Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1729: I have 1 big move

The people who were still actively shouting for Dad were stunned when they saw this scene.

what does it mean?

Doesn't it make us call sincerely enough?

How come it broke directly!

Everyone who was frightened by Xu Que's successive astonishing actions was like a frightened bird at this moment.

Seeing that the human-shaped lightning shattered, one and two faces suddenly became ashes, and the soul was not possessed.

"It's over...Is there a more powerful tribulation coming next?"

"I just said! I should have kowtow just now!"

"Fucking, didn't you see Lao Tzu kowtow all the time?"

While talking, everyone looked at Xu Que.

Only he who was present knew what was going on.

Xu Que faced the gazes of the people and put on a look of pity and compassion, and sighed: "It's true that you don't know each other. Although you recognized your father in a timely manner, but the gods are shameless and want to kill you, this is me. Of course not! It doesn't give me face!"

As he said, he paused and said with a heavy expression: "So...I can only crush him to pieces."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it sounds weird somewhere, but there is no threat of catastrophe.

"Since Fellow Daoist Xu's tribulation has already passed, then these few humanoid lightnings..." Someone hesitated, staring straight at the other humanoid lightnings while speaking.

It seems that because the human-shaped lightning represented by Immortal Emperor Yongzhen suddenly shattered, Heavenly Tribulation suddenly didn’t know what to do, so the remaining nine human-shaped lightnings still maintained their compelling patterns, standing not far away staring at them. With Xu Que, there was no movement at all.

It's just that the Thunder Big Net is still golden tumbling, and countless tiny golden dragons entangled Xu Que's body, making it look numb.

Xu Que frowned: "You group of immortals, why are you so embarrassed?"

The immortals almost cried when they heard this.

Can you blame them for this?

You nine humanoid lightnings, Quante belongs to the immortal emperor, so who won’t change?

Maybe an ancient catastrophe will come down, and then I won't even know how to die!

Xu Que rolled his eyes and suddenly slapped his chest and said, "Everyone, as the leader of the Exploding Heavens Gang, I have a benevolent spirit. Naturally, I don't want all the pillars to die here. I have a trick to break this heaven!"

A ray of hope burst into everyone's eyes, and everyone stared at Xu Que eagerly.

"Friend Xu, there is a way to do it quickly!"

"Yes, this is your catastrophe, or you can only rely on you!"

"No matter what you do, we will definitely support you!"

In order to escape from birth, they had no other care about other things, and quickly helped Xu Que break through the disaster.

Xu Que was moved to tears, and grabbed the Immortal Venerable who was standing at the front, and said excitedly: "With your words, then I can rest assured!"


This Immortal Venerable vaguely felt that something was wrong, but Xu Que's next words surprised him.

"Everyone, I will use the Secret Skill of Exploding Heavens Faction in the future, but this trick is too expensive. You need to hand over all the treasures you have to me before I can use this trick!" Xu Queyi said righteously, "This As soon as the move is made, these nine humanoid lightnings will be extinguished!"

Everyone looked at each other and murmured in their hearts.

You want to say that you can kill one of us, but you want to say Tuan Mie... This is outrageous.

I saw Xu Que waved his hand: "Where is the Exploding Heaven Gang?"

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions suddenly sounded in the surrounding sand, with figures wearing black robes and red masks appearing all around.

Each of them has three big gold tattoos printed on their chests—Zhang Tian Gang!

Dozens of figures waved together, and the same black and white unicorn flame burst out of the palm and turned into a huge flame unicorn.

The entire ban was suddenly shrouded in high temperatures, and the fiery flames even made the void distorted.


Everyone suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning.

Nima's, so there are so many Explosive Heaven gangs hiding under the desert?

And everyone has such a powerful flame!

"Everyone, I don't want your treasures for my own purposes, but to use this trick, you need to explode the sky and help people on the scene to make a full shot." Xu Que said with a full face, "These treasures will be passed by my secret method. Refining into immortal yuan, forming a powerful forbidden move!"

Seeing so many people, everyone present finally believed Xu Que's statement.

"Clan Master Xu, here are all the treasures on my body." A fairy venerable took the lead to throw the storage ring in his hand.

"Fang Master Xu, this is mine!"

"Fang Master Xu, please be sure to defeat the catastrophe!"

Seeing someone taking the lead, the others also handed over all the treasures in their hands to Xu Que.

Duan Jiude and Ergouzi originally saw Xu Que being trapped by Thundernet, so they ran to the front.

On the front foot, I saw a scene where everyone called Daddy. When I was overjoyed, I was shocked at such a drastic change.

"Fucking! These are not all the points... Um!"

Before he finished speaking, Duan Jiude covered his mouth.

"Keep it down, didn't you see that this kid is also fooling them?" Duan Jiude was full of black lines, "Damn, we spent so much effort to put out a killing line, but the result was not enough for this stinky boy's mouth. !"

Mom sells batches, it's more popular than others!

The two of them couldn't stop them at this time. No matter how they said they were all in the same group, but watching Xu Que taking so many benefits, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was really unwilling!

On this side, Xu Que distributed the treasures to the surrounding members of the Zhantian Gang, shouting: "Get out of here! I'm about to start!"

Hearing the words, everyone quickly returned to the ground, and displayed defensive defensive decisions one by one, so as not to be affected.

Xu Que suddenly opened his arms, and the flame unicorn flew in front of him, raising his head and roaring.

The other figures also made the same movements as him, opened their arms and let the flame unicorn stand in front of them.

"One yin and one yang, the world is full of flames. This fire is so powerful that it is rarely seen in the world." The old monk closed his eyes slightly and murmured, "But only by this fire, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of the tribulation... etc., What is he doing?!"

Rao was an old monk who had been calm, and stood up suddenly.

When Xu Que closed his arms, two flames, one black and one white, suddenly gathered together, forming a lotus flower.

Qilin jumped, stepped on the lotus, and screamed up to the sky.


In front of Xu Que and dozens of avatars, all condensed Qilin stepping on the lotus fire!

"Fried Heaven Help Hearing!"

Xu Que yelled in a deep voice, with sweat oozing out of his forehead: "Take this tribulation, blow me up!"


Dozens of figures roared in unison, and the roar echoed between heaven and earth.

They raised their hands at the same time, facing the sky, pushing their palms violently.


The void suddenly sank, and there was a muffled sound.

Dozens of fire unicorns, stepping on the lotus, with incomparable violent power, pierced through the sky, and rushed to the nine human-shaped lightning!

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