Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1735: The demons are playing with us?

"This... how is this possible?"

The old monk could hardly believe what he saw.

He has practiced for many years and has been intensively cultivating Dharma. Looking at Xianyunzhou, there are only a few people who can match it in Dharma.

The vajra anger that I just displayed is the Mahayana vajra method in Buddhism, which has an overwhelming power to the demons in the world.

Even a monster who has also cultivated to the Immortal Venerable Realm, facing his own trick, will definitely not last a quarter of an hour.

This big demon smashed his King Kong with anger in one palm!

Also let myself suffer a serious backlash!

And this is just a ray of soul separation, which is simply unbelievable!

"Old monk, you are glaring at the Buddha's King Kong. You haven't even learned the three-point skill of Sakyamuni, and you want to suppress this seat?" The black air was lingering, and the demon looked down at the old monk, his voice full of disdain, "Shi Kalai uses this trick, but I am afraid that he will score three points. As for you... be obedient to death!"

"Don't want to be presumptuous! In front of my Buddha, you can't wait for the demon!" The old monk took a deep breath and forced the blood that overflowed from his mouth, and said with difficulty.

The demon sneered, raised his pitch-black palm, and pressed it towards the old monk: "Go to the Yin Cao Nether House and tell Sakyamuni that when I get out of trouble, it will be the time when his Buddhism will be extinct!"

The old monk gritted his teeth and forcibly climbed up from the ground, sat down cross-legged, folded his hands together, and recited the Buddhist scriptures aloud.

"The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, traveled deep in the Pramita for many years..."

The majestic Xian Yuan gushes from the old monk's body, and a strong golden light descends from the sky, covering the old monk.

Behind it, the already sluggish look of King Kong's angry eyes was illuminated by the golden light, and it was once again condensed.

"Demon, there is a poor monk here, it is absolutely impossible for you to be born!"

The old monk roared, and countless golden meridians suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. A large amount of golden light was swimming in his meridians, as if a fish was swimming in a river.

At the same time, the huge statue of King Kong's angry eyes also sat down cross-legged, his expression gradually becoming calmer, his hands clasped together, and it turned out to be in the same posture as the old monk.

"The true form of the Buddha? You old thing has some abilities." The demon was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the old monk could cultivate this form. "It's a pity... I met this seat today. No real Buddha!"

I saw the demon with a single palm facing the sky, and roared, "Red Dragon!"

The black energy surged in an instant, gathered in the palms, forming a huge black dragon.


The dragon bowed its head and sounded like a bell!

The surrounding space was distorted by this roar, the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, and the surrounding gravel was instantly annihilated under the impact.

"Demon!" The old monk yelled, with blue veins on his forehead exposed, his palms up to the sky, and he slammed, "Convert to my Buddha!"


The Buddha's palm was up to the sky, and he pushed forward suddenly!

It seemed to move extremely slowly, but in fact, he was in front of the demon in a blink of an eye.

"Hmph, overwhelming!" The demon sneered, and slammed down with a single palm.

The black dragon roared, opened his **** mouth, and bit towards the Buddha's true form.


In an instant, the true form of the Buddha collided with the dragon, directly rushing the crowd around.

The immortal kings and elders who have survived, seeing this scene, are already shocked.

"Oh my God... what level of battle is this?"

"That old monk is just a realm of Immortal Venerable, and he is able to exert such a powerful force!"

"The point is, where did this monster come from?"

"It's terrible, the strength of this demon is almost comparable to the fairy emperor! I have never seen such a powerful existence!"

Everyone didn't know that this demon was just a piece of soul now.

If he knew this, I was afraid that he would be so scared that he would pass out on the spot.

A Divide Soul can exert such strength, if the body is born, Xianyunzhou will probably be overwhelmed!

The Immortal King Immortal Venerable present is not strong, and can only be regarded as a medium level.

Therefore, they couldn't intervene at this level of fighting, and they could only hope that the old monk would be able to block it.


The black dragon and the Buddha were in a stalemate, when the old monk saw this, he let out a low growl, and golden flames began to burst out of his body.

"Old things, do you dare to burn your Buddha's origin?" the demon asked in amazement, "Your master never taught you that burning the Buddha's origin will make you dying, not reincarnation?"

The old monk clenched his teeth, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood: "As long as you can suppress your demon, it doesn't matter if your soul is flying away!"

"Have a backbone!" The demon laughed twice and raised his other hand, "In that case, I will send you on the road!"

He saw the same black energy gushing out from his other hand, converging into a black dragon, and roaring up to the sky, swallowing towards the true form of the Buddha.

The old monk's canthus was about to split: "You...you actually have more energy?!"

He thought that burning the Buddha's origin by himself would be enough to suppress this monster.

But I didn't expect that this monster has been banned for many years, yet he still has such a powerful strength that he hasn't even shown it before!

"Go and see your Lord Buddha!" ​​The demon laughed wildly, and the two black dragons entangled and rushed towards the golden Buddha's true form.


Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the true form of that huge Buddha was instantly cracked!

The cracks spread like spider webs, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com soon covered the real body, and then it broke with a "bang"!


The old monk suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, and his whole body flew upside down, passing by everyone, and falling into the desert in the distance, without knowing his life or death.

Everyone's hearts suddenly sank to the bottom!

"It's over...Even this high monk can't stop it, we are dead!"

"Flee now! What are you doing here!"

"Stop watching the show, go back to the sect and ask the lord to take action!"

Just when they wanted to escape, a chill suddenly came over.

Everyone slowly turned their heads, only to see two red light beams passing through the black fog and falling on them.

"Hey...you little snacks, let's be the first help for this breakthrough!"

The ferocious voice came with endless killing intent!

A huge black mist came out with a big hand, covering the sky and blocking the sun, and grabbed it towards everyone.

Everyone's faces are like golden paper, and their breathing is almost stagnant at this moment, fighting with each other.

Unsurprisingly, they will be greeted by endless darkness and perdition!


The black mist big hand crashed down, drowning everyone.

The demon nodded in satisfaction, and when he was about to go back, he suddenly noticed something strange.

Looking back, he was dumbfounded.

I saw my black misty hand, like a real mist, directly dispersed.

The shrouded people looked around and felt a sense of confusion in their hearts.

Is this monster... is playing with us?

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