Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1754: Fried Tian Bang Niubi

Xu Que's voice was not loud, but like Hong Zhong Dalu, he slammed into their hearts fiercely.

Both knew that this place was a place of trial, and everything was nothing but vain.

Is their existence false or another kind of reality?

This is why they asked this question.

And Xu Que's remarks directly and fundamentally explained He Naiyoufa.

Everything in the world, things that arise from predestined conditions and harmony, are unreal and non-eternal existences.

Like a dream, like an illusion, like a dew, like electricity.

You should experience, observe, and understand the world in this way.

The tall old monk trembled, and there was a burst of excitement in his heart, as if he had heard the most magnificent Buddha sound in the world, the most profound truth!

Turns out... it was so!

Only by seeing through the truth, letting go of all attachments to people and things, letting go of the effective law, can you prove the inaction!

Their existence is both illusory and real. All of this lies in themselves, how to treat their existence!

Xu Que stared at the two men with a serious face, feeling proud.

For the two turtles, the sage is just memorizing the Diamond Sutra, and it scares you to speechless!

He had discovered before that the Buddhism in this world is fundamentally different from the Buddhism that is widely spread on earth.

It can be said that the Dharma on the earth has nothing to do with this place, but it has the most refined and profound words to explain the depth of the Dharma.

It may be lost, or it may be the misunderstanding of later generations, which led to this situation.

But it has nothing to do with Xu Que, he just needs to recite it, that's enough.

After a while, the two old monks looked at each other and bowed deeply at Xu Que.

"Thank you, Master Sanzang, I will realize it later."

Several apprentices were dumbfounded, but my master actually conquered these two bald heads in a word?

That's awesome!

The tall old monk straightened up and said respectfully: "The true Buddha relics and Buddhist scriptures are all in the back. The master can pick them up by himself."

"You won't lead the way?" Xu Que asked puzzledly.

The tall old monk shook his head, with a serene smile on his face: "I've realized that I'm waiting, and I'm leaving here."

As the voice fell, the bodies of the two began to disintegrate, and then turned into specks of golden light, dissipating in the air.

In front of the golden mirror, the fat old monk opened the Arhat book again, pointed to a page of the book in surprise, and exclaimed: "Really! They have become Buddhas too!"

On that page, two names appeared out of thin air, like a brand.

The whole hall was silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

The old monks looked at each other, never expected that the end of the matter would be like this!

That tester named Tang Sanzang actually passed the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties by killing, and passed the most difficult test in another sentence!

How can this be outrageous to describe!

It's outrageous!

Seeing the two of them dispersed, Xu Que broke into the back of the main hall all the way in the memory.

I saw a wooden platform in front of me, with a relic and a book floating on the platform.

Xu Que took the scriptures two steps forward, frowning slightly, "That's it? Lao Tzu...no, the poor monk came here with all his hardships, so there was only one scripture?"

As he spoke, he held the relic next to him again.

At this moment, the picture in front of me spreads and melts like ink.

Xu Que was just in a daze, and once again returned to the square where he had entered.

And the scriptures and relics in his hand also turned into a stream of light and poured into the dantian.

Xu Que suddenly felt a moderate and gentle Buddhism power walking around his body, moisturizing his wounded body.

As for the relic, it is suspended in the dantian, occupying the center position, emitting infinite Buddha light, like a small sun.

At the same time, more figures appeared here one after another.

Everyone was confused at first, but then they reacted.

Someone passed the trial!

"How is this possible? I'm still in the daughter country!"

"What the hell? I don't even know who my two apprentices are."

"Hehe, you are pretty good. I have dealt with my big apprentice until now, and he hasn't listened to me."

The experiences of those who participated in the trial were similar, but there were slight differences in the people they met.

When I came out to communicate with each other, I found that most people were still in less than one-third of the place.

People who walked fast, but only halfway away, were shocked.

Even those of them who are quite knowledgeable in Buddhism have not completed it. Then who is it that moves so fast?

Soon, they found Xu Que standing in the center.

It's not that Xu Que is eye-catching, but the Buddha's light radiating from him is really too dazzling.

"Is he the one who passed the trial?"

"Really? Does anyone know him?"

"Anyway, I don't know..."

"I know! He and Fahui came together!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Fahui, full of inquiries.

Little monk Fahui felt the pressing gaze around him, sighed and folded his hands together: "Amitabha, the poor monk doesn't know why he can pass so quickly."

Although people who cultivate Buddhism are indifferent to xinxing, who can cultivate to this point, who is easy to do?

On weekdays, it looks like our Buddha is compassionate, but now when it comes to the inheritance of ancient Buddhas, they don't mind using thunder methods.

At this time, Xu Que passed the trial and obtained the ancient scriptures and relics. Naturally, they could not **** them on the spot, but they had to figure out where they had lost.

In particular, Xu Que was still an unknown person before this. How can this be convincing?


At this moment, Xu Que opened his eyes and groaned comfortably.

After the Buddhist scriptures entered the body, and the relic was sitting still, the progress of digesting the magic energy in the body instantly rushed to 90%.

With the existence of these two treasures of Buddhism, at most one day, oneself can balance the power of Buddhism with the devilish energy.

At that time, he will revert back to the invincible gang leader of the Tiantian Gang!


"Oh shit... Amitabha, I don't know if you fellow monks look at me, what do you think?" Xu Que was taken aback by the gazes around him and almost cursed.

A monk walked over with a face full of dissatisfaction, and said in a deep voice: "This fellow monk, the poor monk wants to know why you can pass the Buddhism trial so quickly.

Xu Que was stunned, UU read www. Uukanshu.com suddenly showed a bright smile: "Actually, it's because Gu Buddha and I belong to the same family."


This remark immediately aroused public anger.

What a joke!

What kind of person is the ancient Buddha, how could he be in the same family with you!

In the face of everyone's doubts, Xu Que sighed and backhanded the stone stele that he had made in the Buddha realm.

"Look clearly, the poor monk is Tang Sanzang of the Tiantian Gang, and the ancient Buddha was also a member of the Tiantian Gang."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and all looked over.

I saw a few big characters on the stone tablet: Fried Tianbang Niubi!

(End of this chapter)

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