I just guessed that you are coming back!

These two scams did not think Xu Que would lose at the beginning.

Because they knew Xu Que too much, they wouldn't do things that were uncertain.

Now that he chose to face the ten immortal emperors' humanoid lightning, Xu Que was confident that he could defeat them.

Everything about Fangcai is nothing more than a play by the two to trick each other away.

After all, if one of them were gone and Xu Que cleaned up the human-shaped lightning later, then there were so many Immortal Kings and Immortal Venerables, wouldn't he allow him to blackmail?

In order to enjoy their own benefits, these two guys used tactics, but unfortunately they ended up in the same way by different routes.

The old monk was paying attention to Xu Que's body, and suddenly noticed the aura of a teleportation formation beside him.

When I looked closely, I was dumbfounded.

Haven't these two goods left just now?

Why did you come back suddenly?

Take a closer look, good fellow!

The dog had the breath of a fairy weapon, and it was secretly preparing to suppress the other party.

As for the old man, there was a faint killing aura, and the target was the dog.

On the surface, it still has a kind expression, and it is most appropriate to use a smile to hide a knife.

The old monk couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

Do young people nowadays behave like this?

Don’t talk about martial virtues at all...

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