Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1751: The poor monk comes to reason

Why did the black tiger looting so many women for no reason?

There is only one reason!

"That's because he is not functional! So he has a low self-esteem! That's why he has captured so many citizens of the daughter country, and wants to prove himself!"

"Only people with low self-esteem will rob women so frequently!"

"Do you know what this is called? People are addicted to food, that's what it means!"

Outside the cave, Xu Que looked righteous and yelled loudly.

Many monsters in the surrounding mountains and forests gathered around, and when they heard Xu Que's words, there was an expression of surprise on their faces.

"No wonder I said that the black tiger spirits are always sneaky lately, so they went to kidnap women?"

"Don't tell me, the black tiger spirit asked me secretly last time, how can I make myself more durable!"

"Fuck! Really? Let's talk about it!"

Most of the monsters at the scene knew some gossip about the black tiger spirit. At this time, after some discussion, the image of the black tiger spirit being addicted to food and looting a large number of women was built three-dimensionally.

No matter how thick-skinned the Black Tiger is, he can't sit still at this time!


Only heard a majestic roar, a huge figure jumped out of the cave, like a huge rock, crashing down.

"Tang Sanzang, don't speak too much!"

I saw a black bear that was three feet tall, standing on top of the rock, glaring at Xu Que.

"Hey, what I said was wrong?" Xu Que shook his head, arrogantly provoking, "Aren't you a toothpick?"

"Wow! Tang Sanzang, you deceived so much!"

The black bear spirit stomped hard, and the rocks under his feet suddenly appeared spider-web-like cracks, and the whole body exuded a tyrannical aura.

When Zhu Bajie and others saw this, they were stunned.

How do you feel that the strength of this black bear spirit is much stronger?

It is a pity that under Xu Que's farmer's three punches, this guy had absolutely no resistance and was directly beaten violently.

"I was wrong about the holy monk!"

After a while, the black bear lay on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, waving the white flag in his hand with difficulty, begging for mercy.

Kakarot and others showed a natural expression.

Hmm...deserves to be their master, the method is as violent as ever.

The black bear spirit stood up and sat up, and said with a grieved expression: "Yes, it was the Golden Winged Dapeng King who told me that if I can truly love a human woman, I can heal my stubborn illness..."

Xu Que was stunned, curiously asked: "What's your stubborn illness?"

The black bear spirit blushed, and said in a low voice: "Just...just the one you said..."

Xu Que was shocked at the time!

I just yelled a few words, but you really did?

Seeing Xu Que's shocked look, the Black Bear Spirit was a little upset: "What's wrong with me? I just want to find a girl like an angel and fall in love with me! Shouldn't there be more girls to choose when I find an angel?"

"Indeed, what you said makes sense." Xu Que clapped his hands, "Now the whole world knows that you are young."

Everyone around looked at the black bear spirit with indescribable expressions, their eyes full of sympathy.

The black bear spirit's face was startled, and then he became tragic and strong, and wailed and ran into the distance after a while.

"Master... you may have left a psychological shadow on people." Kakarot looked at the back of the black bear spirit sympathetically.

Xu Que snorted and took out the Zen stick with his backhand: "Am I wrong? He is a toothpick."

"Master, you are very right. The disciples agree that the black bear spirit is not good!"

Seeing Xu Que put the stick down, Zhu Bajie and the others quietly exhaled and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

The citizens who had rescued the daughter country naturally received warm hospitality from the king, and Xu Que and others stayed in the daughter country for two days.

Two days later, they embarked on the journey again.

As for the claims of the King of the Beautiful Daughter Country, Xu Que naturally disdains.

What about beauties?

Poor monks are monks, not close to women!

Xu Que was thinking about a problem along the way.

Was the true Buddha of that year the legendary Tang Sanzang?

Logically speaking, the true Buddha should be Sakyamuni, and Tang Sanzang is the eldest disciple Jin Chanzi under his seat.

This is a story of Journey to the West that is widely circulated on the earth. It is a household name, even a three-year-old child knows something about it.

According to the saying in the state of memory, it was the true Buddha himself who experienced all this at the beginning.

Could it be that Tang Sanzang is actually Sakyamuni?

Xu Que was suddenly startled, and a sense of horror rose in his heart.

Xu Que has personally proven that the earth has a channel leading to it, so there is no doubt about it.

But if we continue according to this inference, the original Journey to the West is undoubtedly a scam.

There is no golden cicada in this world, nor is there a relationship with Tang Sanzang. Some are just to experience the heart of the Buddha and reincarnate the true Buddha?

And the other party has been to the earth!

"Could it be that the journey to the west back then was a journey to the west that spanned countless worlds?"

The four masters and apprentices, starting from the earth, traversing several great worlds, finally came to Leiyin Temple to ask for the truth.

Of course, that Leiyin Temple is definitely not the one Xu Que is seeing now, as the monks have said, this is just an imitation.

"Forget it, this has nothing to do with me. The top priority is to get the truth quickly, restore the cultivation base, and rescue Xiao Rou."

In a blink of an eye, another few days later, Xu Que and others finally arrived at Shituoling.

This is also the place where the four masters and apprentices were beaten the worst in Journey to the West.

Even though the Golden Winged Great Peng King's strength had been weakened in the state of memory, it was not Xu Que that could resist with a physical body.

Fortunately, he pretended to come all the way over the past few days and successfully suppressed a part of the devil energy. At this time, there were already some weak cultivation bases in his body.

Combined with his physical body, he should be able to subdue the Golden Winged Dapeng King.

His body at this time is like a high, incomparably powerful, infinitely powerful, but without the slightest amount of energy, it can only be regarded as a hard scrap copper and rotten iron.

However, with a trace of cultivation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can barely struggle twice anyway.

"Master, this is the Lion Camel Ridge, where the Golden Winged Dapeng King was said to have listened to the Dharma under the seat of the Buddha for thousands of years, and his strength is unfathomable. How should we get there?" Monkey King has adapted to Kakarot very well. The name, even the shape, was made exactly the same as Kakarot.

"I thought for a long time for the teacher, and felt that the previous act was too heavy to kill, and there was a dry peace, so I decided to be reasonable for the teacher this time."

The faces of several apprentices suddenly showed incredible expressions, and then they were moved to tears.


You finally know that it makes sense!

Then, they saw Xu Que riding a white dragon horse, pedaling to the Lingkou, yelling inside.

"Bian Maoniao, get out of the poor monk! The poor monk has come to reason with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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