Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1731: Incompetent bungler

Not only the old monk, but even Xu Que and others felt this terrifying breath.

"What's the situation?" Xu Que lowered his head, the breath came from under his feet.

With his current cultivation base, Rao felt the more unparalleled power, and he almost couldn't breathe.

Seeing a ghost, even the immortal emperor-level humanoid lightning could not give him this feeling?

What is under the desert?

However, the breath disappeared in a flash, if it weren't because it was too terrifying, they would think it was just their own illusion.

The immortal kings on the side were even more horrified, but they only thought it was Xu Que's Yaozi, and turned their heads to look at Xu Que with sad expressions.

"Friend Xu Dao, don't you have to kill everything like this?!" someone shouted.

Xu Que was stunned. When he was about to explain, the other person looked even more excited: "I warn you, don't force me, let us go honestly, if you force me..."

Xu Que's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "Oh? If you force you, what will you do?"

Damn, a bunch of waste wood dare to threaten Lao Tzu?

Kill you now for fun!

I saw the immortal king directly "plop", kneeled on the ground, raised his hands flat, and a storage ring in his palm: "...Then I have to offer my treasure. I hope Master Xu will have a lot of it and let us one. horse."

The movements are smooth and flowing, as if they have been practiced thousands of times.

Rao is someone with Xu Que's routine, and he can't help applauding, "Wow, you want to come to Fellow Daoist and practice this set of begging for mercy many times, right?"

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Xu praised him, it's just that he has talent in this area." The man smiled and handed the storage ring over.

The people around looked at this person with shocked eyes and yelled at him.

"Shameless! A scum! The shame of my Xianyunzhou!"

"Do you think that if you give the treasure to this demon, he will let us go?"

"Wishful thinking, he is a cruel bloodthirsty monster and will not bypass us!"

"Friends, we unite, I don't believe that he can beat us alone!"

Everyone talked a lot, looking like the same enemy.

Xu Que put away the storage ring, and said solemnly: "I am a person who always appreciates the current affairs the most. Since you have such a vision, everyone should give it to a friend. If you don't know each other, you can go."

Hearing this, the fairy king was immediately ecstatic, got up and walked out.

After two steps, I looked back and found that Xu Que was looking at him with a smile, and he ran straight up.

Seeing this, the surrounding Immortal Kings Xianzun pulled out their storage rings one after another.

"Friend Xu Dao, this is my wealth, please accept it with a smile."

"Friend Xu Dao, let's also make friends. When I return to the sect, I will definitely recommend to the lord. We are the top ten sects of Xianyunzhou!"

"Go away, Daoyou Xu, there is a young girl in my family who has not yet a suitable Daoist companion. I think Daoyou Xu is full of heroism and handsome, she is really a good match..."


Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude felt that their worldviews had been refreshed. They didn't expect these immortal kings and immortals to look aloof. They didn't expect that when they were shameless, each one would be more than necessary.

"Bah, there is no spine, even the daughter came out!" Er Gouzi spit out, not without contempt.

Upon seeing this, the immortal king approached Er Gouzi and said in a low voice, "This fellow dog Taoist, there is also a spirit beast in his next home. It can be described as a beautiful face..."

"I think you are very suitable to join our Tiantian Gang!" Er Gouzi changed his face instantly, patted the other person's shoulder, and praised, "Why don't we visit your house in a while?"

Xu Que took all the storage rings into his arms, wondering when he would make a great reward for crossing the catastrophe.

There are so many benefits to cross the calamity once, if you cross the calamity twice more, wouldn’t you be rich than the enemy of Xianyunzhou?

However, it is urgent to leave.

The horrible aura just now is really frightening, and Xu Que can be sure that if the owner of that aura appears, no one on the scene can escape.

"Okay, Er Gouzi hastened to withdraw!" Xu Que saw Er Gouzi still chatting with people, and immediately grabbed her by the back of her neck and left.

"Hey! Don't pull the god, over there, let's go to your house for dinner..."


At this moment, a powerful coercion came crashing down.

Xu Que's face changed suddenly, as if a huge mountain was pressing on his shoulders, directly crushing him down.

Not only him, the surrounding Immortal King Xianzun, including Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude, were all suppressed.

The weaker cultivation base even lay directly on the ground, unable to move.

"Damn...what the hell?" Xu Que turned back hard, looked behind him, and was shocked, "Fuck! What is that?!"

When the rest of the people heard the words, they turned their heads to look around, and the petrochemical was on the spot.

I saw a huge figure looming in the sea of ​​fire.

That figure is about tens of feet high, with double horns at the first, and the surrounding flames don't seem to have any effect on him, and there is even a faint tendency to be absorbed by it.

That's the unicorn fire that incorporates the tribulation of heaven! Even Xu Que himself did not dare to absorb those flames!

"Sakyamuni! I didn't expect it...you suppressed me for so many years, I still have a day to see the sun again!"

A burst of wild laughter came, UU reading www.uukanshu.com contained boundless horror power, and set off a gust of wind.


Dozens of Immortal Kings and Immortal Venerables jointly placed the restriction, because the other party's words were directly torn apart!

The wind blew on his face, Xu Que felt a burst of chest tightness, and blood flow all over his body slowed down.

This feeling is terrible... the other party doesn't look like a human at all!

Xu Que seemed to have returned to the oppressive feeling that came from the beast when he first faced the tiger.

It has nothing to do with strength, but from the naked suppression of beings in essence!

"Er Gouzi! Hurry up and draw the teleportation array!" Xu Que slammed the fairy cloud and yelled at Er Gouzi, "The wind is screaming!"

Hearing this, Er Gouzi didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly painted on the ground.

After a while, a teleportation formation appeared in front of several people, and Er Gouzi raised his hand and patted it, and the complicated formation pattern suddenly lit up.

Yingying's white light gradually spread out, and just when the three of them were about to be enveloped in it, there was a sudden "click", which turned into countless spots of light and shattered.

"What is it?" Xu Que almost went crazy, "What are you doing?"

Ergouzi was stunned. On the contrary, Duan Jiude suddenly slapped his thigh and said in pain: "Nima, just now we engraved restrictions and killing arrays around, prohibiting the use of any teleportation array. We can’t use teleportation now. It's a battle!"


Xu Que was stupid, and he had the heart of this person as a corpse.

You are really inadequate in success and more than in failure!

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